Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Ashalmawia, Shrine is an interior of Ashalmawia Daedric Ruin occupied by Daedric worshipers. It is located in the West Gash region of Morrowind just slightly to the east of Ald Velothi.


The Shrine section of this ruin must be entered in order to enter the Sunken Vaults through the level 40 weakness glyph trapped door just east of the statue of Molag Bal. The lock and trap may be bypassed by using the Ancient Daedric Key found in the western room.

The emerald on the altar will summon a Dremora Lord if picked up.



Kidnapped by Cultists[]

Sason informs the Nerevarine that his wife, Malexa, was taken by cultists after they were ambushed on the road to Ald Velothi. He offers 200 Gold as a reward for her rescue, and promises to spread word of a good deed to fellow House Redoran members.

Notable items[]

  • Ancient Daedric Key
  • Cursed emerald


