Personally i believe we should have an other game were you play as a agent for the Emperor or Elder Council.
Personally i believe we should have an other game were you play as a agent for the Emperor or Elder Council.
Isn't this the same as the fanfic you have been talking about?
Maybe one where you are a Thalmor agent hunting Talos worshippers.
Wouldn’t mind a Civilization/Total War esque game.
Okay one more time (refined this time).
Title: Skyrim ‘Cyber' Edition
Story: In this alternate reality, in the year 4E 22, you start out as a courier of the Empire at the border gate from Bruma. All ten races and both genders are available to you but will affect gameplay. A man who is later identified as Talos (Lorkhan/Shor reincarnated here) has been banished from the heavens by Akatosh (Auriel), and is to be caught for persecution. Talos/Shor is the antagonist. Depending on your choices various storypaths unlock and every choice effects your ending and story as it progresses.
Not a linear game. You can even side with Talos or the Thalmor and Konahrik if you wish. Or be a good guy and side with Dibella, Mara, Tsun, and Akatosh or go solo. Your choices will also affect if you can play as the Last Dragonborn or not as they are prophesied to defeat Talos the Shezarrine. All of Skyrim is in your hands. Depending on your choices, you might be the Dragonborn or someone else will be.
This Skyrim will be smaller for game play reasons. With only 5 holds and 5 cities. (Dwemeria, The Hearthlands, Haafinheim, The Old Hold, The Golden Forest). Side Quests will be available but are fewer and so are dungeons in order to be more unique and memorable. There are some radiant and fetch quests but so few you won't even notice. Most side quests can also be completed in a myriad of ways and you have a reputation and crime system too which affects NPC disposition to you and even areas you can access and story impact.
Guild questlines include, The Crimson Dirks (Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood), The Horme, Priestesses of Dibella, Companions/Silver Hand, Synod. (Additionally you can either join the Thalmor or Sons of Septim during the MQ). You can not join every faction in a single playthrough and the guild questlines can affect your main story and have branching paths themselves.
Incentivizing you to do multiple playthroughs. DLC will be one set in the Imperial City to help convert Tamriel into a Republic and another one in Yokuda.
You also have romance and follower options; Dibella, Tsun, Saadia, Krest, Idrasa, Talos (these may be affected by your choices). Followers will tell you more about themselves as you quest together and they open up to you, and romance may or may not be available depending on your choices. Survival Mode
is available and different means of transportation (including steam trains), and there are also more variety of monsters on the overworld. Skyrim here is more of a futuristic fantasy dystopia. So you will see more advanced tech blended with fantasy. Seeing as this is a spin-off.
Classes are playable and skills are effected alongside perk points the same as in Vanilla Skyrim but the level cap is 50 here since this game would be much smaller, around half the size of vanilla Skyrim (since it’s a spin off).
Liberating Saint: *Shows concept* Why isn’t it possible?
Bethesda: It’s just not.
Liberating Saint: Why not? You stupid bastard!
😂 facts bro 😂😂
Saint needs to pull a Musk and buy Bethesda
Me sitting like Thanos when Bethesda rejects my offer for the tenth time: “Fine… I’ll do it myself.”
I would want a Civilization/Crusader Kings type of startegy game where you can play as any ruler from count to emperor in Tamriel throughout history, maker your own, and conquer Tamriel yourself. There’s mods that do this in some of those games and it’s awesome. An official one would have me sold instantly tbh
1.crusader kings like game
2.the second great war were we play either the dragonborn or a soldier
What do you think?