Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Not to be confused with Aeri.
"That daughter of mine. You mark my words—she'll never amount to anything."
―Aera Earth-Turner[src]

Aera Earth-Turner is a Nord brewer who initially resides in Bleakrock Village. She is mother of Trynhild and Littrek, and wife of Denskar Earth-Turner. She is forced to flee with the other inhabitants to Morrowind after the village was attacked by the Daggerfall Covenant.

She later joins the Ebonheart Pact and is encountered a few times afterward at various places across Morrowind and Skyrim, such as Ebonheart, where she is inconsolable. Note that she can be found regardless of choice during Crossroads, as she was not an active participant in either quest.




Zeren in Peril[]


Escape from Bleakrock[]

The Daggerfall Covenant has assaulted Bleakrock Village, and Captain Rana has sent the surviving refugees to Last Rest, a tomb near the town. Rana and the Vestige must clear the tomb of Draugr so that it can safely house the refugees.

Later on, Aera can be found in Bal Foyen.

If By Sea[]


Sparking the Flame[]


The Troubleshooter[]


Concealed Weapons[]



Show: Sparking the Flame

"The soldiers are everywhere! Where's Tillrani? I thought I'd be safe with her!"

Tillrani's not here. Hurry! Run to the tomb. "I'll bet she's there now. I'll see her there. Thank you!"
Show: If By Sea

"Hurry, friend. Bal Foyen is under attack!"

"Thank Kyne you've returned. Everyone. They're all gone. My family is gone."

Where have they gone, Aera? "They've gone to war. And they're outnumbered. I fear everyone we know will be dead before the day is out."
Show: Crossroads

"Damn the Covenant. My family was happy. Well, maybe not happy, but they were content."

Aera, tell me what happened. "The Covenant attacked in force when they saw the signal fires. Even now, they're marching on Fort Zeren. Darj took some of the villagers there, including my men."
Should I go to the fort? "Hold up. Captain Rana learned of a second force headed to the Bal Foyen docks. She's leading a group of warriors to repel that attack, but without aid... I'm afraid you must choose."
I understand. I have to choose between the docks and the fort. "I know it's a hard choice, but you must go to the fort or the docks. Lend your strength where you think it's needed most."
Aera, can you help me decide? "I don't know, maybe I can help you talk it out. What do you want to know?"
Won't the fort walls protect the refugees? "I want to think so. I really do. But the Bretons are known for their magic. If they could find a way through or around the walls..."
What about your family? "I trust you. You've already saved us once. If you decide to go to Rana's aid, I know it will be the right call. I know Darj will win the day."
Can't Rana defend the docks without me? "Captain Rana knows her business. And she has capable people with her, including my daughter. But the docks have no walls, no defensive positions."
You let your daughter go with Rana? "I did. Trynhild is proud and stubborn, like her mother used to be."
Why hasn't the Covenant attacked Dhalmora? "No idea. Perhaps their generals don't see a mud-brick village as a threat. I wish they'd felt the same way about Bleakrock."
Show: Zeren in Peril
Before the battle:

"I don't know what I'm going to do. Trynhild wants to run off and join the war. Littrek already has a sword. My home, my family... what else can they take from me?"

During the battle:

"Glad to see you. I came to be with my men. The Daggers almost had us. Go. Darj has need of you."

Where did he go? "He went to the keep. Said something about a 'master portal' opening at its heart. A Covenant general is coming through."

"Please. Don't let Darj down, not after all he's done for us."

After the battle:

"We... we won! We're still alive! I can't wait to see Trynhild again. I have so much to tell her."

Show: The Troubleshooter

"How can I …oh! It's you!

Aera? Is that you? "Aye. I've finally found my way in the world. The Pact has given me purpose, a reason to live beyond Bleakrock.
I'm actually here on a mission, but I'm a bit over my head. Can I ask an old friend for help?"
Of course! What do you need? "I've been tracking a dangerous Clan Matron of the Reach. She's meeting with a Covenant spy. Alone, I could take her. Here with her tribe, not a chance. Will you help?"
I'll get it done, Aera. "She's encamped just outside of town. With her followers. Put them all down, for the good of the Pact."
How have you been, Aera? "Well enough. It's good to have a reason to get up in the morning. Without my family the way it was … it's easy to wallow in thoughts of Bleakrock. Of the good days."
Look at you. What prompted this change? [?]
What brings you to Shor's Stone? "The hunt for this Clan Matron. That's what I do, now. Denskar used to say I latched onto things like a momma bear. Wouldn't let anything go. Now I use that instinct for the Pact."
How did you get this assignment? "After my breakdown … some of the others pulled strings for me with Pact command. As I was training, we talked about what I would do. This seemed the perfect fit."
Breakdown? "After Bal Foyen … I had a hard time. Losing family is never easy. I couldn't handle it. Even the others from Bleakrock just reminded me of everything I'd lost."
You're looking well now. "Thank you. When I was raising kids on Bleakrock, I never thought I'd be here, doing what I do now. But I'm good at it."
Show: Concealed Weapons
in the Thane's Hall:

"My friend! I would swear we only spoke days ago. I can see by the look on your face you know of Nimalten's dark times."

How are you doing? "Well enough. It's good to have a reason to get up in the morning. Without my family the way it was … it's easy to wallow in thoughts of Bleakrock. Of the good days."
What brought you to Nimalten? "This investigation. That's what I do, now. Denskar used to say I latched onto things like a momma bear. Wouldn't let anything go. Now I use that instinct for the Pact."
How did you get this assignment? "After my breakdown … some of the others pulled strings for me with Pact command. As I was training, we talked about what I would do. This seemed the perfect fit."

After speaking with the contacts, if the Vestige saved her husband and son:

"Nimalten reminds me of Bleakrock. All these good people, oblivious to danger. If only we could have protected my daughter.
Have you learned anything?"

Borodin's a drunk. He claims everyone in Nimalten is part of the cult. "He's a fool. Has Golun uncovered anything interesting?"
He says he's close to uncovering what the cult wants. "Oh? And what is that?"
He didn't say. He needed to examine a book in the thane's library. "I'm eager to learn what he uncovers. In the meantime, would you investigate Betar-Nes's home? It's just south of the thane's hall. I trust you'll miss nothing."
I'll check it out.

After speaking with the contacts, if the Vestige saved her daughter:

"Nimalten reminds me of Bleakrock. All these good people, oblivious to danger. If only we could have protected my husband and son.
Have you learned anything?"

Borodin's a drunk. He claims everyone in Nimalten is part of the cult. "He's a fool. Has Golun uncovered anything interesting?"
He says he's close to uncovering what the cult wants. "Oh? And what is that?"
He didn't say. He needed to examine a book in the thane's library. "I'm eager to learn what he uncovers. In the meantime, would you investigate Betar-Nes's home? It's just south of the thane's hall. I trust you'll miss nothing."
I'll check it out.

After searching Betar-Nes's home:

"Oh! Good to see you. I have sad news: Golun is dead. We heard the sounds of a struggle. My soldiers and I arrived too late."

Where was he found? "In the library, with a pair of smashed skeletons. The Worm Cult, I'm sure of it. But how did they get past my guards?"
I'll help the search. "First the attack against the thane and now this. I've asked my soldiers to take a more active role in defending the hall. I pray it's enough."
Aera, I was attacked in Betar-Nes's home. The cult knows I'm here. "You're not afraid, are you? Stay strong, my friend. We'll find the heart of this corruption."

In the crypt, if the Vestige saved her husband and son: [?]

If the Vestige saved her daughter:

"So, you've come to kill me."

Aera, why did you do it? "Do you remember Denskar? Littrek? Do you remember how they died, bleeding from Covenant blades?
I watched it all. I watched them die. You can't know how painful that is."
What about Trynhild? "I barely see Tryn. She's off on her missions. And she'll be dead soon, too, in this pointless war.
The Worm Cult came when I was grieving. They said they could reunite me with my husband, my boy. All I had to do was pass information about the Pact."
You must have known that was all a lie. "Maybe. But I chose to believe. It wasn't just secrets. Soon the cult asked me to kill for them. Golun. Thane Fjora.
Tryn would despise what I've become. I'm done with the cult, but it's too late, isn't it?"
I can't let you live. You betrayed me and the Pact. [?]
Come. Face justice, or face your death. [?]
If you're truly done with the cult, then run away. I'll say you're dead. [?]


Concealed Weapons[]

"A murder? on my watch?"

