Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Right. I'm sure that a delicate subject for someone of your...is 'breed' the right word? Truth be told, I've always been a fierce proponent of beast rights."
―Arith Sendrul[src]

Arith Sendrul is a Dunmer House Telvanni member residing in Tel Aruhn, in Vvardenfell. He can also be found in Sadrith Mora, in Sun-in-Shadow's House.


Objections and Obstacles[]

Arith Sendrul will ask for the Vestige's help in catching some thieves, so that he will be promoted to Mouth and can support Sun-in-Shadow.

The Magister Makes a Move[]

Arith will tell the Vestige to head for Tel Aruhn, as Magister Gothren has it out for Sun-in-Shadow, later, he will act as Gothren's mouth and deliver messages for Gothren.


Objections and Obstacles

"Ah, greetings. I'm sorry you had to see that. Magister Gothren's really quite charming once you get to know him. Honestly, he wouldn't have yelled if Ralasa's little snoop, Captain Giravel, hadn't interfered!"

I need to speak with the magister about my associate, Sun-in-Shadow's, petition for advancement. "Ah, that. I'm sorry, but Ralasa is determined to keep your Argonian from advancing. Typical. I should be Mouth! Say, I might have an idea. The thieves Muthsera Gothren mentioned fled to Shashpilamat. Could you retrieve the goods they stole?"
I could, but why should I? "Spoken like a true Telvanni. If you bring the goods to me in Sadrith Mora, I'll take credit for their safe return. Ralasa's gone to great lengths to discredit me, you see. My muthsera knows this. If I succeed, he'll see that I am the fitter servant!"
How does that help Sun-in-Shadow? "Muthsera Gothren will undoubtedly promote me to Mouth! Then, in exchange for your help, I'll support your Argonian's petition. One good turn and all that. What do you say?"
It's a deal. I'll meet you in Sadrith Mora, but I have a few questions first. "I can't wait to see the look on Ralasa's face when Muthsera Gothren strips her of her title! And the groveling … the groveling will be delicious!"
I have some questions. "Of course. What can the future Mouth of Muthsera Gothren help you with?"
What did the thieves steal from Magister Gothren? "A great many things, I'm sorry to say. They pilfered an ancient tome, a rare pendant, and a purse full of gold. Of course, my master was most aggrieved by the loss of several slaves. Strong workers, all. Muthsera Gothren is sick with worry."
I am not a slave trader. "No, of course not. I didn't mean to assume. Truth be told, I've always been a fierce, but very quiet proponent of beast rights. If you return the tome, pendant, and gold, I think Muthsera Gothren will still promote me—albeit with a heavy heart."
How did thieves manage to get into Tel Aruhn to steal things? "Well I can't say for sure, but there's a good chance the missing slaves stole Muthsera Gothren's property before fleeing Tel Aruhn. Ropefish and other people-smugglers sometimes accept magicked items as payment."
So would they be doubly punished if they were returned? "I'm sure I wouldn't know. My master has a kind and gentle disposition, but children sometimes need discipline, yes? It would really be Slavemaster Arenim's prerogative. Unfortunately, she can be … irascible."
You seem very quick to cut a deal with a stranger. "You should know by now that Telvanni alliances often start as fluid affairs. Not that our relationship is fluid! What we've got going here? Rock-solid. Sun-in-Shadow's intentions align with my own. It only makes sense that we should be partners."
The Magister Makes a Move

In Sun-in-Shadow's home:

"Yes, well. I came to warn Sun-in-Shadow, but it seems I arrived too late. I guess I should warn you too. My most benevolent master, Muthsera Gothren is … disgruntled."

Disgruntled? "Oh yes. Peeved. In the extreme. Magister Gothren promoted me to Mouth, but he still grieves for Ralasa. As you know, grief often gives way to anger. Apparently his gentle disposition has limits when it comes to assassinating his servants."
So this is his handiwork? I think his servants abducted Sun-in-Shadow. "Pity I didn't get here sooner. I thought perhaps, with time, his fury might abate. I'd make all haste to Tel Aruhn if I were you. Muthsera Gothren respects courage and candor. If you speak to him directly, you might receive better treatment."
All right. I'll pay Magister Gothren a visit.

After stealing Magister Otheri's Research Journal:

"There you are! I knew my master would show you mercy. Do you have something for me?"

I secured Otheri's journal, as promised. Here it is. "Well done! I think my master wants to speak with you himself. Try not to make him angry, all right?"
Wait, Gothren is here?


Objections and Obstacles

Magister Gothren: "Arith, Giravel, I've had enough of your excuses. Ralasa made your task plain. Find those thieves!" Arith Sendrul: "I'm sorry, Magister. It will be done." Magister Gothren: "Whatever it is you want, talk to my cringing assistant."


Objections and Obstacles
  • "Once again, it's been a pleasure. Farewell, Sun-in-Shadow." – In Sun-in-Shadow's house
The Magister Makes a Move
  • "Hello? Anyone home? Oh … scrib jelly. I'm to late." – In Sun-in-Shadow's house
  • "You go on ahead. I'll wait here for a bit. Best we're not seen together. No offense." – In Sun-in-Shadow's house, after talking to him
  • "Ugh. Where am …? Oh, dear. Just give me a moment." – After speaking with Gothren's apparition

