Went back to check out the previous chapters and yes. I got hooked. Very interesting chapter with the appearance of Shalidor!
Amazing analysis there, Splumb!
I'd like to point out that it was not the HoK's abandonment of their duty as Listener that made the Brotherhood in 4E 201 so weakened, as suggested in Cicero's journal that there were still multiple members of the Black Hand in 4E 187:
"Still, we seem to be losing our footholds throughout Tamriel at an alarming rate. There are rumors that the Black Hand is split on our continued direction. Some favor expansion, the others consolidation."
As well as the presence of a Listener named Alisanne Dupre, and also multiple Sanctuaries (Bruma and Cheydinhal, as mentioned in Cicero's journals)
The Dark Brotherhood's fall was due to the Great War and the riots that followed, which laid waste to multiple Sanctuaries. Though you do have a good point and the Dark Brotherhood might have been weakened in the Oblivion Crisis then later rose to power again.
^ "All spells cost 15% less to cast" doesn't but the rest should work.
^Which means "all spells cost 15% less" doesn't work since when you equip the robes yourself and look at your active effects that enchantment is actually separated into schools (e.g. Fortify Destruction 15%, Fortify Restoration 15% .....etc.)
Strange enough though, we're second to GTA in the games list (which is not even in the original list)
^^Me, Frostfall as well
When you've equipped your weapons/armor, the background of the word will darken like this:
Note: screenshot isn't mine
Otherwise you probably didn't unsheath/ready your weapon. Press these buttons to ready it:
X on Xbox 360
Square on PS3
F on PC
^Hope you feel better! And enjoy reading!
Loved this chapter, can't wait for the next! And 2021's quite good for me, how's yours?
One thing I'd like to point out is that the newspaper referred to Stesha as both Stesha and Jade, and I think sticking to Jade fits better for a newspaper.
Also liked how you changed Skyrim's intro. I was surprised that Ulfric was killed this early in the story.
^^^^^ I don't think it has to be a friendly province, like what they did in Morrowind with Dark Elves and plenty of people calling you N'wah.
^The Dunmer had golden skin once and were called the Chimer, until Azura cursed the entire race to have grey skin because the Tribunal betrayed Nerevar. Here's some more info:
And don't say that you're dumb, we had all not known what's a Chimer once.
Some good quest mods I'd recommend:
Clockwork (Clockwork Castle)
The Forgotten City
Project AHO
Helgen Reborn
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma
The Dwemer stuff he's wearing maybe allows him to have abilities of the Dwemer like using Tonal Architecture, since he's deep into studying them, or maybe he's just fond of the Dwemer and wishes to resemble them. His skin tone resembles more of a Dunmer's, I'd say, along with his red eyes.
Try finding him in the locations listed here:
Otherwise if you're on PC open the console and type:
Prid XX038565
Then type:
Moveto player
He should appear beside your character. Look up XX here if you're not sure what it is:
You can also directly replace XX with 04 if you downloaded Skyrim with all the DLCs together, as is its default.
^Ah, okay.
"Sorry, I need to heal my neck anyways." Julianos walked off, bumping into Martin Septim by accident, on his way to the hallway.
Just to confirm, by Martin Septim you mean Akatosh right? Or another entity?
This is very well written and the interactions between the gods are very interesting. Going to read chapter 2 now.
Each candle might represent a game, with the one placed on Solitude representing Skyrim, the one placed beside the coins (which matches with the Morrowind, Summerset, Elsweyr and Greymoor DLCs) representing ESO, and the one on Hammerfell representing TES VI.
Yes, it's the tallest in Tamriel. There might be higher mountains in other continents though.
If you're using PC then typing
setstage dlc2mq03b 200
Would complete the quest "Cleansing the Stones". If this doesn't work then try
setstage dlc2mq05 500
To trigger Storn to read the book. Hope this helps.
Quite good.