I'm joining the military guys!
Same here in Switzerland. We use notebooks in school, and whereas the lower grades receive one for free, I had to buy one myself (the one in the picture). I can do whatever with the notebook.
Nice. Here in Switzerland, we have something called Gerstesuppe (barley soup), I think it's really delicious as well. I'm quite a good cook myself.
What kind of soup is it?
E guets neus wünsch i eu allne!
(Happy new year to all of you)
Yeah, happy new year!
In Switzerland, we say es guets neus!
Isn't Swiss Miss that chocolate drink in the U.S.?
And Merry Christmas to all of you
@Liberating Saint I think you'll manage. And you're right, don't go back to your old ways. She asked you out, and women generally rarely ever do that, so she must be really into you. Now you just need to show her that you are into her as well and then you can make that work. I don't know you in person, I don't know your name and you don't know mine, but I know that you can do that.
Well, I have never seen that movie, so I wouldn't know. I also misread your comment (the part where you said you knew I wasn't referring to you).
I did tag Liberating Saint, didn't I?
@Liberating Saint See? People are good. They will be in touch with you, if they like you. I hope you two become a couple.
I think you'll find somebody. And maybe she will text back (I know people who don't text you in weeks but they still want to be close).
I have an app called cigarette smoking simulator, where the cigarette burns faster if you blow in the mic.
You're from the netherlands, right? I think I've eaten raw herring once, in northern Germany. They call it matjes there. That was in Husum, I think, just south of Denmark.
No, pretty much none of them do. Fondue can contain alcohol though, if you mean that. You traditionally make it with white wine. You can substitute it though.
Something special from Switzerland is definitely our variety in cheeses and dried meats. We have hundreds of cheeses that are licensed and probably thousands more that are not licensed. You can buy a lot of them in every single grocery store. Same goes with dried meat, we have so many different types of it including sausages.
I've never eaten it, in Switzerland, it's just not a part of our culture (obviously). Maybe I could buy it someplace, but I have never seen it. What are some special things you guys eat in your cultures?
Yeah same here. I also want to try kangaroo meat, turkey meat, ostrich meat and maybe some other animals. Also, I've never eaten a goose.
I've never eaten a camel. Here, you mostly eat beef, chicken, veal and pork and maybe some lamb. Horse, rabbit and wild hog are also eaten, but only very rarely. Also, during Wildsaison (venison season) we eat deer, elk, ibex and chamois.
Yeah, I can imagine. It's quite the opposite here, we have rain all throughoit the year, and it is quite normal to have only rain for weeks on end, like three consecutive weeks. Especially with climate change, it does happen that we have a month pr ao without rain, which is bad for our ecosystems. It's still very rainy though, just more concentrated.