What daedric Prince should my redguard dragonborn follow ? Lore and role play wise if any at all. I'm thinking Clavicus Vile, Sanguine or Molag Bal.
48 Votes in Poll
What daedric Prince should my redguard dragonborn follow ? Lore and role play wise if any at all. I'm thinking Clavicus Vile, Sanguine or Molag Bal.
My skyrim character is a argonian named wilden the woeful he was raised by a group of redguards who prior to his 19th birthday did not tell him they murdered his family and claimed him as their own upon learning this he massacred them realizing he would be killed by any other thariel civilazation he fled to skyrim which leads to "the helgen inciddent"
Fun facts:
He has depression
His mother was a mage and his father was a warrior explaining his knowledge in both field
Finds "tales of a lusty argonian maid" rather offensive due to the main female character being a argonian
Has a snarky personality and hates authority
Joined the dark brotherhood and the stormcloaks
Chapter 5: The Pharoah
AN: What’s up my friends? One thing I want to say to make sure I don’t offend anyone is that Stesha’s views on religion are not shared by me. I try to remain impartial. I respect all religions and atheism as well. Just want to make that clear.
Soundtrack: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2uN4KidVDDxrOqfBwLIyJ3?si=fb7aeb18670442d0
Previous Chapter: https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/d/p/4400000000003712780
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Dragonstar had wide, wooden border gates and tall watchtowers, the guards on post wearing scimitars and turbans with Hammerfell style dress over their steel chainmail. Stesha’s stomach grumbled as they traipsed in. There was sand all around the dunes and the sun was scorching hot like a razor blade being dragged across his skin. The boys stopped in a circle and removed their outer layer of clothes, tying them around their waists. Then they walked through into the city and saw the massive statue of dual dragons, mounted opposite each other. Ebony with horns and grooving scales, curving out of a pool of a water fountain.
The city was low in population and had an odd layout. Houses in strangely shaped neighborhoods, one behind the market and another over a cliff. It was like whoever built it didn’t utilize an architect or mapping correctly. Either that or it had been besieged at some point and poorly rebuilt. Maybe both. – Snake charmers played flutes near the market stalls and jewelers were showing off their crafted charms.
“Let’s take a load off at the inn,” Gwendal suggested.
“Sounds like a good idea.” Hadvar slugged his pack further up his shoulder and they followed him around the nearly empty flea market towards the double doors of the inn.
The marketplace had bramble style arches that surrounded the statue of the twin dragons. Now that Stesha thought about it, the city was very much a collision between Nord and Redguard styles, which gave it an odd but unique flair. The inn was titled ‘The Sacred Rage’, and it too seemed like a cross between Nord and Redguard. The wooden interior of a Nordic building but with Redguard jewelry and adornments. A bar in the corner with tables and chairs doting the middle, some stairs leading to an upstairs portion and a chandelier hanging from the roof.
There were some Redguards smoking hookah too and the tabaco leaves wafted through the air. The barkeep waved over to them. He was a dark-skinned man with a light beard and no hair, a wide face and quite muscular as well. That guy should be fighting in an arena, not waiting tables.
The three of them sat down at the table as the barkeep spoke, “welcome, welcome! My name is Ahmed Sheikh, how may I be of service?”
Hadvar forked over a small pouch of gold. “Give us each a proper meal, drinks, some hookah, and a room.”
“Right away my friend.” Ahmed bowed his head with a smile, waltzing into the kitchens behind him.
Stesha smelt bananas as he rubbed the dark lines under his eyes. A Khajiit tiptoed over to him from across the room and whispered something into his ear, “can Ma’zaka offer this one something to relax?”
Stesha nodded in realization.
A few Redguard girls were doing a cultural dance across the expanse as musicians played music. Hadvar, it seemed, was having a hard time keeping his eyes off the dancers. As he kept turning around to look.
Stesha slid a small amount of guice towards the Khajiit and took the skooma he was offered. Stesha went into the restrooms, dwarven sinks and tiles lining the area, and downed the drug. Gods I love this stuff. He walked back to see Hadvar and Gwendal dancing to the music and smoking hookah. Stesha joined them, rocking his fists back and forth to the beat, tapping his legs on the floor. Taking puffs of hookah in between sets of dance moves.
“Dumebi, dumebi kpa nanga nin ge inga wo yaa,” sang the male singer.
Gwendal started busting a move, dropping down and breakdancing over the floor as people clapped for him. The blond then stood up and rubbed his rear against the female dancer to which she slapped his behind to hoots and hollers. Hadvar was doing some sort of sideways shuffle. Stesha dipped his head and rocked it back and forth as the skooma in his system put him in a trance. The band continued to play the beautiful melody as everyone danced and enjoyed themselves.
“Kon si omo’ye oo, baby,” continued the singer.
“This is way better than the Breton dirges and choir hymns of High Rock,” Stesha heard Hadvar say.
Stesha kept rocking his fists up and down, a few Redguard children gathering around him and dancing on one leg then back to two. Hadvar was rubbing up against a girl who seemed to enjoy his muscular presence. And Gwendal was going berserk on the dance floor when he wasn’t ingesting puffs of hookah.
“Pon pon pon,” said the songster.
After they’d worked up a sweat they sat down as the food was brought out. Chicken tikka masala with white rice. The background music elevated Stesha’s high as he ate his food. The masala’s taste extenuated by the skooma, flavor exploding over his tastebuds. He ate pleasurably, and judging by the looks on Hadvar and Gwendal’s faces they too had similar reactions.
“Mmm, thank you, Ahmed.” Hadvar scooped up some more soup and rice into his mouth.
“My pleasure young gentlemen.” Ahmed grinned. “Once you’re done allow me to show you to your rooms.”
They each gave him a thumbs up.
After they finished eating the boys got acquainted in their upstairs room, a wide white circumference with three beds. They locked the door and laid down in their beds. The heads of their beds were all positioned to be touching so they could easily talk.
“Well, that was fun,” sighed Hadvar.
Gwendal chuckled. “Yeah, lover boy, we saw you and that girl.”
“We were just dancing.” Hadvar put his arms behind his head. “Nothing more.”
“What if she’s the one?” Gwendal mock questioned.
“I don’t think she is.” Hadvar sniffled.
“Hey, mouse-face, what do you think? Was she Hadvar’s soulmate?” Gwendal asked Stesha. “Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Stesha talk about girls. Why is that? Stesha, do you have something to tell us?”
Why would I talk about something that depresses me?
Stesha feigned ignorance. “Huh? What? Sorry, I was thinking about something.” He rolled over in his bed, pulling the blanket over him. “Good night.”
“You hide from me in the day, but in the night, I am closer to you than your jugular vein.”
“What do you want from me?”
“We will cross paths one day, Stesha Jade. I just hope you’re ready. The seer may have told you some, but he couldn’t tell you everything.”
The next morning Stesha, Hadvar, and Gwendal were exploring the city. They’d marched up to the Pharoah’s Palace in the back of the city. It was huge with five pillars in front of the massive open entrance, a vaulted ceiling and everything was made of gold. Exotic potted plants on the sides and a spiral staircase leading to the Pharoah’s throne room.
Two figures out front were engaged in a heated argument. They both dawned royal attire and prince crowns with embroidered cloaks. Fancy shoes and greaves.
“Nazeem! You are the younger brother, it’s not even a question. I will inherit the throne after father’s passing. Now, get out of my sight!” Shouted the older brother. “I will be Pharoah.”
“We’ll see about that, Jahl!” Nazeem stormed off, his cloak billowing out behind him. “Ahlam, come on, let’s get out of here.” The younger sultan’s wife followed him out, scowling at Jahl.
Jahl was a broad man with thick hair and a full beard, adorned in gold clothes. He turned and spotted the trio, his eyes widening. “You three are adventurers, yes? I am Sultan Jahl Akhenaten.”
Stesha and the others bowed and only rose when Jahl raised his hand, signifying they may rise. His eyes were dark brown just like Stesha’s.
“Yes, your highness,” Hadvar lied.
“Please, I am in need of assistance. My father, Pharoah Taliod is dying, and he hasn’t named a successor to the throne. My younger brother, Sultan Nazeem is vying for the throne. If you could venture to the Pyramid of the Old Pharaohs and retrieve the Genie’s Lamp for me, I would be able to present it to my father and prove I am ready for the throne. I will have won his favor and he will name me Pharoah.”
Why don’t you get it yourself, Stesha internally grumbled.
Hadvar blanked. “We would love to sir, but the only issue is we’re on a bit of a schedule.”
Sultan Jahl smiled. “I will reward you… handsomely.”
The trio looked at each other. “We’re in.”
“Excellent. Allow me to mark the location on your map.” Jahl took Hadvar’s atlas and penned the site on it.And so they were off on a little excursion from their primary objective. The boys trailed up the dunes of Hammerfell, observing massive structures in the sand made of boulders and rocks. Highways for cargo transport that Khajiit caravanners and Redguard gypsies would travel on. Transporting massive carriages full of spice, plants, and other alchemical ingredients. Rugs, wares, weapons, and whatnot. Slowly rolling their camel pulled carts across the highway. The camels worked hard, moving slowly but efficiently.
Camel. What a dumb animal, thought Stesha.
They at last came upon the pyramid. Triangular, made of stacked limestone. It was massive among the sands that went on like a sea. Winds carrying the flecks into the air. Stesha looked around and it was indeed that, a sea of sand.
“You sure this is a good idea?” Gwendal looked up at Hadvar.
“We have nothing but time.” Hadvar gazed up at the massive monument and its squared ridges. “Plus, if what that seer said is true, we’ll end up in Skyrim sooner or later.”
Limestone, diorite, and granite decorated the insides of the pyramid. Gwendal cast candlelight as Hadvar drew his sword. Stesha kept his eyes peeled and fists clenched. They progressed down the narrow hallways, no sounds emanating from anywhere and walked back around some ledges. The interior was gloomy and had effigies all around of previous rulers of Dragonstar. Potted plants that had long since wilted in corners. Art with torn cornices hung on walls and scripts of old, slanted writing on tabletops. Grates guarding the tables and tombs.
A shuffling sound whispered from around the bend.
“What was that?” Hadvar smelled of sweat and fear, pointing his sword in the direction of the noise.
They kept pacing up the stairs and subsequent hallways. The corridors got narrower and narrower until they had to walk in a single file line.
“Graah, urg,” a noise came from ahead of them.
“What is it, Hadvar!?” Gwendal shook.
“It’s a mummy.”
Stesha glanced beneath his friends’ arms and saw the creature. Wrapped in gauze with greenish, decaying flesh sticking out in places. It smelled absolutely putrid. Hadvar sliced it through, then stabbed its gut, throwing it aside.
“Come on, let’s keep moving.” Hadvar moved ahead.
A few more mummies got in their way but Gwendal and Hadvar dispatched them all, either via sword or spell. Until at long last they arrived in the topmost room, the genie’s lamp under a glass case in the center. Dead bodies of graverobbers and adventurers around them… why were there dead bodies?
“So, more mortals have come to disturb the dead,” a voice echoed from the shadows.
A giant… crocodile man stood up, long and lanky, holding a staff. He had… fur? Sticking out of odd places like his forearms and elbows. He cast a spell at them but they each dodged it. Gwendal cast a fireball, shattering the lamp’s glass case while Hadvar parried with the beast, exchanging blows. The clang of metal erupting inside the antechamber. Stesha ran ahead and grabbed the lamp, hiding it away from the battle. Gwendal cast spell after spell at the monster and watched as they clashed with its hide, doing his best to not hit Hadvar. The Nord struck blows at the crocodile, going back and forth with it. The Crocodile man pinned Hadvar against the wall and tried to wrestle him, but the Nord struggled against it, not allowing himself to be taken down. Gwendal sprinted and pulled the creature off him as the beast snapped its maw at them. Stesha set down the lamp and did a flying jump kick. But the crocodile smacked him away with its tail. Stesha’s head dizzying when he hit the floor.
“You will not succeed,” announced the giant lizard.
Hadvar snapped its staff in half when his sword came down over it and the beast used the staff to block. The crocodile clapped its hands together then got into a kicking pose. Hadvar swung left and right but the reptile dodged each of his attempts. Stesha got up and flying kneed the beast, hitting a weak punch in its gut.
“STESHA, STAY WITH THE LAMP!” Hadvar yelled as Stesha got knocked across the room once more.
I wasn’t made to be a fighter, groaned Stesha.
Gwendal used an ice spike to stab the reptile’s tail to roars of pain from the entity, giving Hadvar a chance to slice its ribcage. The beast got on all fours and snapped at them like an alligator. Hadvar landed an axe kick on its head then sheathed his sword and cocked back a punch, landing it square on the jaw of the monster. The beast deflected the next one and landed its own right on Hadvar’s head, sending him back a few feet. Gwendal sending spells flying across the room, a few barely grazing the hideous organism. Hadvar kicked it back and threw a volley of punches back and forth onto its face.
“Stesha, use the lamp!” He yelled in between blows.
Stesha hastily clasped the bottle and rubbed it as a red smoke billowed out of the exit, coalescing into a crimson man with a balding ponytail, sourcing itself from the lamp. A genie.
“You have three wishes, I’m sure you know the drill.” The genie observed its ethereal nails.
“I wish for me and my friends to be teleported back to the Pharoah’s Palace!” Stesha wished.
And with a snap of the djinn’s fingers, they were back inside the golden mansion.
“Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh, what am I saying? Of course, you don’t,” Nazeem was saying to a servant. “I am one of Jarl Balgruuf of Whiterun’s personal favorite guests!” He was up on the second floor, near the railing.
Jahl came rushing up to them. “You’re back so soon!” He then looked up and noticed the genie. “What, why did you rub the lamp?! That wasn’t my instruction!”
Hadvar was breathing hard, his hands on his knees, gesturing to Stesha to explain.
Stesha cracked his neck. “There was a monster trying to kill us, we used the lamp to get away. We’re sorry. There are still two wishes left if you wish to use them.”
“Give it here!” Jahl stole the lamp from Stesha’s hands. “My first wish is for my father to name me Pharoah.”
The genie snapped its fingers as a maid came rushing out of the bedrooms. “My goodness! Pharoah Taliod has just named Jahl as his successor!”
“NO!” Nazeem yelled, looking towards the askaris that followed the maid out. “Say it isn’t true!”
“It is, I’m afraid. Jahl will be our new Pharoah,” one of the askaris explained, rubbing the back of her head.
“You’ll all live to regret having that selfish fool as Pharoah! Mark my words!” Nazeem’s knuckles became white.
“And for your second wish?” The genie asked Jahl.
“Oh, uhm dispose of these three fools.” The Redguard pointed at Stesha, Hadvar, and Gwendal.
The sound of boots reverberated down the palace. Everyone looked over and saw a Dark Elf woman with regal attire bow before the Sultan turned Pharoah.
“Xera Sourelius? What brings you here?” Jahl questioned as the genie flew off into the sunset. It was free now that all the wishes had been used.
“I was in the area gathering… volunteers for the Imperial Arena when I overheard you saying you no longer have need of these fine young gentlemen?” Xera poised a slight smile. “Is this true?”
“Yes, you may have them.” Jahl nodded as he rose up the marble steps of his palace near a crying Nazeem.
“Wonderful. Men, you know what to do!” At Xera’s command a battalion of armoured soldiers sashayed in and took Hadvar’s backpack, chaining their wrists and pushing them ahead. All Imperials too from the look of it.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Gwendal yelled as his hands were bound.
Xera gave the boy one look and one look only. “If it wasn’t obvious, you’re now a slave you babbling, bumbling Breton.”
“What, what do you mean??!” Gwendal clenched his teeth. “WE JUST GOT FREE NOW THIS AGAIN. WHY GODS WHY?!”
I need more skooma if I’m gonna deal with this crap. Stesha gave up, holding up his hands.
“We’re getting punished for helping you out Jahl. Curse you!” Hadvar screamed at the Pharoah.
“You’re slaves now, so shut up.” Xera strode on, leading the array of soldiers and the boys out of the palace into the golden rays of Magnus.
Gwendal cheered. “Hippity hoppity, we are now property!”
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AN: I know this chapter was not really on the main mission, but it’ll help us transition to the next act which revolves around slavery. Don’t worry, we’ll be in Skyrim sooner than you think ;). – Please leave a review, it means the world to us writers to hear what the readers think. You have no idea how much it means to get some feedback!
Sense ES6 is taking place in hammerfell people think we will see "Swordsinging". What is it though?
Back in 2013 there were leaks of a possible additional DLC for Skyrim called Redguard. Fans speculated the DLC would take place in Dragonstar & Stros M’Kai and center around Tiber Septim’s Red Dragon post revival. But it was likely scrapped since Tes 6 would be set in Hammerfell and that would be unequivocally redundant. Perhaps they planned a Project Greenheart thing but that also was shut down in all likelihood since Fallout 4 was already taking long enough to release. If you wish to investigate more, I’m sure you can find more online. But regardless, that is not the point here.
But this post isn’t about any of that. This post is a possible storyline for aforementioned “Redguard DLC” which would have hypothetically replaced Hearthfire in this context. Meaning regardless of if this dlc was ever real or not, I’m going to extrapolate upon it for fun. So, again, if you don’t believe it was ever real, that is irrelevant to this post.
Now, here we go. You receive a letter from a courier. The Queen of Dragonstar in Hammerfell has requested the aid of the Dragonborn. You set off and cross the border near Falkreath into the desert, arriving in Hammerfell. The people having heard the tales of your heroism and greet you amicably. You meet the Queen, Yusha Sheikh. She informs you a red dragon has been razing the farms and stealing livestock, retreating into the Dragontail mountains. And her council believes the Dragon Crisis in Skyrim somehow was a catalyst for this ancient wyrm’s return. You venture to this beast’s lair in the alps between Skyrim, Hammerfell, and High Rock. An area the size of the Forgotten Vale with its own curios and quests. and arriving at the lair, the crimson wyvern recognizes you as a fellow dov.
Revealing his name, Nahfahlaar. He spits at your feet and insults your status as a Dragonborn, saying you are lesser to the Dragonborn ruler before you and challenges you to a duel in Stros M’Kai, flying off over the dunes of Hammerfell. You return to the Queen and inform her of what occurred. You’re paid to persue Nahfahlaar to the island and take a carriage and boat there. You sail on pirate ships and have a few sea battles along the way against corsairs and sea dragons.
Arriving on Stros, the local Sea Elven guide, Orion Cympolea leads you through a massive dwarven dungeon, until your arrive at Nahfahlaar’s main chamber and battle him. In order to weaken him you have to utilize the room’s valves and mechanics to release steam and blind and poison Nahfahlaar until he is weak enough so you can curb stomp him into non existence. After you absorb his soul, you can explore the small island and do some side quests for the locals before returning to Dragonstar and collecting your reward, a free home in the city.
Thats about it.
It could be nothing, but…it could also be something.
So it mostly concerns deity, race, land, and 9. The number 9 seems to come up a lot in literature, specifically in Mythology (I.e, the nine realms of Yggdrasil). In the Elder Scrolls, Tamriel has a godly pantheon of 9 Divines, as well as 9 provinces in Tamriel. As the formula goes, there would normally be 9 races for each kingdom and each god, right? Except in Tamriel, there’s actually 10 races of people that inhabit it.
You see what I’m getting at here? Why is there 9 gods, 9 kingdoms, but 10 peoples? Well, technically, Tamriel does have a 10th kingdom—Orsinium, home of the Orcs, though it has yet to be recognized as an official province. So now we have 10 peoples, 10 kingdoms…but still only 9 Divines (8 if you’re a filthy Thalmor). So here’s what I thought—what if somewhere down the line, a 10th Divine ascends to the pantheon? Or what if there’s already a 10th Divine and we just don’t know it? Or maybe it’s just Lorkhan, I dunno, I’m tired.
Ever had difficulty differentiating the four races of men in-tamriel? Well, look no further than this handy social guide when interacting with Tamrielan races of men, my dear elves. We do this to not offend the lesser races of men, by mistaking a Breton for an Imperial, etc.
Nords: Nords usually have pale skin, blue eyes, and blond hair. They’re rather staunch faced with strong features and muscular in build, standing around 6’0 feet height wise. Their facial structure seem to be heart-shaped with ‘heroic’ facial features that set naturally in with the rest of their skull structure. Their skin tapers naturally around their features and aren’t as sharp or prominent as the Imperials, but also not as nuanced as Bretons. Their jaws seem to be quite angular in looks. The Nords have an obvious Scandinavian influence and their eyebrows are naturally straight but not rigid. Their noses also seem to be a tad bigger than the other races. They also usually sport beards and long, braided hairstyles.
Imperials: Olive to tan skin, darker eyes and hair, their faces are squarer in nature and sharper onset underlying face maps with pronounced jaws and cheekbones, brows. Thin or athletic in build normally with thick, straight brows. Very Mediterranean look about them and 5’10 in height. Hair is ranging from short to long, with most keeping shaved styles or another assortment of manicured facial hair, though nowhere as robust as the Nords.
Bretons: Pale skinned, dark beady eyes and usually dark hair too. Bretons’ faces are roundish-gaunt in looks. They seem to have a high cheekbones and jaws. Their jaws are also noticeably shorter and rounded and the men have some excess skin underneath their chin; giving a slight ‘recessed-jaw’ or ‘weak-jaw’ look. Whilst the females appear to have plumper cheeks. Breton lips are also very sensual in appearances. A clear french or Celtic influence and at 5’9 in height. Their eyebrows are thinner but can appear to be so rigid that they even bend upwards in few instances. The ears of the Bretons appear slightly sharper at the ends and their eyes can be tilted slightly, reminiscent of elves. The Bretons also appear quite frail and feminine, sporting medium to long hairstyles and a wide assortment of thin facial hair for the few that can grow it.
Redguards: Skin ranging from light brown to ebony, with dark hair and eyes. The Redguards have bulbular noses, curved eyes, lips and thick, curly hair. Their face-shape is oval but very lean and somewhat curved. The jaw curves inward and so do the eyebrows. The nostrils seem to flare out a bit more too. They look North-African, and even slightly middle-eastern. They are 5’11, more muscular than Imperials, but leaner than Nords. Redguards have a skull structure completely set apart from the other races of men since they are non nedic, making them the most unique race of men by far.
Okay so I’ve gotten into Altmer culture recently and I have been using this wiki to look into it more. I discovered something interesting about Alinor/Summerset and I’m wondering if it may impact the future of the games
We all know that the Altmer and Thalmor rule Alinor, the Thalmor are ruthless and cruel to the other races of Tamriel and control basically most of southern Tamriel. However, I’ve discovered a quote which may or may not have an impact on the future of the Archipelago.
”My prophet says Summerset Isle is doomed to sink beneath the ocean. He did not specify when, but it sounded like soon” -Bartender Rumor in TES: Arena
This quote is from Arena so I don’t know how useful it is seeing as it’s from an early TES game but it may have an impact on Alinor’s future. I know Arena happened several hundred years before Skyrim and obviously Alinor hasn’t sank yet but what if the events of TES: 6 or even potentially TES: 7 would have something to do with the islands sinking.
We all know or believe that the Thalmor desire to destroy the Empire or even humanity as a whole but humanity has always persevered against the Elves. What if maybe humanity finally has enough and uses something to sink Alinor or maybe even some other deity or natural cause destroys it?
Lets also not forget that the Redguards hate the Empire and the Thalmor who’ve been trying to conquer Hammerfell for years are from Yokuda, a continent that was west of Tamriel which “mysteriously sank into the sea”. This raises some suspicion seeing as TES: 6 is going to take place in Hammerfell and the Redguards’ last homeland mysteriously sank beneath the ocean. Who’s to say that some Redguards in Hammerfell’s governance don’t know what really caused it to sink? What if the Redguards caused it by accident and then intentionally use it against the Thalmor? Maybe the Hero of TES: 6 gets to choose Alinor’s fate? Who knows? My theory for now is that TES: 6 has to do with the Redguards vs Thalmor and the Redguards do something to Alinor as revenge for the Thalmor assaulting Hammerfell
114 Votes in Poll
Hey guys, I’m new to fandom but been looking for tips and help on a redguard build. First time playing in 3 years! So trying to truly maximize the abilities of Skyrim now that I understand RPGs and games better. Any info or tips would help. Thank you!
I have a theory that the main antagonistic faction of the new TES VI (once it finally releases) will be the Thalmor of the Aldmeri Dominion and that the setting will be possibly BOTH High Rock and Hammerfell.
My reasoning? The Towers.
Many of The Towers have been fallen over the years and the Thalmor want to desperately destroy the barriers between Mundes and Oblivion in a bid to regain the Elves' Divinity that was stripped away from the Aldmer when the mortal realm was first created.
Only a few towers remain, and one of which is The Adamantine Tower in The Illiac Bay between Highrock and Hammerfell.
I theorize that the Thalmor will act in such a way that forces the Imperials to desire war, but be politically motivated to stay out of conflict until the resistance put up by the Red Guard (a resistance mentioned in Skyrim's side-quest : In My Time of Need)
The Red Guard Resistance will prove influential in tipping the scales against the Thalmor (if the player sides with them) and allow the Imperials to contest the Thalmor once again and break the White-Gold Concordat.
Depending on what Bethesda decides as Canon from TES V, the Stormcloaks of Skyrim may even prove vital in the war efforts.
This is at least my theory at a major plotline, somewhat similar to the Civil War plotline of Skyrim. But for all we know, it could be a main plot and lead into Boethiah being a major antagonistic force that manipulates the Aldmeri Dominion.
As for how the game takes place in High Rock and Hammerfell? The trailer for TES VI showed a landscape that fits descriptions of that region of Tamriel and the Adamantine Tower is one of the few remaining.
Thoughts anyone?
EDIT : Added a link to The Towers for better context
I only made a few of these before and then stopped but Id like to continue it. Like before any information about Redguards that i may not of known or missed would be nice, thank you.
6- khajitt
In Oblivion, I consider the Khajit the best race. In Skyrim, however, it is the worst race. It is stronger in melee attacks, but weapons will always be a better option anyway, making this perk useless except in a fist fight. As far as Night Eye is concerned, if you’re having trouble seeing, turn up the lighting in the Settings menu. It is easier to do that than to scroll in search of a spell or power you need. In other words, the Khajit doesn't really come with anything useful in Skyrim besides its looks. No offense to this race, but in Skyrim, it is pretty much useless.
5- dunmer
Now, if you want to play a real combat mage, then Dunmer is the class for you. They start with 25 to Destruction, meaning you can fling firebolt as soon as you can find the tome for them, and you also get Alternation, Illusion, Sneak, and Light Armor to round out your skills.
Your abilities are a little less exciting. Ancestral Wrath is pretty good when you start the game, dealing 8 damage per second to everything around you, but by level 30 that damage is basically nothing. A permanent 50% Fire Resistance boost, on the other hand, is awesome. Most of the magic damage you face in the game is fire based, what with dragons most often breathing fire, so taking half as much fire damage is a real bonus
4- argonians
Argonians' 50 percent resistance to disease is nice, but if other players want to be werewolves or vampires, it becomes rather pointless. Werewolves are 100 percent resistant, as are vampires. The Histskin power allows an Argonian to recover health very quickly. This is nice in a tight spot, but can only be used once per day. Finally, the water breathing ability is nice but I personally never had a problem with water. Any time you need to go under water for a while, there are potions around to help you out. Plus, there’s a spell for it. Being an Argonian might be convenient at first, but doesn't give you any long-term advantages.
3- bosmer
- Bosmer have a 50 percent resistance to both poison and disease. As listed above for the Argonians, the disease resistance isn’t totally necessary. Poison, however, is a different story. This can be very useful when facing certain enemies, especially at higher levels when your armor will give you better defense against physical attacks. Command Animal lets you command an animal for a short period, but there are never animals around when you need them. The Bosmer makes for an okay race in Skyrimbecause of its poison resistance.
Redguards are another race in Skyrim with a 50 percent resistance to poison. Adrenaline Rush makes stamina regenerate ten times faster for 60 seconds. I personally never bother upping stamina regeneration, because Become Ethereal, a shout, allows sprinting without stamina for a short time. Still, the poison resistance makes the Redguard a race worth considering. The only reason I wouldn't choose 1 for it is because magic is far worse to deal with than poison, and far more common.
1- breton
This is it, the cream of the crop. The Breton is the best race in Skyrim for one reason, and one reason only: a 25 percent resistance to magic. This is so much more important than many players realize, especially when choosing a character for the first time. It is a pain to augment Resist Magic, and even at upper levels, magic attacks will drop a player almost instantly. There are ward spells, but they take time and hinder fighting back. The Breton's greater power, Dragon Skin, allows a player to absorb 50 percent of magic attacks for 60 seconds. This is just a nice little perk for the Breton. Consider this: regardless of which player style you choose, be it assassin or thief, you will always have to worry about being hit with an electricity spell.
So I was fucking about on YouTube, and I stumbled across a video (I don’t actually know how old it is) of some dweeb complaining about racism and sexism in video games(Aw shit. Here we go again). It’s just the usual whiny shit, but what caught my attention is that he actually mentions TES. Not just Skyrim, TES in general. I’ll link the video below, and I suggest you watch before reading any further.
Have you watched it? Because if you’re reading this, I assume you have.
So yeah, it’s about what you’d expect from one of these fellers. But yeah, what caught my attention was that this is the first time I’ve ever heard any of these morons mention TES. In this case, this guy says that the Redguards are a racist stereotype because they are apparently modeled after Gypsies, and then he shows a clip of a Dunmer break dancing, and I dunno what the hell that’s all about.
So let’s break this down; first things first, if he’s confusing the Dunmer with the Redguards, then all that tells me is that he’s never picked up a TES game in his life, and he’s complaining about a fictional race.
Now secondly, maybe he is talking about the Redguards of Hammerfell. But even then he still loses since that also proves him very ignorant to the games. Commonly, the term ‘Gypsie’ was applied to the Romani people from southern areas of India in traveling caravans that spread across Europe. The term was applied to them because at the time, it was believed that they were from Egypt. It was also believed that they practiced sorcery and witchcraft(which was all bull crap of course).
Now then, does that sound like the Redguards? No, actually. In fact, it more closely resembles the lifestyles of the Khajiit. Just like the Nords are modeled after Medieval Scandinavian cultures, the Redguards appear to more closely resemble Arab or Persian warriors and cultures. In no way do they resemble the Romani, which anyone who has ever played the games can see. And no, that does not include Kyle, or Brad, or whatever the hell his name is. He’s been rekt.
Name: Sason
Race: Redguard
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 4th Era 152 (49 years old)
Homeland: Hammerfell
Religion: Redguard Pantheon
Factions: Stormcloaks
Backstory: Sason was born in Sentinel, he fought in the Great War for the Empire and later just Hammerfell when it Broke away. He spent the rest of his days adventuring and he traveled to Skyrim because he heard rumors of dragons being there and because he wanted to fight the Empire because they are butts but the Border with Hammerfell was closed so he had to go through the one with Cyrodiil. When he got to the border he was hit on the head and awoke on the cart to Helgen
The redguards believe that Sep betrayed the et'Ada by tricking them into creating the mortal world, dooming them to die.
Sep resembles Lorkhan and resenting Lorkhan and his plan is a thought that appears distinctly elven.
Redguards are associated with skipping Kalpas due to their beliefs and a new Kalpa is alluded to allowing et'Ada to assume different roles than in the previous one.
So what if the redguards did return from a previous one but they weren't the only ones returning from a previous kalpa, the sinistral elves followed?
What if the betrayed divine spirits of the last Kalpa, the redguards, were opposed to the kin of the "lorkhanic" element of the last kalpa, the [sinistral] elves; much like the betrayed divine spirits of this kalpa, the elves, are opposed to the kin of the "lorkhanic" element, humans?
Maybe I am overthinking this and the redguards just inherited the hate for Sep from the sinistral elves, like the bretons inherited their view of Sheor, even though we do not know in what relation the sinistral elves stood to the redguards?
Maybe Kalpas don't work the way it is alluded to in works like Sermon 28 of the 36 lessons of Vivec (Molag Bal formerly being the prince of the dreugh in what might possibly be a prior kalpa)
PS: "kin of the lorkhanic element" as in they consider "Lorkhan" to be their hero god.
Share your thoughts.
Despite the fact that the true race of the main characters is unknown, if in the next part we are the embodiment of HoonDing, then it is likely that we should be a redguard, because all previous incarnations were redguards (for example, Cyrus). 3 times were black and why now will be suddenly different?
— Bethesda Game Studios —
Press Start
New Game
(Loading Scene)
A sub-race of the Redguards live in the Alik’r Desert and are known as the Dune-Dweller Redguards. . . .
-Black Screen-
*Arabic Drums & Indian Snake Charmer Theme*
*Camel Hooves hit the ground*
Bethesda Game Studios
The Elder Scrolls VI
You open your eyes and see the sandy lands of Hammerfell, some sparse and lush vegetation in certain areas. You’re on a cart, being pulled by camels...
There are two other Redbois and a Genie in the cart next to you. One of the Redguards looks at you and speaks: “Hey you, you’re finally awake!”
He continues, “You were trying to cross the waterways right? Sailed right into that Crown ambush. Same as us and that Genie over there!” 🧞♀️ 🧞♂️
“Damn you Forebears! Hammerfell was fine until you came along! Crowns were nice and lazy, could’ve stolen that camel 🐫 and been halfway to Skyrim.” The Genie said disdainfully.
The Genie looks at you, “You there. You and me, we shouldn’t he here. It’s these Forebears the Crowns want.”
“We’re all brothers and sisters in binds now, Genie.” The Redguard from before speaks.
“Aiii Shut the up back there yarr!” The camel 🐪 rider chastises you.
“What’s wrong with him?” The Genie Gestures to a Man next to you with his mouth shut.
“Watch your tongue! You’re speaking to Nazeem Cloud-Cloak! The true district king!” The Redguard warns angrily.
“The potentate of Cloudrun? Your the leader of the Cloud District! ...but if they’ve captured you... oh gods... where are they taking us?” The Genie distressed.
“I don’t know where we’re going, but The Far Shores await.”
“No this can’t be happening, this isn’t happening!”
“Ayyy. What lamp are you from Camel Genie?”
“Why do you care?”
“A Redguard’s last thoughts, should be of his or her lamp.”
“Azra’s lamp... I-I’m from Azra’s lamp.”
“General Hussein sir! The headsman is waiting!” “Goood, lets get this over with!”
“Diagna, Ebonarm, Hoonding, Morwha, Satakal! Deities, please help me!”
“Look at him! General Sadam Hussein, the Crown Counselor! And it looks like the Stormcloaks are with him! Damn Nords, I bet they had something to do with this!”
“This is Rihad, I almost had an arranged marriage from here. Wonder if Abrar is still smoking that Hookah with curry mixed in. Funny, when I was a boy. Crown walls and towers used to make me feel so safe.”
“Who are they abba gee? Where are they going?”
“Inside the house right now child thing!”
“Why I wanna watch the soldiers?”
“Inside the house! Now!”
“Yes abba gee.”
“Get these prisoners out of the carts! Move it!” Yells an annoying voice.
“Why are we stopping?” Asks the Genie.
“Why do you think? End of the line.”
“Let’s go, shouldn’t keep the gods waiting for us.” The Redguard says, looking at you.
“Oh wait! We’re not rebels!”
“Face your death with some courage Genie.”
“Step towards the block when we call your name! One at a time!”
“Crowns love their damn lists.”
“Nazeem Cloud-Cloak, king of Cloudrun.”
Nazeem walks past you, give you the ‘eyes’.
“It has been an honour, King Nazeem.”
“Samjeed Of Sentinel.”
“Will Smith Of Azra’s Crossing.”
“No! You can’t do this, I’m not a Forebear!”
“You’re not gonna catch me.”
Aladdin jumps out of nowhere to serve the plot, I-I mean use his lamp to capture Will Smith.
“Anyone else feel like flying?”
“Wait you there, step forward.”
You walk forward.
“Who are you?”
You’re the default female Redguard. And your name is “Strong Independent Black Woman, Who Need No Man! Nuh Uh!”
“You picked a bad time to come home to Hammerfell sister.”
“Captain, what should We do? She’s not on the list?”
“Forget the list, she goes to the block.”
“By your orders Captain. I’m sorry, at least you’ll die here and not in Skyrim.”
“Follow the Captain, *Codsworth Voice* Strong independent Black Woman, Who Need No Man! Nuh Uh! *Normal voice*”
And imperial named Goddius Howus grins in the background “It just works.” He smirks to himself.
Sadam Hussein regarded Nazeem, “Nazeem Cloud-Cloak! Some here in Rihad call you a hero. But a hero doesn’t use the power like the ‘cloud district’ to murder his Jarl and usurp his throne.”
Nazeem tried to speak, but was muffled by the cloth over his face.
“You started this war! Plunged Hammerfell into Chaos! And now the Crowns are going to put you down! And restore the district.” Sadam was talking about how Nazeem had murdered Balgruuf by sheer annoyance prior the events of this game.
*Do you?” A distant wailing could be heard.
“What was that?”
“It’s nothing, sashay on.”
“Yes General Hussein! Give them no rites.”
“Very well.”
A red-headed Redguard walked up and put his head on the block. “Come on! I haven’t got all mourning!”
“My ancestors are smiling at me Crowns, can you say the same?”
The chopped his head oof.
“You Crown Bastards!”
“Justice!” Abrar shouted.
“Death to the Forebears!”
“As good at taking death as he was At eating Sweetrolls.”
“Next! The-Redguard-In-The-Rags!”
*Get to the?* the wailing was heard once again.
“Here it is again, did you here that?”
“I said next prisoner!”
“To the block prisoner! Nice and easy.
You put your head down on the block as the headsman gets ready to chop.
“What in SKYRIM is that?”
“Centries! What do you see?”
Nazeem Cloud-Cloak jumps onto the tower with his district powers and rips off his mask. “I fooled you all along!”
“I own Chillfurrow farm, very successful business.”
“Gods no! It’s begun again! The end times are here!”
“Do you get to the cloud district very often? Ohh what am I saying of course you don’t!”
Sorry if any of this was offensive, it was just a joke and lazily written. Lol hope you enjoyed.