Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

A Man and His Guar is a miscellaneous quest in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.



While exploring the Ascadian Isles, Teris Raledran with his guar is encountered on the road north of Vivec City, just north of Gro-Bagrat Plantation. Teris states that the two of them are on their way to Vivec City, where they are to deliver some clothing to the clothier Agrippina Herennia. Then the Nerevarine is asked to escort Teris and his guar there.

Reaching the signed junction at the west fork to Ebonheart, Teris will suggest leaving Rollie there, as guars are not allowed in Vivec. The Nerevarine will then continue with just Teris into the city.


The initial reward for the quest is 200 Gold, but if his guar dies along the way, Teris will pay the player 100 instead.


A Man and His Guar – MV_RichTrader
ID Journal Entry
10 I ran into a trader, Teris Raledran, while traveling near Seyda Neen. He is trying to get a shipment of clothing to Agrippina Herennia in Vivec. He would like me to escort him and his pack guar, Rollie, and ensure their safety on the way.
20 I've agreed to escort Teris Raledran, and Rollie the Guar, to Vivec. In return, he has agreed to pay me 100 septims for my time.
  • Quest accepted
25 I've decided to escort neither Teris Raledran nor his guar to Vivec. This man is unstable at best. And the guar is no better.
  • Quest Failed
80 We've gotten near Vivec, and Teris has told me that the Rollie isn't allowed to enter the city proper. He'll have to wait outside while we continue on.
90 I've arrived at Agrippina Herrenia's shop in Vivec with Teris Raledran.
100 As promised, Teris has paid me 200 septims. Rollie had little to say to me on the matter.
  • Quest Complete
105 Teris has paid me 100 septims for escorting him to Vivec. Although he promised me 200, I really only got half my job done, as Rollie did not make it. Perhaps he can use the rest of the money to create a memorial to his friend, Rollie the Guar.
  • Quest Complete
110 While on our way to Vivec, Teris Raledran met his end. It was sad to see the end of the eccentric trader, and I'm sure Rollie feels the pain of his death.
  • Quest Failed
120 On the way to Vivec, Rollie the guar met an unfortunate end. It was sad to see the big animal die, and I'm sure Teris will never be the same.