Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"I'm Ardaline. I'm the guild's Advanced Trainer in Alchemy here in Bravil."

Ardaline is an Altmer and a Mages Guild member who resides in the Bravil Mages Guild. She is also a Journeyman of Alchemy ingredients.

Services and wares[]

She has 800 Gold and a Mercantile skill of 40. She buys ingredients, potions, alchemical apparatus, and other miscellaneous items from the Hero but she only sells magical supplies.

She offers both her training and her bartering services. Both are available at all times except when she is either eating or sleeping.


Bravil Recommendation[]

Varon Vamori, a male Dunmer, is in love with Ardaline. He stole her Mage's Staff, hoping to draw her attention. Realizing the depth of his blunder, he sold the staff to Soris Arenim in the Imperial City.

Seeking Your Roots[]

If the Hero asks Ardaline about Nirnroot, she directs them to Sinderion in Skingrad.


"I'm Ardaline. I'm the guild's Advanced Trainer in Alchemy here in Bravil."

Bravil "I'm afraid I'm not very social. So I really don't know very much about the people here."
Joining the Mages Guild

"I'm Ardaline. I'm the guild's Advanced Trainer in Alchemy here in Bravil."

Mages Guild "I don't like talking to people much, but Kud-Ei's helping me get over that. That's why she put me in charge of selling alchemy supplies."
Bravil Recommendation

"It's my pleasure, please continue."

Varon Vamori "What? I... I don't know anything about him. I'm sorry. Excuse me."

