Aranias and Andur have located the Wilderking in Greenheart, but Aranias has decided to betray Andur and protect the Wilderking. Later, she takes on the Wilderking's mantle and becomes the Wilderqueen.
Show: Frighten the Fearsome
"Was the treethane as rude to you as she was to me? All I asked was how one might get an audience with the Wilderking, but the way she reacted, you would have thought I was trying to slaughter her children. Did she treat you any differently?"
She asked me to help drive the Wood Orcs away."She did? That's funny ... because Andur and I offered to drive the Orcs away and she turned us down! I don't know. I'm beginning to suspect this is some elaborate Bosmer trick, and the whole village is laughing at us when we're not looking."
You don't think the Wilderking exists?"I didn't say that. There is definitely a distinctive magical force in this part of Valenwood. But I fail to understand by what logic the treethane decides who gets an audience with the Wilderking and who gets turned away."
Why do you seek an audience with the Wilderking?"Oh! I'm Aranias. Maybe you read my book, "Spriggans in the Green: Story and Myth in Primitive Bosmer Society"? Probably not, I guess. Anyhow, Andur and I came in a scholarly pursuit, to see if this Wilderking is really as powerful as they say."
So what will you do now?"We'll just have to venture deeper into the forest on our own. We'll probably get lost and suffer a slow and painful death, but that's the risk we have to take. If you're going after the Wood Orcs though, I know something that might make it easier."
What do you suggest?"If you want, you can take the essence from the Kollopi Tree and rub it all over your body to cloak yourself in a haze of forest moths. The Wood Orcs won't even see you."
Thank you."Oh! One more thing—Andur scouted out the Orcs' Camp pretty extensively. He might have some useful observations if you ask. Good luck with the Wood Orcs ... and that tricky treethane. Maybe we'll meet again when we find the Wilderking."
What do you know about the Wilderking?"There seem to be a lot more rumors than any real facts. Some say he's a man. Others say he's a spirit, an embodiment of the forest. What I find most fascinating though is the rumor that he actually shapes the entire forest. That's just incredible!"
Where are you originally from?"Me? I was born and raised in the Summerset Isles, on a rather small island known as Silatar. It's a pretty secluded place. Growing up there was what first sparked my interest in studying nature magic, but ... well, it was very lonely."
Is Andur actually a scholar as well?"Ha! Of course not. He's mainly here acting as my guardian. They warned us that this place was dangerous, and if the Wilderking is really as unpredictable as people say ... well, never hurts to be prepared."
Show: The Witch of Silatar
Outside the manor:
"I'm so glad you could come! My parents will be back tonight, and I was afraid I'd have to face them alone again."
I don't know what's going on."That's why I asked you to come early. I'm not sure what will happen either. Before they get back, I want to be carefree. We can visit some of our favorite places together."
Do you remember me?"Why wouldn't I? We practically grew up together. You're the only one I can trust these days."
You don't remember anything about Bramblebreach?"Bramblebreach? You know my parents have never let me leave Silatar after they saw what I can do. I've missed so much .... What happened at Bramblebreach?"
Your mother and father are gone?"They were afraid, like everyone else. After I raised up the land under the sea and smashed that ship ... even though nobody got hurt they said my magic was too dangerous. You're the only one who isn't afraid of me. You're ... not afraid, right?"
Of course not."You don't know what that means to me. Now, what will we do first? I know. Let's race to the lighthouse, like we did when we were little. Bet you still can't catch me!"
At the lighthouse:
"Not bad. You're pretty fast."
Did you just bind up my legs with vines?"Maybe. You know I've always had a special connection to the land. Sometimes things happen, and I don't even think about it. It just happens."
It's cheating."I'm sorry. It just happened. Wait. Something's wrong. Can you feel that? The land's in pain, burning hot. Look! The farm's burning!"
Where's the farm?"Over the rise. Wait. Too many footsteps, and it's too early for my parents' return. Boots. Boots .... There are invaders on Silatar. We have to stop them!"
After fending off the bandits:
"What have they done to my farm? Why would they do this? Animals!"
Where did they come from?"Does it matter? I'm tired of this! Everyone wants to hurt me or use me, and it stops now! Where were you when my parents "tested" me? Where were you when I needed you most? You left me! Why are you even here? Do you want something from me too?"
I only want to help you."I'm ... I'm sorry. After my parents left, I felt so alone. I couldn't find you. People kept coming. They'd attack, hound me, want me to show them what I can do. Like I was a circus animal, or some kind of pet! I shouldn't take it out on you."
I didn't realize how upset you were."No, it's not your fault. Thanks to you, these bastards didn't get very far. They could have destroyed everything! It's getting late. We need to clean up before my parents return. Meet me at the manor later."
At the party:
"You look good. How do you feel?"
Fine. How's the party?"There are so many people. And look, it's High Kinlady Estre! Why's she here? I bet my parents want me to show off my powers. I thought they were bringing me a teacher or something."
You sound hesitant."Hesitant? I hate this! And they've got something particular they want to see. Would you do me a favor and find out? Mingle among them. Eavesdrop. Find out what they've planned for me."
And when you know what's planned ...?"I'm not sure yet. They'll probably want another statue raised from the ground. My parents treat that like a party trick, and this is a party after all. But the way they're talking, it sounds more dangerous and I'm a bit worried, to be honest."
I'm curious. How do you control the land?"You asked me this before, silly. I don't know, but when I think about changing things around me, my thoughts come true. Remember when that merchant ship sank? I'd lifted the ground out of the ocean. I just forgot to lower it again."
"This is my test. If I can take the life of this girl, it means that I'm willing to make the necessary sacrifices."
This is not a necessary sacrifice. This is murder."What about the Bosmer who attacked my island? What were they? Dominion ambassadors? A peace mission?"
Those were bandits. This woman did nothing to you."If I refuse to kill this Bosmer, then what? I'll be alone again. The "Rock Witch of Silatar," a monster for fairy tales."
You're not alone. I'm here."You're here with me now, but what about later? No. No, that's not it. I must trust myself. Believe I can do what's right. I don't need anyone, you or the Veiled Heritance, to guide me."
What will you do now?"I am stronger than this. I won't murder an innocent to prove I can, no matter who demands it. The Veiled Heritance won't control my destiny, I will. I can do this. And I shall."
Show: Throne of the Wilderking
After she leaves Andur:
"It's you …? From Silatar? My … my friend. Thank the Eight! You were right about the Veiled Heritance. I'm sure now. They used me as bait to trick the Wilderking, and now Andur's going to kill him. I can't let that happen. I have to stop Andur."
How do you intend to do that?"I don't know, but somehow, it seems like that's what I was meant to do all along. When he burned the forest, I actually felt its pain. I think I'm ... connected to this place. I can't fight Andur though—he's too strong. Will you help me?"
Of course. Where is Andur now?"He's gone ahead. I can travel through the roots to catch up, but you will have to fight your way through. This might help. Use this bundle of roots and you can burrow for short distances. It will at least get you past Andur's fires."
All right. Let's go then.
In the tower:
"I'm scared. Shouldn't I be feeling confident? I mean, we defeated Andur. Look at all of this though! I've worked my magic on small pieces of land in the Summerset Isles ... but this is an entire forest … a living forest. Tell me I can do this."
You can do this."I think he was a man too, once, the Wilderking. I mean, he was like us. But when he took this on, he became something else. I think he merged with the Valenwood and forgot his previous self entirely."
Yes. His name was Ostion. He was an Altmer mage."And he doesn't even remember that! The same will happen to me. If I accept this responsibility and become Wilderqueen, I'll forget my home, my youth … everything."
From what I witnessed, those weren't exactly glorious memories."No, but they are my memories, and some of them fond. The ones with you. They seem only partially real, but they're the memories I'll miss most. I have to let go though. The way I embrace you in my heart, that's how I must embrace the Valenwood."
Are you ready to become Wilderqueen then?"Yes, but I need your help. You must climb the tower further and place the Wilderking's crown in the gardens there. Then you must wait for me. Promise you'll wait."
Ondendil:"We have much need of someone like you, Aranias."Andur:"Yes, young one. We have a problem in the Valenwood that will require your talents specifically."Aranias:"I-I would be honored to help however I can."Andur:"An opportunity has arisen to strike a devastating blow to the Dominion, to divide the Bosmer."Ondendil:"The Bosmer in Greenshade claim allegiance not to King Camoran, but to a man they call "The Wilderking.""Andur:"Killing this Wilderking will drive the Bosmer mad. He is very elusive though, so I will need your help to find him."High Kinlady Estre:"You realize we are entrusting you with an important task, I hope, my dear."Aranias:"Of course, Lady Estre. You can count on me."
Show: The Witch of Silatar
In the vision where she shows her parents her powers:
Indrathel:"Why are your clothes all wet?"Aranias:"Mother! What do you think of this tree? How about this island you're standing on?"Indrathel:"The ground is soaked. I will need new shoes now."Aranias:"I made it!"Indrathel:"What? You made the ground soggy?"Aranias:"The island. I made this little island!"Lorimil:"What? Ara, what do you mean you made it?"Aranias:"These trees, those rocks, none of this was here yesterday. The ground is wet because I used my magic to pull it up from under the water."Indrathel:"Oh, Ara. What have you done?"
In the lighthouse:
Aranias:"I'm sorry!"Indrathel:"You're lucky they're alive! How many more ships will you sink?"Aranias:"It was an accident."Indrathel:"Accidents are spilling water. Dropping glass. You lifted a ship out of the ocean with a wall of rock!"Aranias:"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."Lorimil:"Your mother and I will discuss your punishment. Go!"
In the manor:
Indrathel:"You father and I leave for Summerset in the morning."Aranias:"I won't do it again, I promise. I'll try harder. Don't leave me behind."Indrathel:"Don't grovel. It's unbecoming. We will return with help to control your temper."Aranias:"How much more can I apologize? I said I'm sorry."Lorimil:"No, Ara. It's just ... you need training. What you did to the ship, that scares people."Aranias:"What sort of training, Father?"
"I didn't think I was being disrespectful. Sometimes, people are just impossible to understand." – During "Frighten the Fearsome," before entering the Treethane's house
"Can you believe that Treethane?" – At the Shimmering Tree
"Watch your step." – During "The Witch of Silatar," when tripping the Vestige the first time
"Oops! Are my vines getting in the way?" – When tripping the Vestige the second time
"That'll show them. No one attacks my island." – After fending off the bandits
"No! I won't do it!" – After being talked out of killing Maelin
"I won't let you kill him, Andur!" – During "Throne of the Wilderking," while progressing toward the Wilderking's location
"I will protect the Wilderking as long as I can, but you must hurry." – After agreeing to help her protect the Wilderking
"Quickly. The Wilderking is weak. I must get him to the tower. You should come too." – After slaying Andur