It's not even possible to do without wiki... Wtf, they overdo it, like, waaaay to much!
It's not even possible to do without wiki... Wtf, they overdo it, like, waaaay to much!
Nah, that's pretty easy if you've discovered that Dwemer ruin.
The second part is nearly impossible, because while it says "northern watch" the location is actually south of High Hrothgar, the only concrete landmark mentioned in the text. So if you haven't discovered the extact place you don't know where to look.
I agree with the OP, The clues are way too subtle. I don't think most people would figure this out without googling it. It would have been better if they had at least let the quest tracker point you in the right direction.
I believe I'm about average at these sorts of riddles (maybe even worse than average). The first part took me about 2 hours, the second part took about 6 hours and the final part took about an hour. The second part was the most difficult, as I had no idea there was anything in that area and the clue didn't help me very much. After several hours spent thoroughly checking the most suspect spots, I started exploring and checking less suspect areas. I was very frustrated by the time I found it. The feeling of satisfaction was worth it to me however.
This quest isn't impossible to do without the wiki, but it will likely take the better part of a day unless (as someone mentioned before) you have a well explored map
I absolutely agree, I'm so sick of ambiguous and vaguely written puzzles in video games in general, where literally the only person who can understand these riddles are the very people who wrote them. They did this in AC Unity's Nostradums Enigmas.
"Look to the north, at dawns light... whereby sunrise illuminates th- like no. Shut up.
Shut the fu** up.
Nah, that's pretty easy if you've discovered that Dwemer ruin.
The second part is nearly impossible, because while it says "northern watch" the location is actually south of High Hrothgar, the only concrete landmark mentioned in the text. So if you haven't discovered the extact place you don't know where to look.
For me the second part was easy; "Under Greybeards' morning shadow" suggested somewhere west of High Hrothgar, since the sun rises in the east. The first part is what threw me off, since the closest Dwemer ruin- Mzinchaleft- is a fair bit more west of Windward Watch than south.
Heck, the only reason I figured out it was Windward Watch was because of the name.
I found the second and third parts easy, the first part took me a good while to figure out though.
I made this quest withour wiki, only looked for first position in map, and then just use your brain, its quite interesting
I normally really enjoy puzzling quests and often times find most of them too easy. But this is ridiculous. I spent a great deal of time scouting the northern coastlines passed the college of Winterhold with NO clue what to do or to look for. At first I tried using vision of the tenth eye around every eye distance then I figured 'this is stupid'. Wiki exposed how stupid these riddles are as the said location is NOT in the north of Skyrim but... Yeah... Just stupid. Much like the time I spent a day (real life) in the Sepulcher playing with all kinds of spells, retrieving my nightingale armor, finding and buying spells thinking the nocturnal statue wanted something, not physical, but to show my devotion by casting healing spells on it or standing there waiting 24 hours thinking that would show my devotion and trying things out during the night... Only to find the stupid hidden pull chains... I just felt so f***ing stupid. Bethesda is the worst in terms of dialogue options and riddles... Like choosing "yes my lord" or "hell no you vile demon". Just incredibly stupid.