I am level 96 in destruction, arch mage and haven't done any side quests for the college of winterhold. Faralda is still alive but whenever I ask her about training in destruction she just says I've already taught all tha I can
I am level 96 in destruction, arch mage and haven't done any side quests for the college of winterhold. Faralda is still alive but whenever I ask her about training in destruction she just says I've already taught all tha I can
is anyone having the same problem as me? ive done this quest on previous characters but now when i take power of the elements back to faralda the new dialouge option doesnt appear, it just says "is there anything more to learn about destruction magic, and she keeps giving me more power of the elements books, i have 15 of them right now and cannot complete the quest post title update
What if you are like level say 45 buut legenday level 1?
Im having a similar problem. first off, she didnt die, and then she dissapeared somehow, so i had to spawn a new one. now the new one wont give the quest, and im level 100 destruction.
Whenever you spawn someone back, they tend to bug out. I suggest waiting a few days, and Faralda should return to normal.
I am having a similar problem. I am level 100 in destruction and I went to her and she keeps starting the dialogue, telling me about the power of the elements, and then for some reason, she attacks me. Help me figure out what is going on. Is anyone else having problemß with faralda attacking them?
I am mastery rank 100, completed archemage quest, but still she just says I've already taught all that I can.
I guess you can try leaving for a while, then returning to see if the option has become available.
Probably you tried to use placeto command. That creates a clone instead of moving the real Faralda.
Type in the following:
player.moveto 0001c1a5
This moves yourself to the real NPC. In my case she was fallen onto a cliff under the college.
im getting the quest i just cant find windward ruins. on all my maps it simply doesnt exist