Balag is a Khajiit found at the Thizzrini Arena.
A Foot in the Door[]
Balag serves as the bouncer for Thizzrini Arena.
- A Foot in the Door
"Balag welcomes you! If you are cunning of mind and fierce of spirit, Thizzrini Arena is the place to prove these things! Also, Balag is running short of competitors. It is the downside to running fights to the death."
- I'm interested in competing. "Fragrant! There are just a few small technicalities to be dealt with. The impresario of Thizzrini, Feluni, demands that all entrants earn credentials before competing. This keeps out the … how is it said? Raff-riff."
- How do I earn these credentials? "This is a simple matter. The competition has three divisions—Summoner, Sorcerer, and Swordmaster. Speak with the champions of each division. They will instruct you further."
- I understand. "Balag noticed that you are still here. I can help you with something more?"
- What can you tell me about the competition? "Balag can tell you as much, or as little, as you would like to know. This one is flexible."
- What can you tell me about the Swordmaster Division? "Zara tends the Swordmaster Division. She is crazy as a rat in a cheese shop, but a master of blades. Swordmaster combatants are skilled with the hacking and the slashing. Also the jabbing and the chopping. Sometimes there is the poking."
- What's the Summoner Division like? "Tholbor runs the Summoners. His combatants conjure beasts and constructs to fight for them. This seems like cheating to Balag, but it is not for him to judge. The Summoner combatants use many tricks, so keep your eyes wide and your claws sharp."
- Anything you can tell me about the Sorcerer Division? "Pfft. Wizards. Balag does not trust them. Malarel is in charge. A combatant once talked back to her and all his fur fell off. This was tragic for him. Humans have very little fur to begin with."
- Who runs the arena? "Feluni is the big boss lady. Balag thinks the world of her. She is a mighty combatant and top-notch with the business dealings. And her fur? It is the sleekest.\n\nThis one confesses, he may have a little crush."
- What can you tell me about the competition? "Balag can tell you as much, or as little, as you would like to know. This one is flexible."
- I understand. "Balag noticed that you are still here. I can help you with something more?"
- How do I earn these credentials? "This is a simple matter. The competition has three divisions—Summoner, Sorcerer, and Swordmaster. Speak with the champions of each division. They will instruct you further."