Aetherial Shield is a unique Dwarven Shield found in The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard.
It can only be crafted in the Aetherium Forge during the quest "Lost to the Ages." It requires the following components:
- 1 x Aetherium Crest
- 4 x Dwarven Metal Ingot
- 2 x Refined Malachite
Apart from the Aetherium Crest which is assembled during the quest, all other materials to craft the shield can be found in the Aetherium Forge room on tables to the left and right of the forge.
The Aetherial Shield can be upgraded at a workbench with a Dwarven Metal Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith perk. However, it does not benefit from any Smithing perks. This means the shield cannot be improved past flawless quality without boosting the Smithing skill over 100. This can be achieved by using enchanted items and/or blacksmithing potions to Fortify Smithing.
Bashing with this shield triggers this enchantment:
- Become Ethereal: 15 seconds (on bashed target)
- Fear: on bashed target
The enchantment makes the target unable to attack or be attacked, rendering them both invincible and unable to cause damage to the Dragonborn, while also causing them to flee, as though they were under the influence of a Fear spell. Both effects occur regardless of the enemy's level. However, healing spells (whether cast by enemy mages against themselves or the Dragonborn against enemies) will end the effect, restoring visibility and making them susceptible to damage again. Power bashing with the Disarming Bash perk unlocked or using the Shield Charge perk from the Block tree will not trigger the enchantment.
The Aetherial Shield’s bash effect provides a tactical advantage by banishing any enemy (except dragons) from the battlefield, giving you time to recover or reposition before they reappear. It can also be useful for thinning out groups of enemies and evening the odds when surrounded.
- The shield bears a similar appearance to a Dwarven Shield, but with the large Aetherium decal in the center and the Aetherium gems aligned around the decorations on the shield.
- The shield's effects do not work on dragons.
- With the shield in the inventory or equipped, the Dragonborn may encounter Taron Dreth, who will ask the Dragonborn for information about the shield. He will attack with his three mercenaries regardless of the Dragonborn's response.
This section contains bugs related to Aetherial Shield. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following:
- 360 PS3 The enchantment might stop working. If this occurs one should un-equip and re-equip the shield to fix it.
- PS4 If the Dragonborn walks out of the Soul Cairn wearing the shield, the shield may slowly kill the Dragonborn with the same animation as the Soul Cairn Life Drain. The shield will apply its Become Ethereal enchantment on the Dragonborn.confirmation needed
- PS4 (Fix) This can be resolved by walking into the Soul Cairn, dropping the shield, then walking out. When the shield is recovered, however, it will appear to be a normal dwemer shield.confirmation needed