Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Antoinetta Marie is a Breton member of the Dark Brotherhood who can be found at the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary located in Cheydinhal. She wears the basic Dark Brotherhood armor, which cannot be equipped when taken.


Although she seems to be the most "innocent" member of the Sanctuary, her blood thirst is obvious in dialogue. She dreams of taking over Ocheeva's position in the Sanctuary someday.


When asked for advice on "Bad Medicine," Marie reveals that she killed her aunt with poisoned stew and enjoyed the experience, especially when her relative's face planted into her bowl.

She was then homeless and claims to be near the brink of death before the Dark Brotherhood saved her.

It is also hinted she may have been heavily abused by prison guards. She refers to them as "strong and cruel, so very cruel" if one asks her for advice on the contract "Scheduled For Execution." If asking her this when her disposition is below 30, she will say she hopes the prison guards do to the Hero what they did to her, so the Hero will know the true definition of the word 'horror.'


The Purification[]

During the quest, the Hero is required to kill Antoinetta, along with all the other members of the Sanctuary.


Show: Welcome to the Family
In the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary:

"Welcome, Brother (Or "Sister"). So good to finally meet you. I hope you're getting along all right."

Lucien "I will always think of Lucien Lachance as my savior. When he found me, I was living in a gutter, an inch from death. I owe him everything."
Night Mother "I've always wondered who the Night Mother really is. Some say she's an old woman who lives somewhere here in Cyrodiil, but I'm not so sure."
Rumors "Don't tell anyone else, but some day I'm going to have Ocheeva's position. Just you wait and see. Lucien Lachance knows real talent when he sees it."
Sanctuary "Have you ever lived on the streets, struggled to survive? This Sanctuary is my home. Here I have the safety and love I've searched for all my life."
Sithis "Sometimes, right before a kill, Sithis speaks to me. He whispers in my ear and fills my heart with the joy of suffering and death."
Show: Contract advice

Disposition over 70:

"Yes, dearest Brother (Or "Sister")? Is there something I can help you with?"

Disposition 30–70:

"Yes? Is there something you need?"

Disposition under 30:

"Why do you insist on annoying me?"

A Watery Grave

Disposition at or over 30:

"I've traveled by prison ship. It was cramped and dark. There was little room to move around, but plenty of shadowy nooks to hide in. Remember that."

Disposition under 30:

"Ha! The great assassin needs help fulfilling a contract. You'll get no aid from me."

Accidents Happen

Disposition at or over 30:

"How do you plan on entering this man's house? Through the front door? Be smart and look for a more inconspicuous way in, like a cellar entrance."

Disposition under 30:

"That manservant is going to squash you like a bug! I can't wait to see what's left of you."

Scheduled for Execution

Disposition at or over 30:

"The Imperial Prison! Long did I languish there, in my youth, before the Brotherhood found me. The guards are strong and cruel. So very cruel...."

Disposition under 30:

"I can only hope the prison guards do to you what they did to me. You will know the true definition of the word 'horror.'"

The Assassinated Man

Disposition at or over 30:

"I once slept in the Chorrol Chapel Undercroft. It's damp, cold... and cursed! Getting Motierre out of there may be a challenge."

Disposition under 30:

"It just so happens I am familiar with the Chorrol Chapel Undercroft. You're as good as dead."

The Lonely Wanderer

Disposition at or over 30:

"Know what I'd do? Talk to Faelian, learn who he is. Maybe then you can lead him to a secluded place. Then, when you're alone... you know! He he he!"

Disposition under 30:

"I don't know what idea appeals to me more: you getting killed by this Faelian person or the Imperial Legion using your corpse as a target dummy."

Bad Medicine

Disposition at or over 30:

"Ooh, using poision [sic] [Do not change this to poison. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] is so deliciously evil! I once poisioned [sic] [Do not change this to poisoned. This misspelled word is how it appears in-game.] my aunt's stew, and she fell over dead with her face right in the bowl! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Disposition under 30:

"I think it says something about Ocheeva's faith in your abilities when she gives you a contract to kill someone who isn't even conscious..."


Disposition at or over 30:

"Remember, you must make the other guests feel comfortable. Make them like you. Make them TRUST you. Then bathe in their blood! Hehehehe!"

Disposition under 30:

"Why do you get to go to a party? It's not fair. I hope they discover the truth and kill you in your sleep!"

Permanent Retirement

Disposition at or over 30:

"Oh! You're being sent to kill Phillida? I hope the Rose of Sithis pierces his heart and sends his soul screaming into the Void!"

Disposition under 30:

"You're being sent to assassinate Adamus Phillida? Oh, finally Ocheeva has come to her senses! You'll be killed, and we'll finally be rid of you!"


Disposition over 70:

"Good luck, Brother (Or "Sister")! I hope you don't get killed! I mean, um... well, you know!"

Disposition 30–70:

"I'll be seeing you, then."

Disposition under 30:

"Just go! I can't stand the sight of you!"


  • Antoinetta Marie is a reference to Marie Antoinette, a former queen of France who was executed at the age of 37.
  • The Hero can find a note in the room of Ocheeva's Chest from Vicente Valtieri about his allergy to garlic as she had done a meal with garlic in it. In the same note, he insults her intelligence.
  • Out of all the members, she is the friendliest during the Hero's first meeting.

