Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

A Handful of Stolen Dreams is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls Online.


"As Jean-Jacques Alois and a group of refugees traveled through southern Bangkorai, they were attacked by Imperials. Several of them lost priceless heirlooms."


  1. Talk to Jean-Jacques Alois
  2. Recover the refugees' valuables
  3. Return to Jean-Jacques Alois


In a camp just southwest of the Old Tower Wayshrine, you will find a man named Jean-Jacques Alois. He will tell you that he is smuggling a group of refugees across the Alik'r Desert, but that Imperials stole some of the group's valuables. He will ask you to get the valuables back from the Imperial camp near the Old Tower.

Head east to the camp around the Basking Grounds. When finding the Refugees valuables, find the following:

  1. Yumaref's Promissory Note
  2. Salma's Dagger
  3. Alida's Pendant
  4. Pharik's Wedding Ring

These things can be found strewn throughout the camp. Once you have all of them, head back to Jean-Jacques Alois and give them to him to finish the quest.


  • 36–151 Gold


QuestMapMarker01 This section is missing a journal entry.

