- "We are always interested of meeting those who are interested for our cause. Feel free to look around and hear of our plans."
- ―Arius Rulician[src]
Arius Rulician is an Imperial living in Gnisis in the West Gash. He is a member of the Imperial Legion and the Talos Cult. He resides in the basement of the Gnisis Barracks beside a Talos shrine.
Talos Cult Conspiracy[]
As a member of the Talos Cult, Arius Rulician is involved in a conspiracy against the Emperor. He guards a chest with a note which proves the existence of the conspiracy. He must be killed at the end of the quest.
- Common Pants
- Imperial Chain Coif
- Imperial Chain Cuirass
- Imperial Chain Greaves
- Imperial Shortsword
- Netch Leather Boots
Talos Cult Conspiracy[]
"What are you doing here? This is for Talos Cult members only."
- Talos Cult "Ahhh...you have spoken to Oritius, then? Excellent. We are always interested in meeting those who sympathize with our cause. Feel free to look around and hear of our plans."
- Talos Cult "We are those who worship the true following of the Legion. Protecting the Glory of Tiber Septim, Talos, the Dragonborn."