Hello. Is there any rules for discussions? I am from Russian Wikia.
I mostly use the destruction spells. And sometimes if I want to have some fun, I use the spells from illusion school to become invisible and avoid enemies, or to make them kill each other by Frenzy.
Unfortunately there are no viable only necromancy builds. You can only create a hybrid of spellcaster and necromancer.
I like Brynjolf. It was really interesting to watch how he was changing. At the beginning he was a just a thief but eventually he became a Nocturnal's protector, Nightingale. And his voice is amazing. At least in the Russian localization.
I believe if TES VI events take place after Skyrim's ones, npc will say something like 'Yeah, there was a civil war in Skyrim. Stormcloaks captured many keeps and cities, but eventually Cyrodiil sent reinforcements and defeated them'. This doesn't conflict with any choice of Dovahkiin.
It's easy to prove that Stormcloaks would fail anyway. After you capture the Neugrad fort, there will be a letter. But the content of that depends on what side you are on. If you are a stormcloak, the letter says that the Imperial reinforcement almost cleared the Pale Pass and is on its way to Skyrim. It means that the Imperials put down the rebellion regardless of Dovahkiin's choice.
I believe all these weapons are not available because they became obsolete. So if TES VI is in 4th era, we won't see any kind of the above weapons..
Have you completed the Civil war questline? Maybe that would help.
As far as I remember, Shadowmere resurrects near Falkreath Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary at the black pool where he appeared for the first time.
The most useful schools of magic for me are destruction and restoration if I want to destroy enemy npc as quick as possible. If I want to do some roleplay, I use illusion, alteration and conjuration spells.
As for me, I really enjoy it. Digging up relics is a good way to relax and take your mind of fights.
You needn't repair armor and blades in Skyrim. It is not Oblivion.
Buy Skyrim Legendary Edition. It has all dlc.
Stop right there, criminal scum.
Mehrune's Razor.
Thanks for the help.
Have you any administrators?