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Compendium Of His Arts And Crafts In The Realms Of Lesser Enchantments


TAKE CARE. The excellences of my works may not always be ready to the eye, and may lie deep within the warp and weft of the spirit weave.

The BattleAxe of Starkhorn's Swiftblade bears enchantments enhancing the skills of SHORTBLADE, and gives some Resistance to Shock when equipped by the owner.

The Boots of Starkhorn's Fleetness affords some abilities in the arts of RUNNING, and, when in use by the owner, provides a modest Resistance to Poison.

The Broadsword of Starkhorn's Unseen Wisdom grants benefits in the disciplines of THAUMATURGY, and, when equipped, confers a measure of Resistance to Magic for its owner.

The Claymore of Starkhorn's Unknown Wisdom affords some abilities in the arts of MYSTICISM, and, when in use by the owner, provides a modest Resistance to Poison.

The CrossBow of Starkhorn's Sureflight affords some abilities in the arts of MISSILE, and, when in use by the owner, provides a modest Resistance to Poison.

The Cuirass of Starkhorn's Swimmer affords some abilities in the arts of SWIMMING, and, when in use by the owner, provides a modest Resistance to Fire.

The Dagger of Starkhorn's Green Wisdom grants benefits in the disciplines of RESTORATION, and, when equipped, confers a measure of Resistance to All Elements for its owner.

The Gauntlets of Starkhorn's Red Wisdom bears enchantments enhancing the skills of DESTRUCTION, and gives some Resistance to Shock when equipped by the owner.

The Greaves of Starkhorn's Leaping grants benefits in the disciplines of JUMPING, and, when equipped, confers a measure of Resistance to Magic for its owner.

The Helmet of Starkhorn's Stalking grants benefits in the disciplines of STEALTH, and, when equipped, confers a measure of Resistance to All Elements for its owner.

The Javelin of Starkhorn's Dolphin bears enchantments enhancing the skills of SWIMMING, and gives some Resistance to All Elements when equipped by the owner.

The LongBow of Starkhorn's Smiting grants benefits in the disciplines of BLUNTWEAPON, and, when equipped, confers a measure of Resistance to Magic for its owner.

The Longsword of Starkhorn's Golden Wisdom bears enchantments enhancing the skills of ALTERATION, and gives some Resistance to Frost when equipped by the owner.

The Mace of Starkhorn's Horny Fist affords some abilities in the arts of HANDTOHAND, and, when in use by the owner, provides a modest Resistance to Fire.

The Pauldrons of Starkhorn's Surprise bears enchantments enhancing the skills of BACKSTABBING, and gives some Resistance to Frost when equipped by the owner.

The Short Sword of Starkhorn's Silver Wisdom affords some abilities in the arts of ILLUSION, and, when in use by the owner, provides a modest Resistance to Fire.

The ShortBow of Starkhorn's Deep Biting bears enchantments enhancing the skills of AXE, and gives some Resistance to Frost when equipped by the owner.

The WarAxe of Starkhorn's Hewing grants benefits in the disciplines of LONGBLADE, and, when equipped, confers a measure of Resistance to All Elements for its owner.
