Bethesda I hope you have noticed that your DRAGONS are actually Wyverns, who agrees with me!
if you dont, look on google images, type in, "Wyvern" then type in "Dragon" then "skyrim dragon"
now you ee what I mean!
Bethesda I hope you have noticed that your DRAGONS are actually Wyverns, who agrees with me!
if you dont, look on google images, type in, "Wyvern" then type in "Dragon" then "skyrim dragon"
now you ee what I mean!
Isn't flaming is when you call someone else names for no or little reason what's so ever? Basically when you curse at someone almost in your every post? And I was just trying to be a resposible adult here. I know, I don't always act mature, but when I do, I can get serious. How many are here 30 like me? In fact, what is the average age group in this wiki? After we get this questions out of the way, let's get back on topic, if anyone have something new to share. Also, try keeping trolling to the minimum. I know it can be fun, but if someone doesn't know that you are trolling, they may get offended.
if you dont, look on google images, type in, "Wyvern" then type in "Dragon" then "skyrim dragon"
now you ee what I mean!
It means that sometimes wyverns and dragons are two completely unrelated creatures that just so happen to look like giant winged reptiles.
if you dont, look on google images, type in, "Wyvern" then type in "Dragon" then "skyrim dragon"
now you ee what I mean!
unrelated or not , they're still the same species
as I said, Not always.
Dogs and wolves are two RELATED creatures, but they are of two different species, how would that make the unrelated wyvern/dragon the same species?
what are you talking about? Isn't both dogs and wolves are Cainine? now if that would be dog and cat, that would be Cainine and Feeline.
That what I was trying to say! They should either come up with new, valid arguments in favor of one or the other, or just stop. It seems like it's repetition now, mostly same reasons, the amount of limbs. Most recently there were even curses involved.
OH, and when you have to go and do something like that it's because you know you're wrong.
^ proof of that this thread should be closed.