Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls




A Wife's Retribution
The widow Kolfinna wants my help in extracting wergild, the traditional retribution of the Nords, for the murder of her husband. I am to obtain Sigvatr the Strong's family heirloom, the gem Pinetear, and return it to Kolfinna at her dwelling on the western bank of the Iggnir River. All Kolfinna wants is Pinetear; I don't necessary have to kill Sigvatr the Strong.
  • Quest accepted
I have refused Kolfinna's request that I extract wergild from Sigvatr the Strong. I know better than to get involved is such a sensitive family matter.
I have agreed to assist the widow Kolfinna in extracting wergild from Sigvatr the Strong. The barbarian was last seen hunting near the Altar of Thrond, a stone formation to the northwest of Kolfinna's dwelling, just west of the Harstrad River. I am to obtain Sigvatr's gem Pinetear and return it to Kolfinna. It matters not whether the barbarian lives or dies, so long as Kolfinna gets the gem.
I spoke with Sigvatr the Strong and tried to coax Pinetear from his possession, but my attempt was a failure. If I can gain Sigvatr's friendship and then appeal to his sense of guilt, I may be able to get Pinetear without a fight.
Sigvatr the Strong has been overcome with guilt for the death of Gustav Two-Teeth, and agrees to make amends. He has given me his ancestral gem Pinetear, which I am to present to Kolfinna as payment of wergild.
Sigvatr the Strong would not surrender Pinetear, so I was forced to slay him. I must deliver the gem to Kolfinna as payment of wergild.
Like the shadow of a snake, my hand darted inside the purse of Sigvatr the Strong and withdrew his ancestral gem, Pinetear. If I return the gem to Kolfinna the widow, it will serve as payment of wergild for the murder of her husband.
Pinetear has been delivered to the widow Kolfinna, thereby fulfilling the extraction of wergild. Kolfinna was deeply touched by my efforts, and now considers me a member of her family. I can sleep in Kolfinna's bed at any time, and she has given me a key to her husband's old chest. I can have whatever it contains.
  • Quest complete