Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Artifact of Power is a Knight Order quest available during the events of The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall. A Quester from the Agent's Knight Order reveals that the location of a powerful relic has been discovered, one which can vastly improve the Agent's reputation.


After completing several quests for one of the ten Knight Orders of the Iliac Bay, the Agent will be accepted into said Order. From that point on they will have to make their way up the internal rank ladder to gain more lucrative and noteworthy quests, to improve their reputation.


  1. Speak with a Quester from a joined Knight Order.
  2. Head to the named dungeon.
    1. Speak to the Witch.
  3. Head to the town named by the Witch.
    1. Take the Witch's great granddaughter from the Palace.
    2. (Either) Escape the guards and head back to the Witch.
    3. (Or) Hand the child to the guards (ends the quest).
  4. Give the Witch her great granddaughter.
  5. Head to the dungeon named by the Witch.
    1. Search the dungeon for a pile of rusty equipment.
    2. Find either Auriel's Bow, Auriel's Shield or the Lord's Mail.


After gaining a large amount of reputation within a Knight Order, one of the Order's Questers will offer the Agent a unique opportunity:

"Rumor has surfaced as to the whereabouts of an ancient artifact of power. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Are you up to it?"
Knight Order Quester[src]

Accepting the quest will reveal that the source of this rumour is a Witch, currently residing in a nearby dungeon. The Agent is duly sent to investigate the rumor, and will be given as much time as they need to do so.

Heir to the Witch[]

"I am Elyrrya Woodford (Witch name). So, you want Auriel's Bow (Artifact). It is true that I know something of it. You must do something for me if you wish to learn my secret. Long ago, when I was young and your grandfather was less than a gleam in your great grandmother's eye, I gave birth to a daughter. I left the child to be raised by others, but now that my powers are waning, I need an heir. My daughter is long dead, but I have a great granddaughter of the right age named Elyrra Coppering (Child name). Bring her to me within 15 (Time limit) days and I will tell you what I know of Auriel's Bow (Artifact). Elyrra Coppering (Child name)'s parents know nothing of her birthright and will certainly resist any attempt to take her. You will find her in Palace (Building) in Ipshead (Location)."
―The Witch[src]

The Witch can be found part way into the dungeon. She will tell the Hero that she knows the location of one of three legendary items (either Auriel's Bow, Auriel's Shield, or the Lord's Mail). However, the Agent must kidnap her great granddaughter from her parents in a nearby palace, for the Witch has no heir and the parents are ignorant of the child's heritage.

Kidnapping a child[]

The Hero will be directed to a town with a palace, with the child found on the floor close to the entrance. Upon picking up the child the Palace guards, a group of Battlemages, Knights and Warriors will appear, largely due to the child as she wails:

"What are you doing! I don't want to go with you. Help! Mommy, daddy, help!"
―A Kidnapped Child[src]

If one of the guards lands a blow on the Agent there will be a more general alarm to the knights of the town, while a second blow will see the guard issue following ultimatum:

"Put down [child's name] or I will be forced to kill you."
―Palace Guard[src]

The Agent will have to either hand the child over, failing the quest, or make their escape, meaning the guards will follow them out of the town. Escaping with the child into the dungeon, and duly delivering her to the Witch is the only way to get the location of the artifact.

Aged artifact[]

"Ah, yes, my heir. What did you say it's name was? Elyrra Coppering (Child name)? Yes, she will do fine. Agent (Player name), you have earned the right to pursue Auriel's Bow (Artifact). The stars have told me that the path to Auriel's Bow (Artifact) leads through Tricergon (Dungeon). That is all I know."
―The Witch[src]

The Dungeon the Witch points the Agent to will be littered with rusty equipment, as well as random creatures and enemies. Looking at the various pieces of equipment (using "info-mode") is the only way to identify whether the artifact is there, or if the pile is just useless junk. If the Hero picks up the artifact, they will receive a message telling them that they have completed the quest.


The best possible outcome for the quest is to escape being hit by the guards at all, as doing so will incur a huge penalty to the Agent's reputation. The reward will either be Auriel's Bow, Auriel's Shield or the Lord's Mail, and is the only means of obtaining these items. Conversely, handing the child over will fail the quest, but will see the Agent gain reputation across the region.

The Agent will also receive a boost to their reputation within the Order for completing the quest at all, while penalties for failing the quest remain true to the Order's standards:

Faction Reputation
Knight Order +5
Specific Knight Order +5

If the Agent is hit by the guards, but refuses to hand the child over, then their reputation will also change by:

The Kidnapper
Faction Reputation
Specific Knight Order -25
Region -50
Nobles of Region -50
Peasants of Region -25
Other Factions -25
Faction Reputation
Knight Order -2
Specific Knight Order -2

If the Agent is struck by the guards and duly hands the child over then their reputation will change by:

Betraying the Witch
Faction Reputation
Knight Order -2
Specific Knight Order +1
Region +6
Peasants of Region +6
Nobles of Region +3
Other Factions +3
The Children -10


Artifact of Power - b0b71y03
ID Journal Entry
0 [Date]:

I embarked upon a quest to find a legendary, artifact of power. The only clue [Quester's name] of [knightly order] was able to provide is that a witch hermited in [first dungeon] might know something about it.

  • Quest accepted
1 [Date]:

The witch, [witch's name], in [first dungeon] demanded that I kidnap [child's name], in [palace], in [palace town], her great granddaughter, and bring her to the witch if I am ever to find Auriel's Bow.

2 [Date]:

The witch, [witch's name], in [first dungeon] demanded that I kidnap [child's name], in [palace], in [palace town], her great granddaughter, and bring her to the witch if I am ever to find Auriel's Shield.

3 [Date]:

The witch, [witch's name], in [first dungeon] demanded that I kidnap [child's name], in [palace], in [palace town], her great granddaughter, and bring her to the witch if I am ever to find Lord's Mail.

4 [Date]:

[Witch's name] has told me that the path to Auriel's Shield is through [second dungeon].

5 [Date]:

[Witch's name] has told me that the path to Auriel's Bow is through [second dungeon].

6 [Date]:

[Witch's name] has told me that the path to Lord's Mail is through [second dungeon].


  • This quest can be obtained several times, allowing the Hero to obtain all three items.
  • The time limit for the quest only applies during the kidnapping phase.
  • The Witch is a member of the Glenmoril Coven.
    • She can therefore summon Hircine if the Agent can meet her costs.
  • Unlike other quests for the Knight Orders, NPCs will not make any comments relating to the quest.

