The war has started. It has been 5 years since Skyrim Civil War and the Dragon Crisis. The Imperials have gathered and assaulted the Thalmor Embassy in Skyrim at night. The same happened at Cyrodiil and High Rock. Having eliminated the fortresses where they kept prisoners and freed them, none of the Thalmor was left alive. They assaulted the Dominion border and ambushed their navy. Although the eradication of the Thalmor was successful, the border attack was destroyed and they had to go full defensive. They besieged and conquered Skingrad and conquered a part of Leyawiin and Bravil and are marching towards the Imperial City, burning everything to the ground. The Imperial navy pushes to Valenwood and they destroy the Dominion's naval forces to secure that there are no naval reinforcements but they sooner or later retreat to help the ground force.
They pushed though and threaten the Imperial City. But that's when the Dragonborn, Sir Demetrius the Knight of the Imperial Dragon returns back to his homeland and fights the Dominion. General Tullius also returned. The Imperial City is besieged, Dominion soldiers break the walls and enter. Their leaders was a very experienced Altmer general who invaded the rest of Cyrodiil and the Thalmor representative Sanywennar Anaedael. Their mission, kill the Emperor and deactivate the White-Gold Tower. Demetrius knew what was going to happen and charged to defend the Tower.
Meanwhile the Thalmor are about to finish an Imperial commander named Bruton Closario:
Bruton: 'By the Nine! Have mercy!'
Anaedael: 'Nine? What did we told you about Talos?'
Bruton: 'You narcissistic racist scum! The only reason Im asking mercy is to kill more of you!'
Anaedael: 'You puny lesser humans! We descend from the gods, you just worship them because they forced you to! Now submit to Elven supremacy!'
Bruton: 'To Oblivion with you, elf!'
Bruton dies by an elven sword.
General Anaedael makes an announcement:
Anaedael: Submit to the Dominion. Its not too late. Put down your swords, renounce Talos and accept the fact that you are a lesser race.
Imperial Soldiers: Never!!!!
Anaedael: So you have chosen death. That can be arranged!
As the Aldmeri Soldiers are sacking the city, Sir Demetrius appears on horseback.
Demetrius: Remember the Emperor!
Dominion Soldier: Die human scum!
Demetrius: FUS RO DAH!
A Thalmor agent called Ancamircil Thramire in full Elven armor and a sword and shield challenges him to a duel.
Ancamircil: You're no ordinary human. But a human is not superior to an elf! I will best you!!!
Ancamircil casts Destruction spells while Demetrius's enchanted heavy armor protects him from all mighty spells alongside his Restoration knowledge. He puts his sword into a sheathe and throws down his shield, puttin out the Warhammer, charging at him and crushes his armor. Nearly dead, he tries to run away with all his powers but then gets smashed mercilessly. Then he sheathes the warhammer, pulls out the sword and picks up the shield and mounts his horse again. He killed dozens of Thalmor soldiers and saved many people, and then met Anaedael fighting General Tullius:
Tullius: You're a fine warrior. I have to admit it, I have never fought an elven scum as good as you!
Anaedael: Die human!!!!
Tullius mortally wounds Anaedal
Tullius: Any last words, elf?
Anaedael: To Oblivion with you!
Tullius executes Anaedael. The Dominion has been repelled from the city. Demetrius arrives:
Demetrius: Kind of late in the party, huh?
Tullius: I should have given you the honor. I completely forgot you were here.
Demetrius: Never mind. You must get some glory too. I'm glad you did it.
Tullius: Thanks. Nobody has spoken to me like that.
Demetrius and Tullius make an announcement:
Demetrius: Beloved citizens of the Imperial City! The Dominion has been repelled. For good. We will be launching assaults at County Bravil, Skingrad and Leyawiin.
Tullius: Enlist if you want to serve your nation! Enlist if you want to stand out and be a hero! Enlist if you want to bring glory to your name!
Tullius and Demetrius: Praise the Empire!!! Praise the Emperor!!! Praise the Legion!!! Praise the Nine!!!!!!!!!
Citizens and Soldiers: *Cheers*
Everyone leaves and they focus on burying the dead and rebuilding the walls.
Tullius: Guess I don't suck that much in speeches.
Demetrius: Yeah, I remember the one in Windhelm was very inspiring. You didn't realize it
Tullius: Yeah I am getting old now. But I can still fight and protect the people. That's what matters
They go to their homes and prepare for another assault.