I tested every shout in-game and the closest is unrelenting force, except that shout only Ragdolls people, not tear them apart.
I tested every shout in-game and the closest is unrelenting force, except that shout only Ragdolls people, not tear them apart.
During the events of Skyrim, it is said the Moot convene and decide on who shall rule as High King? But where do these meetings take place? There isn't much information in game given about it.
-He was challenged in the old ways, so he wasn't murdered
-He went to Sovngarde, so his honor remained unscathed
But even with these, did Torygg even deserve to die? Ulfric could've just asked like Sybille Stentor said. That way, the chance of Elisif becoming High Queen would be lower. But will she turn Skyrim over to the elves as ulfric said?
Think about it, passing on a little message from dead husband to widowed wife might've been a sweet little end of main quest side quest dont you think? Something small but heartfelt.
I've recently stumbled upon the information that Torygg makes an appeareance in Sovngarde (someone I've missed during my playthroughs of the game, oh well). Now, the thing I find interesting is the fact that Bethesda actually told you that Ulfric made a grave mistake and that his cause isn't just. Why, you may ask? Well, we know Sovngarde is where the souls of heroes go after they die. It is the Valhalla of the Nords. Now, Torygg's soul being here would mean that he was, de facto, a hero. Ulfric's main argument was that Torygg was weak and cowardly, character traits which would have certainly prevented him from entering Sovngarde. That raises an interesting question - Did Bethesda intentionally make it so that Ulfric is [b]actually[/b] depicted as a power-hungry usurper, or is it just an oversight that slipped through?
His dialogue clearly states that he still dislikes Ulfric Stormcloack, yet when they're both in Sovengarde, they seem to be friends! Ulfric can clearly still have the abillity to shout, despite dying, because the 3 hero's of old (or whatever they're called) can still shout at Alduin with ease.
Or is it a "You kill me, someone kills you, were even." sort of deal?