Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Azareth is a Bosmer member of the Vinedusk Rangers. He is tasked with keeping an eye out for anything suspicious in Elden Root.


The Honor of the Queen[]

All is not well in Elden Root. The Khajiit lack an embassy, which is the cause of tensions in the capital city of the Aldmeri Dominion.

The Orrery of Elden Root[]

Azareth is a bystander during the quest "The Orrery of Elden Root." He can be interacted with at the end of the quest.


The Honor of the Queen

At the Ancient Ruins:

"Saw you standing over the body of a dead Wood Elf. Nearly put an arrow in your throat. Good thing I recognize you."

Who are you? What are you doing here? "Azareth, Vinedusk Ranger. We work directly for King Camoran Aeradan. Saw you earlier, in the throne room. The king had his suspicions about the missing work crew, and asked me to look into it. Seems we both have a stake in this."
How much do you know about what's going on? "I know enough. Khajiit are owed an embassy. They're angry the High Elves are dragging their feet to build it. Seemed like politics, until a dozen stonemasons vanished without a trace. The king sent me to find out why."
Why did the king send you? "Before the Dominion, King Camoran Aeradan nearly lost a civil war. I came to see if the missing stonemasons were targeted by the Blacksap Rebellion. But Blacksap would've displayed the bodies, not left them as food for hoarvor."
I just want to know who's behind this. "The king suspects Ambassador Tarinwe has been up to no good. Little things, some of her associations. But he can't accuse his allies of undermining the whole alliance. So he sent me to deal with it."
Deal with it how? "Ambassador Tarinwe used criminals to smuggle supplies … never directly, but enough for us to notice. I'm not saying she had these stonemasons killed, but I'd like to ask her myself. Problem is, there's nothing we can do while she's in the Altmer Embassy."
Ambassador Tarinwe left the Altmer Embassy earlier, after I questioned her. "If she left the embassy, she knows someone's on to her. She'll go to ground, try to flee … have someone smuggle her out of Grahtwood. We should probably stop her. Meet me by the Middens, at the base of the Elden Tree. I'll be there shortly."
All right. I'll meet you there.

At The Middens:

"They call this place the Middens because it's where all the refuse ends up. We clear them out now and again, but they always come back. Necessary evil, I'm told."

Are you certain Ambassador Tarinwe is inside? "Spoke with someone I trust. She's definitely here. We should get moving. We're not far behind her."
What's the plan if we find her? "Capture her. Bring her in for questioning. Find proof she's behind this so Prince Naemon doesn't explode with outrage. Huh. Never thought I'd hunt a High Elf ambassador."
What can we expect to find in the Middens? "Smugglers, skooma addicts, and more than a few criminals. They keep to themselves, but sometimes they band together to repel outsiders. Kind of like a filthier version of the Dominion."
How do you recommend we proceed? "Our goal is to find Ambassador Tarinwe before she buys passage out of Grahtwood. Staying in the shadows, avoiding unnecessary conflict … that's what I'd do. But there's a lot of ground to search. I'll follow your lead."


The Honor of the Queen

Azareth: "On your feet. You're coming with me." Ambassador Tarinwe: "Why? Where are you taking me?" Azareth: "To King Camoran Aeradan, where you'll answer for crimes against the Dominion." Ambassador Tarinwe: "He'll have me killed and served for dinner!" Azareth: "Only if you're proven guilty. And if you are, none of us could stomach you. Now, get moving! Good working with you. I'll take her from here. You should inform the king of the good news."

The Orrery of Elden Root

Before the ceremony:

Azareth: "I'll make sure everyone clears out, as you requested. But you don't need to be here, Your Highness." King Camoran Aeradan: "I used to sneak in here as a child and climb through the Orrery's rungs! Do you think I'd pass up on the chance to see what it actually does? But have no fear, I want you at the outer door." Azareth: "Thank you, your majesty. I won't let you down." King Camoran Aeradan: "You never do."

After the ceremony:

Meleras: "Is this really happening?" Azareth: "I don't know what you mean." Meleras: "You must have seen! You arrived near the end of it." Azareth: "The queen says her brother died a hero. So that's what I saw." Meleras: "Do all you Vinedusk Rangers learn to ignore the truth?" Azareth: "We learn that leadership is messy. And because royalty must grieve in public, we learn not to judge." Meleras: "Perhaps you're right."


  • "You're not one for waiting in lines, are you?" – In the Elden Root throne room

