Alduin, the namesake of the deck
Alduin's Apocalypse is one of the five purchasable pre-made decks in The Elder Scrolls: Legends added with the Heroes of Skyrim expansion. It costs (USD/EUR $/€4.99) or 500 and is a Willpower and Endurance deck.
Alduin's Apocalypse is an offensive deck that contains many Dragon cards. It focuses on gaining Magicka and cards that are related to dragons in some way. The deck is nearly split evenly between Willpower and Endurance cards with a few Neutral cards mixed in. The most powerful card in the deck is Alduin, which the entire deck is focused around.
Nearly every card in this deck has high damage and health for its magicka cost making this deck very aggressive. In the early game, due to a lack low cost cards, the deck is normally very slow paced, though it quickly gains speed. Try to play the cards that increase your total magicka as soon as possible, it is essential for summoning the strong creatures that fill the deck and eventually Alduin himself.
- Dragon Cult Ghost (1)
- Encumbered Explorer (1)
- Ancient Lookout (3)
- Dragontail Savior (1)
- Midnight Snack (3)
- Cliffside Lookout (3)
- Mentor of the Watch (3)
- Tree Minder (3)
- Devour (2)
- Dragonplate Armor (2)
- Edict of Azura (1)
- Hive Defender (2)
- Imperial Camp (2)
- Midnight Sweep (2)
- Preserver of the Root (1)
- Revered Guardian (3)
- Karthspire Scourge (3)
- Piercing Javelin (3)
- Snowhawk Detachment (3)
- Spine of Eldersblood (3)
- Ironscale Dragon (3)
- Mantikora (1)
- Alduin (1)