Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"What's this about the Dark Brotherhood? You say you've been attacked by them? The fact that you're standing here seems to suggest otherwise."
―Apelles Matius[src]

Apelles Matius is an Imperial guard and an inspector that arrived in Vvardenfell from Cyrodiil to inspect Ebonheart and Vvardenfell.


Dark Brotherhood Attacks[]

When the Nerevarine was attacked by the Dark Brotherhood, Apelles directed the Nerevarine to go to the mainland, and then to Mournhold, the capital city of Morrowind. His associate, Asciene Rane, helped the Nerevarine transport himself there.


Dark Brotherhood Attacks

"What's this about the Dark Brotherhood? You say you've been attacked by them? The fact that you're standing here seems to suggest otherwise."

Dark Brotherhood "Perhaps you have been attacked. That's bad business. I don't know who it is that wants you dead, and I don't want to know. Dark Brotherhood activity here on Vvardenfell has been almost unheard of, but I know they have a large contingent back on the mainland."
the mainland "Yes, in Mournhold itself, actually. If you're feeling particularly suicidal, you can check it out for yourself. Of course, it's not easy to get there these days. Even though the Blight seems to be gone, Mournhold is wary of visitors from Vvardenfell. There is one may you get there, though. Speak with Asciene Rane about transport to Mournhold--she might be able to help you out."
Asciene Rane "She is a mage who arrived in Vvardenfel the same time I did. Special appointment to Duke Dren himself. Nice woman, and a powerful mage. You should be able to find her in the Grand Council Chambers here in Ebonheart."
transport to Mournhold "Well, that's what you'll need if you're so hell-bent on tracking down these Dark Brotherhood assassins you claim have visited you."



