The Imaginary Dwemer Advisor (pl. Urojony Dwemerski poradnik) – fragment Gathering Force: Arms and Armor of Tamriel.
While our finest forgers try to copy these scraps of the past, all further knowledge of the true methods of initial construction has been lost.
Through the history of the Dwemer is hard to pinpoint after the cataclysm at the Battle of Red Mountain in 1E 668, artifacts of these slender, bearded mer of mystery are occasionally gathered by despoilers chancing upon the mechanical undercities of the northern provinces. You may seek out a well-to-do merchant or explore the vast, echoing stone and bronze tombs, where wayward and unrelenting bronze statues clatter to life and display their ornate protection admirably. The armor seen here was duly appropriated and worn by my steward Hardalio Orestillus, who obliged us by attempting resplendence in the armor of this strange people and their mechanical men.
It takes a keen eye and a knowledge of the unique bronze mineral the ancient Dwarves forged into their constructs to differentiate between a fully armored fellow clad in Dwemer artifacts and a clanking, grinding golem hissing and spinning its wrath (although escaping steam is a hint). Armor is of spectacular quality; even under my magnifying glass, imperfections are almost never seen.
Pattern work is angular and abstract. Most weapons are purloined from the golden fingers of a steam puppet. A Dwemer mace or axe has a sturdy, subterranean feel, but without the grinding cogs and whistling pistons. While our finest forgers try to copy these scraps of the past, all further knowledge of the true methods of initial