Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Main article: Imperial Cult Quests

Alms from the Skyrim Mission is an Imperial Cult mission given to members of "Layman" Rank by Iulus Truptor, in Ebonheart. This is an Almoner's Mission.


  1. Speak to Iulus Truptor, who will ask the Nerevarine to go to the Skyrim Mission in Ebonheart, and collect 100 gold from the people there.
  2. Speak to Briring, who will give 5 or 10 gold.
  3. Speak to Bedraflod, who gives 5 or 10 gold.
  4. Speak to Ingokning, who gives 10 or 20 gold.
  5. Speak to Eiruki Hearth-Healer, who gives 20 or 40 gold.
  6. Speak to Heidmir, who gives 100 or 200 gold.
  7. Return to Iulus, and report to him that the gold has been raised.

Note: The amount of gold given depends on the influence and the fame of the Nerevarine. Some individuals might even refuse to donate at all.


There are two options available if the player raised all the gold possible; either be honest, and tell him that more gold was raised than expected, or just give him the 100 gold originally asked for. The rewards are as follows:

  1. Tell Iulus that the 100 gold was raised. He will award two Bargain Fortify Personality potions, the Nerevarine gets to keep the excess 180 gold.
  2. Tell Iulus that double the gold asked for was raised. He will take the 200 gold (leaving 80), and will give the Shoes of Conviction, (Value: 100 gold), which Fortify Personality 10 points for 20 seconds. Even if the Nerevarine hasn't raised with 200 gold, the option is still available, as long as there is 200 gold present in the inventory.

If the Nerevarine fails to raise the 100 gold or refuses to give it to Iulos Truptor by untruthfully claiming that he wasn't able to raise the gold, he must wait one day until he can accept the next quest "Alms from the Argonian Mission."


Alms from the Skyrim Mission – IC_8_Nord_alms
ID Journal Entry
1 Iulus Truptor told me to ask the Skyrim Mission in Ebonheart for alms for the poor. The fund raising goal for the Skyrim mission is 100 gold. When I have reached the goal, I should return and deliver the gold to Iulus Truptor.
  • Quest accepted
5 I told Iulus Truptor I was not be able to raise enough gold from the Skyrim Mission to reach the fund raising goal of 100 gold. He was disappointed, and told me to decide whether my talents and temperaments are suited for fund raising. Before I approach him again for an almoner's mission, I must be sure I want to give the Imperial cult my full commitment.
  • Quest failed
50 I reached the Skyrim mission fund raising goal, and delivered the 100 gold to Iulus Truptor. He seemed pleased. He gave me a little blessing, and told me to speak to him again when I'm ready for another almoner's mission.
  • Quest completed
60 I reached the Skyrim mission fund raising goal, and DOUBLED it! I delivered the 200 gold to Iulus Truptor. He seemed very pleased. He gave me a set of shoes blessed by Zenithar, and told me to speak to him again when I'm ready for another almoner's mission.
  • Quest completed
Alms from the Skyrim Mission – IC_8_Nord_alms_not
1 I told Iulus Truptor I was not be able to raise enough gold from the Skyrim Mission to reach the fund raising goal of 100 gold. He was disappointed, and told me to decide whether my talents and temperaments are suited for fund raising. Before I approach him again for an almoner's mission, I must be sure I want to give the Imperial cult my full commitment.
Alms from the Skyrim Mission – IC8_Bedraflod
10 Bedraflod gave me 5 gold as alms for the poor.
20 Bedraflod gave me 10 gold as alms for the poor.
Alms from the Skyrim Mission – IC8_Briring
10 Briring gave me 5 gold as alms for the poor.
20 Briring gave me 10 gold as alms for the poor.
Alms from the Skyrim Mission – IC8_Eiruki
10 Eiruki Hearth-Healer gave me 20 gold as alms for the poor.
20 Eiruki Hearth-Healer gave me 40 gold as alms for the poor.
Alms from the Skyrim Mission – IC8_Heidmir
10 Heidmir gave me 100 gold as alms for the poor.
20 Heidmir gave me 200 gold as alms for the poor.
Alms from the Skyrim Mission – IC8_Ingokning
10 Ingokning gave me 10 gold as alms for the poor.
20 Ingokning gave me 20 gold as alms for the poor.

