Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Apprentice Taz is a Redguard residing outside Rimmen, Northern Elsweyr, in The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr. He is an apprentice in the Elsweyr Defense Force and second-in-command to Captain Samara who leads a training program for Dragon-slaying. Taz wields a two handed greatsword with medium armor without a helmet in the Dragonguard Style.


"Ha! Compared to my father's disappointed scowl, a Dragon's flame is tame as a warm breeze. I've actually grown quite fond of this land. And I've learned a great deal! I wager I could take on all six of my brothers at once, now."
―Apprentize Taz[src]

Taz is originally from the province of Hammerfell where he was sent from to Elsweyr due to his father's disappointment at his lack of skill compared with his brothers. Coming from a long line of Yokudan swordmasters, Taz was expected to be highly proficient in combat. Since coming to Elsweyr, he has jointed the Elsweyr Defence Force and is assisting Captain Samara with her Dragon-slaying training program. Since coming to Elsweyr, Taz has grown fond of the land and does not intend to return to Hammerfell soon, despite being confident that he can now best all six of his brothers at once.


Bane of Dragons[]

"Captain Samara is truly a genius when it comes to Dragon-slaying. I must make sure to write everything she says down. For posterity! You look like a rough sort. If you're interested, you should speak with her about joining the Elsweyr Defense Force."
―Apprentize Taz[src]

Taz provides the Vestige with information on the training program and the trails they need to complete as a part of it, including the optional objectives. After the Vestige recovers the tablet as part of the trial of knowledge, Taz can be found in the Stitches where he can administer a three question test to the Vestige on dragon lore. After the Vestige has completed all of the trials, Taz can be found outside Rimmen again with Samara.


Tell me about yourself. Why did you join the Defense Force? "Me? I come from a long line of swordmasters that go all the way back to Yokuda. In Hammerfell, my father always complained that my blade skills paled in comparison to those of my six brothers. Recently, he decided to send my to Elsweyr to train."

By fighting Dragons? "Ha! Compared to my father's disappointed scowl, a Dragon's flame is tame as a warm breeze. I've actually grown quite fond of this land. And I've learned a great deal! I wager I could take on all six of my brothers at once, now."
Are you planning to return home then? "Not anytime soon. In a way, being sent away was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now, I am a skilled fighter, I have a mentor who values me, and a land worth protecting. I am, as my father would say, a blade that has found its sheath."
Bane of Dragons

After talking with Captain Samara:

"I see you've agreed to the trials, how exiting! You will not regret you efforts, I promise you. Captain Samara has put her heart and soul into the Elsweyr Defense Force. Each trial was thought through with care."

Captain Samara said I should speak with you for more details about the trials. "Of course! First, the trial of knowledge! We suspect there are buried tablets in the canyon surrounding the Stitches that contain ancient Dragon-slaying secrets. The only mandatory part of your task is to locate one and bring it to me there."
Is there an optional part? "If you so choose, I have a few of my Draconic themed questions for you. A small exam, if you will. Such fun! Next, the trial of endurance. You must battle to the depths of a dungeon within Elsweyr and claim the Defense Force standard placed inside."
What's the last trial? "The trial of bravery. The most harrowing, but necessary test! Knowledge and skill mean nothing without the mettle to face your foe. Slay a Dragon and bring Captain Samara its heart to prove your courage."
Thanks for the information. I'd better get started. "Wonderful, anytime! I'm happy to be of service! Please let me know if you need further assistance. Many have approached the trials with hope and determination. Not all have the strength to see them through. But I have a good feeling about you!"

After recovering the Tablet of Dragon Slaying:

"Oh, there you are! Lovely to see you again. Do you have a tablet for me to inspect?"

Here's what I found. "Let's see. Fascinating! This is certainly worth the trial of knowledge. Well done! I'll see to it that this information is passed into the records of the Elsweyr Defense Force. Are you interested in the additional challenge?"
"You've recovered some valuable knowledge. Are you willing to test your own? Captain Samara asked me to present you with a series of questions that would baffle even seasoned scholars. If you're up to the challenge, of course."
Remind me again about the additional challenge. "To achieve absolute victory in the knowledge trial, the challenge is simple. You must answer all my questions regarding Dragon lore correctly. Surely you'll have no trouble. Do you accept the challenge?"
I accept. "Excellent! First, what is a Dragon's main form of conveyance? How do they most often get around, so to speak?"
Swimming. "Sorry to say, that's incorrect. Perhaps you're not yet ready for this test."
Crawling. "Not quite correct, I'm sorry. perhaps you need to brush up on your Dragon knowledge, my friend."
Flying. "Correct! Next question. What is the name of the Dragon God of Time?"
Alduin. "Somewhat close … but still incorrect. A good attempt, however!"
Alessia. "Oh, interesting. I don't recall any tales of Alessia being a Dragon. I'm sorry, that's incorrect. But quite intriguing."
Akatosh. "Yes! Perhaps the most well-know Dragon. It carries quite power, doesn't it? And finally, what manner of creature typically accompanies a Dragon in battle?"
Werewolves. "Very creative, but no, unfortunately that is incorrect."
Mudcrabs. "Now that would be a sight. My apologies, but that is incorrect."
Atronachs. "Correct again! Truly, you are a learned scholar of Dragon lore. I will let Captain Samara know you've proven yourself twice over in the trial of knowledge. Well done!"


  • "Oh, hello! Are you here from the summons? You look rather strong. Ha, I knew the posting would be worth it! Please, speak with Captain Samara if you wish to lend your aid to Elsweyr's people." – Before speaking with Captain Samara with "Bane of Dragons" started
  • "Captain Samara is truly a genius when it comes to Dragon-slaying. I must make sure to write everything she says down. For posterity! You look like a rough sort. If you're interested, you should speak with her about joining the Elsweyr Defense Force." – Before speaking with Captain Samara without "Bane of Dragons" started
  • "The trials can be difficult, but those who complete them are second to none when facing down Dragons. I've seen it with my own eyes! I'm sure you'll find the experience rewarding. I simply can't wait to see your progress!" – After first speaking with him during "Bane of Dragons"
  • "You completed the three trials, didn't you? Most impressive. You should report your success to Captain Samara. She'll be happy to hear we have a new stalwart member in our ranks." – After completing the trials but not the optional challenges before speaking with Samara during "Bane of Dragons"
  • "To succeed in all three trials is rare. To champion the additional challenges is just unheard of! Truly, the Dragons of Elsweyr stand no chance against someone like you. I'm sure Captain Samara will be pleased." – After completing the trials and the optional challenges before speaking with Samara during "Bane of Dragons"
  • "Hail, my Defense Force comrade. Your presence surely means no rest for the Dragons flying the skies today." – After completing "Bane of Dragons"

