I’m making this for myself mostly but you’re free to read and interpret for yourself. I’m taking some liberties but I’m not saying this is canon. Just an interpretation of them old rolled up papers, I mean elder scrolls. God, I spent way too long on this.
Realms: (Contained Within)
Mundus (Planets): Nirn (Arena w/ Masser/Jode, Secunda/Jone, Dark Moon, Baar Dau), Aka (The Spilled Sand), Ark (Ancestral Realm w/ Necromancer’s Moon/Mannimarco), Dib (Eld Angavar), Jul/Jil (Lockbox of Loneliness), Kyn/Kin (The Nature Realm), Mar (The Shadow Wood), Sten (Lyg), Zen (Five Finger Dance)
As We Spiral Outward 🌀 ⬇️
Oblivion (Planes): Apocrypha, Ashpit, Attribution's Share (Snake Mount), Coldharbour, Colored Rooms, The Deadlands, Evergloam, Fields of Regret, The Hunting Grounds (Great Hunt), Moonshadow, The Myriad Realms of Revelry, The Scuttling Void (Dark Behind the World), The Pits, The Shivering Isles (Madhouse, Asylums), The Spiral Skein, Quagmire (Dreamstride)
(Pocket-Realms): The Abyss, Arum-Khal’s Realm, Chimera of Desolation, Detritus, Dyzera’s Realm, Takubar (Fourth Sinus, DOP 9497.15), Gaiar Alata, Grayhaven, Havok Wellhead, The Gorge, Infernace (DOP 6), Levinace, Lord Velian‘s Plane, Maelstrom, Nightflame, Prison of Xykenaz, Hell (Lake of Fire), Realm of the Hist, Sadal’s Prison, Shalidor’s Shrouded Realm, Soul Cairn, Village of the Lost, Void of Oblivion
As We Spiral Outward 🌀 ⬇️
Aetherius (Sections): The Battlespire (Spire, Celestial Citadel), Far Shores (Far Dunes), Mantellan Crux, Sands Behind the Stars (Llesw'er), Sovngarde, Dreamsleeve, The Pantheon, Main Terminus of Aetherius (Heaven)
As We Spiral Outward 🌀 ⬇️
The Void, Darkness, the Outer Darkness, the Ancient Darkness, Great Darkness, Outer Realms, Aurbis, Nothingness, Outer Space, The Palm of God, Chaos Creatia
As We Spiral Outward 🌀 ⬇️
The Dream, The Head of God
Primordial Makers:
The All-Maker, Godhead, The Amaranth, Anu, The Everything, Ahnurr (All-Father), Satak, Atak, The Dreamer (Godd?), Is, Dragon of Order, the Creator
-Aka-Tusk, Anuiel, Anui-El, Akha, Ineffable Light
G or T?
🔺 The Opposite Enemy 🔻
Padomay, Sithis, the Darkness, Akel, Fadomai, the Adversary, Padhome, Kota, Unmaker, El, SITHISIT, Psijii, (Maiq?), Is-Not, Serpent of Chaos, the Destroyer
S or M?
Akatosh, Auri-El, Auriel, Bormahu, Alkosh, AKHAT, the One, Highmane, Ald, Ruptga (Tall Papa), the Lord, the Eagle, the Father
(Blessed Son of Anu) (E of L) (M of D)
Lorkhan, The Greedy Man, Lorkhaj, Lorkh, Shor, Sep, Sheor the Bad Man, Shezarr, LKHAN, LHKAN, the Fox, the Serpent, Harrald Hairy Breeks, King Harald Hand-Free, Pelinal Whitestrake, Pelin-El, Hans the Fox, Hanse of Winterhold, Ysmir Wulfharth, the Underking, Ra'Wulfharth, Arnand the Fox, Vershu, Versidue-Shaie, Chevalier Renald, Zurin Arctus, Sethiete, Seth
-Talos, Ysmir, Tiber Septim, Hjalti Early-Beard, Talos Stormcrown, the Stranger
(Cursed Son of Sithis) (L of D)
Arkay, Ark’ay, Xarxes, Tu’whacca, Tu’Arkha, Arkha, Orkey, Sai (Lucky), Orkha, the Snake, the Thief, the Reaper
(Son of Akatosh, Apotheosized Breton Shopkeeper via Mara his Mother) (L of D) (E of L)
Dibella, Dibe, Daubella, Zisa, Zeqqi, Y’ffer, Y’ffre, Jephre, Leki, Jhim Sei, Druagaa, the Moth, the Lady, the Maiden
(The Divine Pillar of Creation Facilitated into Existence) (L of L) (E of L)
Kynareth, Tava, Phyne, Finn, The Herd Mother, Ilni, Ius, Khenarthi, Kyne, Kaan, Phynaster, Vigryl, the Atronach, the Hawk, the Crone/Warrioress, Vir Gil
(Child of Anu) (L of L) (E of L)
Zenithar, Z’en, Xen, Zeht, Tsutnal, Tsun, Raen, the Bear, the Apprentice, the Smith
(Child of Anu) (L of D) (E of L)
Stendarr, Stuhn, Stuhnal, Onsi, Shandar, S’rendarr, Notorgo, the Defender, the Steed, the Whale
(Child of Anu) (L of D) (E of L)
Mara, Nir, Nirni, Morwha, Nyfa, the Mother, the Lover, the Wolf
(Born From Anu’s Love & Sithis’ Jealousy) (E of L + L of L)
Julianos, Jhunal, Syrabane, the Wiseman, the Mage
(Child of Anu) (E of L + L of D)
Azura, Azurah (L of L)
Boethiah, Boethia, Boethra, Orkha-Bane, Aspera (S of L) (L of D)
Clavicus Vile, Nycot (B of L)
Blind God, Magnus, Mehrunes Dagon, Leaper-Demon King, Dagon, Daegon, Merrunz, Mehrunnez, Magus, the Sun, Magrus, Mehrunes, the Shadow, the Architect, Rising Dawn, Daibethe (E of L) (L of D)
Trinimac, the Tower, Malacath, Mauloch, Malauch, Malooc, Malak, Muluk the Blue God (E of L) (L of D)
Hermaeus Mora, Hoermius, Hormaius, Herma Mora, Herma-Mora, Old Mora, Aldmora, Woodland Man, Hermorah, Hyrma Mora (U of L)
Mephala, Androgyne, Night Mother, Mafala, Shagrath (M of L) (E of D)
Meridia, Merid-Nunda (D of D) (E of D)
Molag Bal, Ruddy Man, Mola Gbal, Molagh (S of L) (L of D) (E of D)
Hircine, Alrabeg, Storihbeg, Uricanbeg, Gulibeg, Hrokkibeg (L of D)
Jyggalag, Old Sheo - Theodore, Ted (S of L) (L of D)
Namira, Namiira (D of L)
Nocturnal (Noctra) D of L
Peryite (S of A)
Sanguine, Sangiin, Sam Guevenne (S of L) (L of D)
Sheggorath, Skooma Cat, Mind God, Sheo, Champion of Cyrodiil, Sheogorath, Theodor Gorlash (E of L)
Vaermina, Vaernima, Varmiina
Antithesis Pairs:
Anu | Padomay
Akatosh | Lorkhan
Dibella | Mephala
Mara | Vaermina
Kynareth | Meridia
Zenithar | Malacath
Other Worshipped Deities/Culturally Deified People:
Alduin, Satakal, Atakota, Alkhan, Thartaag, The Dragon, the Ritual
The Deep Ones
The Ghost Snake
Last Dragonborn, Dovahkiin, The Warrior
Saint Alessia (Perrif)
Almsivi (The Tribunal)
Indoril Nerevar
Josea Oghma (Wife of Arkay?)
Dagoth Ur, Arius
Tosh Raka
Reymon Ebonarm, Reman Cyrodiil
HoonDing (Diagna, Cyrus, Frandar Hunding, A’tor?)
Baan Dar (Rajhin)
Riddle’Thar (Ja-Kha'jay)
The Wilderking
I hope you enjoyed reading the ramblings of a brain with obsessive compulsive disorder. Please address any concerns at 1-800-Blame-My-OCD-Don’t-Take-This-Post-Seriously
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.