228 Votes in Poll
It doesn't really matter if they're racist or not, if it keeps the story exciting I think a lot of people really couldn't care less. Besides I don't think the Imperials are all good bunch of people.
Oh yeah my bad, I was just saying that you should pick whichever side is best for the story progression and character development. IMO if you want to make the story tragic go with the Storm cloaks and if you want to make it longer go with the Imperials.
Whoever you think is best for the Role playing
Oblivion 100% both the main game and the Dlcs
^ that's the cheating method
If you want a legitimate method without cheats, there are a few ways. I suggest you do (this also depends on do you use mods or not) :
1. Doing quests, clearing dungeons, hunting bandits basically the most basic way, doing quests, get items/money.
2. Maxing speechcraft and Trading stuff.
3. Becoming an alchemist and making potions (very difficult but 100% guaranteed very successful)
4. Joining the Thieves Guild / Joining the Dark Brotherhood.
Losing a Province is in my opinion quite the Blow to the so called empire
I have experienced the same bug as well, it does not have a solution. the only way i have fixed it is to drop the items and disable it using console commands. if you'd like the items back just use the console command to spawn the same items again. so far it fixed it for me. This bug not only just applies to armor, but weapons as well, the items that was bugged for me was kohnarik (mask) a stalhrim light armor and a dragonbone bow. it also applies to storages (wardrobes and safes) not just mannequins ( I also have the unnoficial patch installed)
I would prefer it much more if the next game is on Tamriel
^ that was an un ironically bad take, and it doesn't even have any correlation with the post.
I just know the comments are going to be entertaining 🍷
228 Votes in Poll
You can see on your Profile tab, there's a statistics of what you did there (murder, lock picking, affiliations, fame, infamy, etc)
I would really want a Lorkhan quest
I thought Serena didn't want to marry the Dragon born because of Molag Bal
^ and that's a fact
Heimskr to be the head priest of course
Oh yes, it is the effect of the cutting room floor.
I honestly don't mind it considering She fights better and have quite more dialogue than Farkas
I have to go with The Last Dragonborn, I love using the Thu'um so much