Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Altar of Spellmaking.

Altar of Spellmaking is a support card in The Elder Scrolls: Legends that is a part of the Tamriel Collection set.


  • Altar of Spellmaking was released as free offer from December 6, 2019 after the announcement that future content for Legends would be put on hold.[1] It is still available as a free offer in-game to new and existing players, and will appear after a player receives their first special offer.


Altar of Spellmaking plays the card at the top of summoner's deck for free if they played a creature, action, item, and a support card on that turn. As such, Altar of Spellmaking is best used later in a game when the summoner has enough magicka to play those four cards. Altar of Spellmaking's effect can be used as many times in a game as wanted unless destroyed.

Altar of Spellmaking itself will count as a played support card, allowing the summoner to then play the remaining necessary cards to play the card on the top of their deck. There is no guarantee, however, which card will be played, thus making it random as to whether that card would be most effective if played at that time. You can choose to play the card for free or put it into your hand.

The item, action, creature and support must be played by the player. So a Seyda Neen Courier would count towards creature, but would not count towards the item requirement, whereas a card like Siege of Stros M'Kai makes the player play the cards and would trigger the effect.



  • The German and Italian language version of Altar of Spellmaking mistakenly says that a creature, action, item or (instead of and) support card must be played in order to play the top card of the summoner's deck.


