Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Ahirunz is a Khajiit who can be found inside The Cave of Trophies. He is the mate of Ernabi. She died at the hands of the daedra when they took refuge inside the cave.


A Misplaced Pendant[]

Return a lost pendant to its owner.


"This one and his beloved mate sought shelter, but there was none to be found. Ernabi, she didn't make it. Now I lack the will to go on.
Our children will grow up without parents. They will be poor and destitute and probably die young and alone."

How did you end up here? "This one and his mate, we lost our way one night. We followed a light in the forest and wound up in this depressing place.
We took shelter in a cave to the northeast, but that didn't work out so well. Especially not for poor Ernabi."
What happened in the cave? "We were attacked by Gnilokelo and his monsters as soon as we set foot in the cave. This one and poor Ernabi fought our way out and eventually escaped into the wastes."
How did Ernabi die? "This one's beloved Ernabi was wounded in the escape. She died before we could reach safety and find a healer.
This one's claws will never be sharp again!"

A Misplaced Pendant[]

I found this pendant in the Cave of Trophies "This one's beloved Ernabi dropped it while we ran from the Dremora. Ahirunz never thought he would see it again. It must be a sign! Ernabi doesn't want this one to give up.
Thank you. Thank you for giving Ahirunz the strength to go on living."

