Four questions.
1. Who or what do you think will be the next villain of the next game?
2. Who would you want it to be & how should It play out?
3. What other villains would you be interested in seeing & what unique spins on gameplay would you like to see?
4. What do you not want to see? Also include which province you prefer.
I will go first.
1. I think it will likely be the Thalmor. If it’s in High Rock we may have an adamantine tower plot on our hands and them trying to unmake reality. So original!
2. But I would prefer a main quest sort of like Fallout 4 where you can decide between four factions, in this case the Crowns, Forebears, Empire, and Thalmor, and the villain is either the Emperor, or Leader of the Dominion depending on who you side with. Which would add replay value to the game. Assuming the game is in Hammerfell.
3. However, I also have an alternate idea if they decide to keep it a god. Boethiah would be interesting imo. Perhaps she’s planning to take over Nirn but not through gates or invasion. Instead she’s using her worshippers as politicians to take over Tamriel’s courts and monarchy and slowly bringing things over to a system of government where she receives more power and worship. (Looks at China). And you have to play the game by using your speech craft, status, side quests to debate with the politicians to avoid Boethiah gaining power. Your race will have an effect as well. And what guilds you join too. Thalmor could be involved too since Naarifin of the Dominion supposedly worships Boethiah.
4. What I don’t want to see is us being the “Hoonding” and learning “Sword Singing” to fulfill our destiny to defeat “Generic World Ending Ancient Meanie Bo Beanie” in a linear questline with no player choice to “pReSErvE LoRE & CAnOn.” As for provinces, Hammerfell or Summerset or Valenwood would all be sick. But it’s probably Hammerfell.