Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Main article: Books (Online)

Alchemy Practicum is a book in The Elder Scrolls Online.




The traditional approach for a novice alchemist to learn how to concoct potions is to experiment. This means systematically trying a mix of carefully selected reagents in a solvent, and observing the results. Then you change one of the reagents and see if you get different results.

You, on the other hand, seem to think throwing random handfuls of reagents into a cauldron of boiling water will result in some mystical potion.

I was willing to let you flail away like this, since I believe you learn by mistakes, even if the road is long - and in your case, all uphill, rocky, and blocked by deadfalls. But your father's saneschal has informed me that you have gone through 725 gold pieces' worth of reagents to no result.

So, I am going to assign you a Practicum that should both teach you something and save your father money.

In addition to the standart fungus and flower powders, you will use some rodent parts from your latest victory against the rats in the pantry, just to keep expenses low. Please try, this time, to use reagents that have at least some matching traits.

Alchemy Practicum

I added 1:     and 2:     to 3:     , and got the following result:

I added A:     and B:     to C:     , and got the following result:

I added X:     and Y:     to Z:     , and got the following result:

