Ashmelech is an underground complex of Velothi design located in the Sheogorad region. It is the only structure on a large island northeast of Valenvaryon and some distance west of Rotheran. The vampires of Clan Aundae use the complex as a base. Besides the notable items listed below, there are a large number of normal weapons and repair tools in Gladroon's room and a large number of alchemical ingredients in Mororurg's room.
Blood Ties[]
Find out what happened to Dhaunayne Aundae's son.
The Vampire Hunter[]
Kill the vampire in Ald'ruhn for Dhaunayne Aundae.
Notable items[]
- Gladroon's Room
- In chests
- Flameeater Robe
- Shockguard Robe
- Silver Flameslayer
- Steel Dagger of Swiftblade
- Wild Sparkblade
- On the table
- On Gladroon
- Key to Ashmelech, which unlocks the door north of him.
- Key to Ashmelech Chest, which unlocks the northern chest in the room to the east of him.
- Mororurg's Room
- Other notable items
- Dhaunayne Aundae
- Gladroon
- Iminda
- Iroroon
- Jeanciele Macile
- Lorurmend
- Mirkrand
- Moranarg
- Mororurg
- Odmi
- Tarerane
- Ticemius Conciatius
- Toranu Rothalnim
- Tragrim
- Vampire Cattle
- The gate leading to the cattle pen below Dhaunayne has the Object ID of "Census and Excise Gate" suggesting that the game asset was borrowed from Seyda Neen.