Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Icon legends agility

Agility icon

For other uses, see Agility.
"Agility outmaneuvers its foes with nimbleness and speed. It can move creatures between lanes and into cover, prey upon wounded enemies, and make extra attacks. Agility also uses curses and poison to kill creatures with a single hit, and some of its creatures benefit from direct attacks on your opponent."
―Game Terms[src]

Agility is one of the five available attributes in The Elder Scrolls: Legends.


Agility creatures prefer to avoid fair fights, using poison and precision to take down larger foes or cover and movement abilities to sneak past them entirely.[1]


Name Attributes Power Health Cost Type Subtype Rarity Text
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
11 Action Epic Shuffle all creatures into your deck.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 1 1 Creature Animal
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
5 5 5 Creature Khajiit Unique legendary Summon: Ahnassi steals all keywords from enemy creatures.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
3 6 5 Creature High Elf Epic When your opponent takes damage, you gain 1 magicka this turn.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
1 1 6 Creature Wood Elf Unique legendary Lethal
Deal 1 damage.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 3 4 Creature Argonian Common
Icon legends agility Agility 5 5 5 Creature Khajiit Epic When Apex Predator moves, deal 2 damage to your opponent and you gain 2 health.
At the end of your turn, if there are no enemy creatures in this lane, move Apex Predator.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
3 Action Rare Move a friendly creature. Then, it deals 1 damage.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 3 Creature Wood Elf Common Lethal on your opponent's turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Khajiit Epic Summon: Steal all items from an enemy creature.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
3 6 6 Creature Ash Creature Rare Guard
At the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, reduce the cost of all creatures in your hand by 1.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 3 Creature Ash Creature Common Summon: If you have a creature with power 5 or more, Shackle an enemy creature.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
5 4 4 Creature Dark Elf Epic Breakthrough
and Slay: +1/+0
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 5 Creature Animal
Rare Prophecy
Play a Prophecy from your hand.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
3 Action Rare Give a creature Lethal and Ward.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 3 3 Creature Nord Unique legendary Lethal
When a friendly Lethal creature Slays, put a Completed Contract into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
30 30 4 Creature Dragon Unique legendary
Icon legends agility Agility 2 3 2 Creature Dark Elf Rare At the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, Awakened Dreamer gains +1/+1.
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
8 8 11 Creature Defense Epic Guard
Immune to Lethal.
Summon: Summon an Ayleid Guardian in the other lane.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
6 Action Epic Summon a 1/1 Recruit in each lane and give them Guard.
Empower: +1/+1.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
6 6 8 Creature High Elf Unique legendary Drain
Draw a random action from your discard pile.
When you draw an action on your turn, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 3 Creature Khajiit Common Pilfer: +3/+0
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 1 Creature Khajiit Epic Charge
Shuffle a Baandari Opportunist with "Summon: Draw a card" into your deck.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 2 Creature Khajiit Common
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 0 Creature Dark Elf Common Summon: Give a creature Cover.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 3 4 Creature Dark Elf Rare Summon: Steal Cover from another creature.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
2 2 2 Creature Dark Elf Rare Plot: +1/+1 for each other card you've played this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 Action Epic Summon two 1/1 Cruel Bandits in each lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Epic Trade a card in your hand for a random card in your opponent's hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 3 5 Creature Undead
Legendary Guard
Secretly choose an enemy creature.
Last Gasp: Destroy the chosen creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 Action Rare Move a friendly creature in each lane and give them +1/+1.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Goblin Common Prophecy
Give a creature -1/-1.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
0 2 3 Creature Dark Elf Epic Drain
Deal 2 damage to a creature.
Last Gasp: Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 3 Creature Wood Elf Rare Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
3 4 4 Creature Argonian Epic Pilfer: Gain 3 magicka this turn.
Slay: Gain +1 max magicka.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 4 Creature Nord Common Summon: Give a creature in the other lane +2/+0.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 5 4 Creature Breton Epic Slay: Blades Stalwart gains power equal to her health.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 5 Creature Animal
Epic Drain
At the end of your turn, if you have a creature with 5 power or more, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 Action Rare Betray
Deal 2 damage to your opponent and gain 2 health.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 2 Creature Goblin Legendary When you reduce an enemy creature's power or health with an effect, Bloody Hand Chef gains that much power or health.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 1 Creature Dark Elf Epic Lethal
Draw a card.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 Support Ongoing Rare When a friendly creature Slays, it receives its reward an extra time.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 3 Creature Wood Elf Common Prophecy
Put a Completed Contract into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 4 1 Creature Argonian Epic Last Gasp: Your opponent draws a Completed Contract.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 5 5 Creature Nord Unique legendary Drain
When a friendly creature Pilfers or Drains, gain +1 magicka this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 5 Creature Wood Elf Epic Summon: Summon a 2/2 Wood Elf Scout with Charge in each lane with a Wounded enemy creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 2 1 Creature Argonian Unique legendary Guard
Immune to Silence.
Permanently Shackled.
Move at the end of your turn.
Last Gasp: The Treasure Hunters win.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 2 Creature Khajiit Common When Caravan Enforcer moves, he gains +1/+1.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 5 Creature Khajiit Common Pilfer: +2/+2
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 2 Creature Animal
Common Summon: Shackle a random enemy creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 4 Creature Chaurus Common
Icon legends agility Agility 10 Action Epic Summon a Chaurus Reaper in each lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 4 7 Creature Chaurus Common Summon: Give all enemy creatures in this lane -1/-1.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 5 Creature Animal
Rare Charge
Icon legends agility Agility 9 Action Legendary Summon a 4/4 Cliff Racer with Charge in each lane. Your opponent summons a 0/1 Target with Guard in each lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 4 Creature Animal
Epic Charge
Can't attack your opponent.
At the end of your turn, if there are no enemy creatures in this lane, move Cliff Strider.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
4 4 6 Creature Imperial Unique legendary Other friendly creatures in this lane have Guard.
At the end of your turn, summon a 1/1 Recruit in each lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 7 6 Creature Fabricant Common Drain, Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 1 2 2 Creature Khajiit Epic Pilfer: Add a gear to Cog Collector.
Last Gasp: Summon a random Icon legends neutral creature with cost equal to the number of gears on Cog Collector.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 Action Common Gain 1 magicka this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 5 Creature Khajiit Rare Wax: +1/+1 and your opponent can't target Corinthe Brawler with actions.
Wane: Gain 1 magicka this turn for each enemy creature in this lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 3 Creature Wood Elf Epic Summon: You must discard a card. At the start of your turn, draw two cards and Cornerclub Gambler loses this ability.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 2 2 Creature Daedra Common Charge
Crazed Hunger has +2/+0 on your turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 Support Ongoing Common Indestructible
Complete these tasks to "win."
Vandalism: Destroy a support or rune.
Burglary: Steal a card.
Assault: Wound a creature.
Murder: Kill a chicken.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 1 Creature Khajiit Common
Icon legends agility Agility 0 Action Rare Give a creature -1/-1.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 3 Creature Wood Elf Unique legendary Pilfer: Reduce the cost of the top card of your deck by 3.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 4 5 Creature Daedra Epic While you have another creature in each lane, Daedric Titan has Drain and your opponent can't target it with actions.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
8 8 12 Creature God Unique legendary Breakthrough, Charge, Drain, Guard, Lethal, Ward
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 2 Creature Khajiit Common Prophecy
Icon legends agility Agility 3 Action Rare Draw two cards.
Daring Heist can't be played unless a creature in each lane damaged your opponent this turn.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
2 3 2 Creature Khajiit Epic When you summon a creature in this lane, if it's full, Dark Mane moves.
When Dark Mane moves, it gains +2/+0 and Drain this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 Action Rare Give a friendly creature "Slay: Put a Completed Contract into your hand" this turn. It may move to attack creatures in the other lane this turn.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
1 Action Epic Drain
Deal damage to a creature equal to the number of creatures that died this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 7 Action Epic Give all creatures -2/-2.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 3 1 Creature Dark Elf Epic Guard
creatures damaged by Deepwood Trapper.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 1 2 Creature Ash Creature Common Deranged Corprus has +5/+0 on your turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 4 Creature Dark Elf Rare Last Gasp: Summon a 3/3 Deshaan Sneak.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 4 Creature Dark Elf Rare
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 6 Creature Khajiit Legendary Summon: Deal 3 damage to your opponent and you gain 3 health.
Devious Bandit has the Pilfer abilities of all your creatures.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
9 Action Epic Betray
Summon a copy of a friendly creature.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
3 3 3 Creature High Elf Rare Drain
Summon, Last Gasp,
and Slay: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 1 Creature High Elf Common Summon: If you have a...
Icon legends willpower card in play, Drain.
Icon legends intelligence card in play, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 4 7 Creature Dragon Common Last Gasp: Put a random Shout into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 3 3 Creature Imperial Rare Lethal
Dragonguard Outcast gains Cover until she attacks.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 Action Common Betray
Give a creature -2/-2.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 Action Shout Common Shout – Level 1
Give an enemy creature -1/-1.
Shout – Level 2
Give an enemy creature -2/-2.
Shout – Level 3
Give all enemy creatures in a lane -2/-2.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 0 Creature Dark Elf Common Summon: Look at the top card of your deck.
You may discard it.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
4 5 5 Creature Dark Elf Unique legendary The first time you play a card each turn, draw a random card from your deck with cost equal to your remaining magicka.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 1 2 Creature Khajiit Rare Prophecy
Icon legends agility Agility 3 1 3 Creature Khajiit Rare Summon: Move another friendly creature in this lane.
When a friendly creature moves, give it +1/+1.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 1 2 Creature Khajiit Rare Prophecy
Move another friendly creature in this lane.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
4 3 5 Creature Animal
Epic When Duneripper enters a lane, it deals 2 damage to an enemy creature in the lane.
Pilfer: Move.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 4 3 Creature Dark Elf Common Charge
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 3 Creature Animal
Icon legends agility Agility 2 1 1 Creature Goblin Rare When Dust Eater Skirmisher takes damage from a creature, give that creature -1/-1.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Imperial Common When you sacrifice a creature, Eager Torturer gains +2/+2.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 5 8 Creature Dark Elf Epic Summon and Last Gasp: Draw a card and reduce its cost by 2.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 4 5 Creature Centaur Epic After Elder Centaur attacks, give it Cover.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 2 3 Creature Spriggan Rare Summon: Put a random Animal into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Support Activate Rare Activate: Give a creature Cover.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 6 6 Creature Elytra Common Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Item Rare +0/+1
Summon: Draw a card. The wielder has Cover until it attacks.
Icon legends agility Agility 7 5 7 Creature Imperial Common Summon: If you have another creature in each lane, give a creature -2/-2.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
2 3 2 Creature Imperial Rare Pilfer: Summon a 1/1 Recruit in the other lane.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
5 5 8 Creature Wood Elf Epic Summon: Destroy all Wounded enemy creatures in this lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 3 Creature Animal
Rare Summon: +2/+2 if a creature died this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Common Give a creature Lethal this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility Double Cards Common
Icon legends agility Agility 1 2 2 Creature Argonian Common Prophecy, Guard, Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Common Destroy a Wounded enemy creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 Action Epic Betray
Summon a random creature from your deck that costs 3 or less to a random lane. Unsummon it at the end of your turn.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
4 3 3 Creature Dark Elf Rare Veteran: Draw a Forerunner of the Pact from your deck.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 Action Common Draw three cards.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 4 7 Creature Redguard Unique legendary Summon: Your opponent chooses a card in their hand and gives it to you.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Animal
Common Charge, Drain
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 5 Creature Animal
Epic Summon: Shackle all enemy creatures in this lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 Item Common +1/+1
Plot: Reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 1.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 1 2 Creature Falmer Common Prophecy
Give a creature Cover.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 3 3 Creature Goblin Rare Pilfer: Draw a random 0-cost card from your deck.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Rare Move all friendly creatures.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 5 5 Creature Spriggan Rare Guard
If Greatwood Elder is in your hand at the start of your first turn, gain 1 magicka this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 4 Creature Wood Elf Rare Guard
+2/+2 if there is a Wounded enemy creature in this lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 5 5 Creature Spriggan Epic When you gain health, Green-Touched Spriggan gains that much power.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 5 3 Creature Wood Elf Common Charge
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 3 Creature Dark Elf Common Summon: +1/+1 and Guard if you have an Animal.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 2 2 Creature Argonian Common Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Common Move a creature.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
5 4 5 Creature Ash Creature Epic Breakthrough, Drain, Ward
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
4 Support Ongoing Epic Give the second creature you summon each turn +2/+2.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 2 Creature Argonian Common
Icon legends agility Agility 4 Support Ongoing Epic Summon: All Field Lanes become Shadow lanes.
Friendly creatures have +1/+0.
Icon legends agility Agility 7 5 6 Creature Lurcher Common
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 3 Creature Dark Elf Epic Last Gasp: Deal 3 damage to your opponent and gain 3 health.
Icon legends agility Agility 10 10 10 Creature Grummite Epic Immune to Lethal.
Immune to Shackle.
Your opponent can't target Hulking Scalon with actions.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 4 Creature Wood Elf Common Summon: Consume a creature to Shackle an enemy creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 1 Creature Wood Elf Common Lethal
When Imbued Bosmer is Consumed, give the consuming creature +1/+1 and Lethal.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 2 Creature Dark Elf Common Veteran: Summon a 1/1 Recruit.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 6 6 Creature Argonian Legendary Veteran: Restore your magicka.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
5 5 5 Creature Nord Unique legendary Immune to Silence.
Friendly creatures cost 1 less.
Enemy non-creatures cost 1 more.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
5 6 5 Creature Khajiit Unique legendary Pilfer: Give Khajiit in your deck +1/+1.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Rare Sacrifice a creature to gain magicka this turn equal to its power.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 5 Creature Wood Elf Epic Summon: Destroy a Wounded enemy creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Epic Give a creature +1/+1. When you gain health, draw Leafwater Blessing from your discard pile.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Rare Either put another Lockpick into your hand or draw a card and reduce its cost by 2, chosen randomly.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Action Common Move a friendly creature, then give it +1/+1 for each enemy creature in its lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 Action Rare Give a creature -2/-2.
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
3 7 4 Creature Imperial Unique legendary At the start of your turn, gain all unspent magicka from your last turn.
When you have 30 or more magicka, Martin Septim changes into a 30/30 Avatar of Akatosh.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
3 5 4 Creature Khajiit Epic Friendly creatures with Pilfer may attack an extra time each turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 5 4 Creature Khajiit Epic Charge
Steal a card from your opponent's discard pile to yours.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
4 Action Rare Move a friendly creature and give it +3/+0 and Drain this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 1 Creature Khajiit Rare Last Gasp: Gain 2 magicka this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 2 4 Creature Animal
Epic Prophecy, Drain
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Khajiit Common Wax: +1/+1 and Drain.
Draw a card.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 1 1 Creature Dark Elf Legendary Slay: Summon a copy of Morag Tong Aspirant.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 2 Creature Dark Elf Rare Summon: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent.
Slay: +1/+1
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 3 Creature Animal
Common Summon: Gain 1 magicka this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 1 1 Creature Dark Elf Common Guard
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
5 4 4 Creature Dark Elf Epic Friendly creatures with Veteran have Charge.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 2 Creature Dark Elf Epic Last Gasp: Your opponent summons a 2/1 Mournhold Guardian with Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 Action Rare Move a friendly creature. It moves again at the end of the turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 3 Creature Goblin Common If Murkwater Butcher is in your hand during your first turn, reduce his cost to 1.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 1 0 Creature Goblin Common Murkwater Goblin has +2/+0 on your turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 2 3 Creature Goblin Common Treasure Hunt – 0-cost card: Put a copy of the "treasure" into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Goblin Rare Whenever you summon another Icon legends agility creature, Murkwater Savage gains +1/+1.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 1 4 Creature Goblin Epic Summon and Last Gasp: Put a Curse into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 4 Creature Goblin Epic At the start of your turn, put a Curse into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 4 Creature Goblin Epic Summon: Give all other friendly Goblins +2/+2.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 2 Creature Goblin Rare Guard
Give an enemy creature -1/-1.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 6 6 Creature Dark Elf Unique legendary Summon: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent in each lane.
Friendly creatures have "Slay: +1/+1 and Lethal."
Icon legends agility Agility 5 4 5 Creature Dark Elf Legendary Summon: Trigger the Last Gasp of each friendly creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 10 Action Legendary Fill a lane with Territorial Vipers.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 3 6 Creature Falmer Rare When Nightprowler gains Cover, draw a card.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 3 Creature Wood Elf Common Summon: +1/+1 and Lethal if the top card of your deck is Icon legends agility.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 4 Creature Animal
Common Prophecy
Summon: Shackle
each enemy creature with less power than Nix-Hound.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 4 Creature Fabricant Common Drain
If you have a Icon legends neutral card in play, Shackle an enemy creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 5 7 Creature Animal
Common Summon: Gain 5 magicka this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 2 Creature Animal
Rare Summon: If the top card on your deck is an Animal, draw it. Otherwise, put it on the bottom.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
5 5 5 Creature Nord Epic Guard
and Veteran: Consume a creature. Pact Outcast uses the consumed creature's veteran ability.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 6 5 Creature Khajiit Epic Slay: Draw a card.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 1 Creature Khajiit Common Drain
Gain 1 magicka this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 Action Common Shackle an enemy creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 2 Creature Animal
Common Lethal
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
5 3 5 Creature Khajiit Epic Ward
While Prankster Mage has a Ward, he has Guard.
When Prankster Mage's Ward is broken, he gains Cover.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 4 4 Creature Elytra Rare Summon: Choose an enemy creature.
When Preying Elytra damages the chosen creature, draw two cards.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 2 Creature Animal
Common Guard
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
4 4 5 Creature Khajiit Epic Drain, Guard
When you gain health, Protector of the Mane gains +1/+1.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
6 3 4 Creature Dark Elf Unique legendary Drain
Give all other friendly creatures in this lane Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 6 Creature Khajiit Legendary Drain
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 6 Creature Khajiit Legendary Pilfer: +4/+4
Icon legends agility Agility 6 Action Rare Prophecy
Deal 3 damage and gain 3 health.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 7 Creature Khajiit Unique legendary Charge
Draw a copy of the first card your opponent draws each turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 4 Creature Khajiit Legendary Wax: +1/+0 and trigger the Wax of each non-Rebellion General friendly creature.
Wane: +0/+1 and trigger the Wane of each non-Rebellion General friendly creature.
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
5 5 9 Creature Argonian Unique legendary Summon: Silence and Shackle all enemy units in this lane.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
4 Support Ongoing Epic Your creatures with 5 power or more cost 2 less.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 4 Creature Dark Elf Epic Summon: Consume a creature. Reduce the cost of each creature in your deck that shares a type with that creature by 1.
Icon legends agility Agility 7 Support Ongoing Unique legendary When you gain health, deal that much damage to your opponent.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 2 Creature Khajiit Common Treasure Hunt – Drain: +1/+1 and Drain.
Treasure Hunt – Lethal: +1/+1 and Lethal.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
4 2 4 Creature Dark Elf Epic Guard
Last Gasp:
Summon a 2/1 Mournhold Guardian with Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 3 7 Creature Redguard Unique legendary Immune to Wounded enemy creatures.
Summon: Give all enemy creatures -1/-1.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 5 6 Creature Argonian Unique legendary Pilfer: Summon the top creature of your deck.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Animal
Common Lethal
Summon: Shackle
an enemy creature in this lane.
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
1 Action Rare Look at the top card of your deck. You may discard it.
Draw a card.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 4 Creature Dragon Legendary Slay: +2/+0
May move to attack creatures in the other lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 Action Common Move a friendly creature.
Draw a card.
Icon legends agility Agility 5 5 7 Creature Spriggan Epic Summon: Give other friendly Spriggans and Animals +2/+2.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 Action Epic Look at the top three cards of your deck. Choose one to put into your opponent's hand and draw the other two.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 3 3 Creature Falmer Epic Summon: Give a friendly creature Cover.
Your opponent can't target it with actions until your next turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 3 Creature Argonian Rare Veteran: Move.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Argonian Common Lethal
+0/+2 if you have another creature with Lethal.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 6 Creature Dragon Rare Summon: Give a creature -2/-2.
When you reduce a creature's power or health with another effect, reduce it by an extra 1.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 4 Creature Falmer Common Summon: Draw a card if you have two other Icon legends agility creatures.
Icon legends agility Agility 0 4 2 Creature Animal
Rare Prophecy, Guard
Move a friendly creature to this lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Khajiit Rare Summon: Give a creature Lethal.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 3 1 Creature Khajiit Common
Icon legends agility Agility 2 3 2 Creature Khajiit Common Friendly Pilfer abilities are also Slay abilities.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 2 2 Creature Animal
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 2 Creature Argonian Rare Last Gasp: Draw a card if you have 7 or more max magicka.
Icon legends strength Strength
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
4 3 4 Creature Breton Epic Drain
At the end of your turn, if you played three cards this turn, Smuggler Underboss is immune to damage until your next turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 Action Epic Put four random 0-cost cards into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 Item Rare +1/+1
Summon: Give the wielder Drain this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 3 3 Creature Animal
Icon legends agility Agility 3 7 5 Creature Animal
Epic May attack an extra time each turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 6 Creature Argonian Rare Summon: If you have more health than your opponent, the next card you play this turn costs 6 less.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 1 1 Creature Wood Elf Common
Icon legends agility Agility 4 2 8 Creature Daedra Legendary Summon: Fill your lanes with 2/1 Spiderlings.
Last Gasp:
Destroy all friendly Spiderlings.
Icon legends agility Agility 7 Support Ongoing Epic At the start of your turn, summon a random Spider.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 1 2 Creature Daedra Common
Icon legends agility Agility 5 Action Common Draw two cards.
Empower: Costs 1 less.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
4 6 5 Creature Argonian Unique legendary Summon: Permanently Shackle another friendly creature to draw an action of your choice from your deck.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 3 2 Creature Dark Elf Rare Plot: Put a random 0-cost card into your hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 5 2 Creature Khajiit Rare Guard
Another friendly creature ignores Guards this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 Action Rare Give a creature an extra attack this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 4 Creature Argonian Unique legendary Summon: Put a random 0-cost card into your hand.
After you play a 0-cost card, Swims-at-Night gains +1/+1.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 Support Ongoing Rare When you play a 0-cost card, deal 1 damage to your opponent and gain 1 health.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 6 9 Creature Goblin Unique legendary Breakthrough, Charge
Last Gasp:
Summon a 4/4 Durzog.
Icon legends intelligence Intelligence
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
2 2 3 Creature Dark Elf Rare Last Gasp: Draw a card. If Telvanni Catspaw was sacrificed, draw two cards instead.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 5 Creature Dark Elf Common Summon: If you have a...
Icon legends intelligence card in play, draw a random action from your deck.
Icon legends endurance card in play, summon a Risen Dead in each lane.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 2 Creature Khajiit
Rare At the start of your turn, Consume a random creature. If you can't, sacrifice Tenarr Zalviit Nightstalker.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 4 Creature Khajiit Epic Pilfer: +1/+1
May attack an extra time each turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 4 Creature Animal
Rare Charge, Lethal
Icon legends agility Agility 4 4 5 Creature Unique legendary Summon: Draw a card from your opponent's discard pile.
Pilfer: Reveal a random unrevealed card from your opponent's hand.
Icon legends agility Agility 12 Action Epic Costs 3 less for each time you've Pilfered or Drained this turn.
Deal damage to your opponent destroying their front rune. Steal the card drawn from the rune. If it's a Prophecy, you may play it for free.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 Action Common Deal 3 damage to your opponent and gain 3 health.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 3 Creature Khajiit Legendary When you draw a card on your turn, reduce its cost by 1.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 2 2 Creature Argonian Common Summon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 Support Ongoing Legendary Friendly creatures have Pilfer: +1/+1.
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
2 4 5 Creature Argonian Epic Guard
Gain +1 max magicka.
Gains +1/+0. when your max magicka increases.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 4 4 Creature Khajiit Epic Charge
Gain 2 magicka this turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 7 5 5 Creature Khajiit Rare Slay: Gain magicka this turn equal to the slain creature's cost.
Icon legends willpower Willpower
Icon legends agility Agility
Icon legends endurance Endurance
3 Support Ongoing Epic While you have a creature in each lane, your creatures and actions cost 1 less.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 2 4 Creature Wood Elf Epic Prophecy
Icon legends agility Agility 2 4 3 Creature Argonian Common Plot: Lethal and Guard.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 1 1 Creature Wood Elf Unique legendary Summon: Shuffle three Brotherhood Assassins into your deck.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 3 3 Creature Animal
Legendary Friendly creatures in this lane with less power than Unicorn have Charge.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 Support Ongoing Legendary Friendly creatures with 1 power may attack an extra time each turn.
Icon legends agility Agility 4 3 4 Creature Wood Elf Common Prophecy, Guard
Icon legends agility Agility 1 3 3 Creature Dark Elf Common Guard
Last Gasp:
Draw a card.
Icon legends agility Agility 2 1 1 Creature Spriggan Common Drain
Icon legends agility Agility 1 Action Common Shackle an enemy creature.
Icon legends agility Agility 6 Action Common Prophecy
Give an enemy creature -2/-2 and a friendly creature +2/+2.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 6 Creature Spriggan Epic Summon: Summon a random Animal.
Icon legends agility Agility 1 3 2 Creature Animal
Rare Wild Boar can't gain Cover.
At the start of your turn, Wild Boar moves and gains +1/+0.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 6 Creature Spriggan Epic Summon: Summon a 2/3 Snow Fox.
Icon legends agility Agility 3 2 2 Creature Undead
Common Drain
Icon legends agility Agility 2 2 3 Creature Wood Elf Common Charge
Icon legends agility Agility 3 4 3 Creature Wood Elf Common When you summon a Dragon, gain 4 health.



  1. April 22, 2015. Bethesda.Net The Elder Scrolls Legends: Attributes