Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Barilzar.

Barilzar is a Dunmer mage in who resides in Odirniran, having made the tower his headquarters. Barilzar once worked under Sotha Sil as his apprentice, and has now retired to work on his own projects. He will help you during the main quest of The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind.


Divine Inquiries[]

The Vestige is sent to Barilzar to inquire what he knows about divine energy. After helping him, he will tell the Vestige about a device his master Sotha Sil made to temporarily drain some of his divine energy.

Divine Intervention[]

The Vestige is sent to Barilzar to see whether he knows how to circumvent Sunna'rah's power.

Divine Restoration[]

Divine Blessings[]


Main Quest: Divine Inquiries
When first speaking to him:

"Such displeasure and disappointment! Nothing works even though every calculation is precise. And now an interruption. How infuriating! Wait, wait. Sometimes the Great Gear turns from frustration to oppurtunity..."

Do you know anything about divine energy? "Divine energy? I'll have you know I participated in Lord Sotha Sil's Nine Analyses of the Exalted Enigmas. But we have more important matters. I'm about to determine the correlation between color and time, and I could use another set of hands."
If I help will you answer my questions? "A reciprocal exchange? Interesting, interesting. Yes, I can see the benefits of such an arrangement. Very well. Just activate the crystals in the proper sequence while I modulate the energy flow. Less chance of explosion that way."
What do you want me to do again? "Such a waste, repeating words... Activate the crystals in the proper order. It's all about the colors, like a rainbow. Make a mistake and reset the mechanism using that lever. Unless it explodes. You'd be surprised how often that happens."
All right. I'll see if I can determine the proper sequence. or Like a rainbow. Got it. "You activate the crystals. Look for pure light, not muddled. I'll modulate the energy fluctuations, make sure nothing explodes. If color confounds you, look at the shape. Fewest sides to most. But the Great Gear turns, so be quick, be quick!"
I'm still not sure I understand what you need me to do. "Good help is as rare as the legendary Last Dwemer, but a clockwork is only as strong as its weakest cog. Just work your way up the rainbow. If color isn't clear, examine the crystals. Start with the simplest shape and end with the most complex."

After helping him out:

"Perfect! Such are the benefits of an extra set of appendages! The energy flows freely and without disruption, allowing the rods and the pistons to align in a most pleasing manner. Thank you. Now, why do you want to know about divine energy?"

Well, I was sent to ask you about the transfer of divine energy. "Sent? How intriguing. I was just thinking about my former master, Sotha Sil, and the experiments we conducted. He desperately sought to understand the power he and his companions attained—especially whether or not that power was temporary."
Did Sotha Sil reach a conclusion? "Not while I assisted him. He had a tool that he used to drain away minute bits of his own divine energy to store and study. He could extract it and return it as he saw fit. Not sure what became of the tool, but here are my notes from those days."
These notes should be helpful. Can I ask you a few more questions? "More questions? Well, Lord Sotha Sil attributed curiosity to intellectual superiority, suppose I should do the same. Ask, and I will attempt to tighten the cogs of your ongoing education as best I can."
That tool you mentioned, is it a weapon? "Odd question. Is a hammer a weapon? A saw? A Dwemer spring spanner? No, it was just a tool, a device crafted by Sotha Sil to aid in his endless experiments. I suppose I could imagine ways to modify the device, but for what reason? Hmm."
Do you know where the tool is now? "Haven't a clue. Tools have a way of wandering off when you don't stay vigilant. Had a guar that used to swallow tools when I wasn't looking. Glowed for a month until the enchantment dissipated and the tool passed. Should have heard the screams …."
You worked with Sotha Sil? "I was his apprentice, but that was years ago. Spent time working in the Clockwork City. That's where I learned about energy transference, Dwemer engineering, mechanical symmetry—made me the Dark Elf I am today. But I have a question. Who sent you?"
Archcanon Tarvus sent me. "The Archcanon? Lord Vivec's high priest? Suddenly the gears align …. I can think of a number of reasons that ALM and VI would want to know about SI and his tools, but some doors just shouldn't be opened."
Tell me more about Sotha Sil. "He's the Father of Mysteries and the Architect of Time. One of the Tribunal, the three Living Gods of the Dark Elves. Creates all sorts of helpful and intriguing devices, like the Clockwork City. I haven't seen my old master in many years."
What's the Clockwork City? "It's a wonder and a miracle, all brass tunnels, glass domes, and giant gears. He was inspired by the work of the Dwemer, but the Clockwork City is pure Sotha Sil. He made it to forge the future and reshape the world. I learned a lot there."
Main Quest: Divine Intervention
In his tower:

"So hard to concentrate and maintain schedules when interruptions constantly occur. Don't they know the Great Gear never pauses in its rotations? So that was you up there? I appreciate the assistance. Daedric entities can be very unpredictable."

Why were Daedra attacking you, Barilzar? "Logic has very little place in the behavior of Daedra, my helpful associate. Studying the fabric of reality does tend to attract unwanted attention, but these creatures appeared just before you entered my tower. I wonder, why have you returned?"
I located Sotha Sil's tool, but it's been altered to steal Lord Vivec's divine energy. "Ah, a modification of my master's old experiments, turning a simple tool into a dangerous weapon. Ingenious! Evil, yes, but also quite brilliant. Hmm. A tonal inverter should counter it. Uses sound waves to temporarily disrupt the flow of energy."
Do you have a tonal inverter I could use? "No, of course not. I just invented it! I need proper components to build such a device. My hirelings scour the land for materials all the time. Here's a list. Head out the back door and ask them to direct you to these common Dwarven components."
Where can I find these hirelings of yours? "Hirelings? Yes, they worked for me. Before they quit, ungrateful netches! Still, I paid them well before the pistons slipped their alignments. They should know where to find the components. Last I heard, Snorfin and the others were in Molag Mar."
Do you think the Daedra will return to trouble you? "The situation is wound dangerously tight, but I believe the gears revolve around you. Once you leave, I should be perfectly safe. Or, at least as safe as I ever am in the midst of all these experiments. You however …. Stay vigilant, my friend."
Can you tell me more about these components you need me to find? "I could, but I won't pour five-year-old flin into a cracked decanter. No offense. Suffice it to say, they're fairly common as far as Dwemer components go. Use the list and talk to my former hirelings. I'll build the device the moment you return."

"Ah, I remember! The components for the tonal inverter! Were you able to acquire them?"

Yes, I recovered the sonance generator, the inversion conduit, and the manual clockwork shaft.

"Do you like it, my latest creation? I call it the tonal inverter! Did I mention that already? No matter, it should counteract Sotha Sil's modified staff, at least momentarily. I assume you know how to use this, correct?"

No, I don't know how to use the tonal inverter.
Main Quest: Divine Restoration

"Interesting. Summoned by a Daedric Prince and her mortal mouthpiece. I was right in the middle of a crucial experiment, but I suppose I can spare a few clicks of the cog for Azura and my erstwhile assistant. So, did you break the tonal inverter?"

No, the tonal inverter worked fine. Azura wants you to help me get to the Clockwork City.

"Look at that! Daedric creatures in such a sacred place! Makes me so angry I can barely calculate our odds of survival. We need to deal with Barbas's minions. And by we, I definitely mean you. I'm a thinker, not a fighter."

You think Barbas was able to enter the Clockwork City?

"Look at the craftsmanship. The attention to detail. Sotha Sil is a true master. Amazing, isn't it? Such intricate work on something so small. Well, are you ready to go inside?"

That's the Clockwork City? It's so small! "Precisely! Oh, I see your concern. Forgot you haven't been here before. Use the entrance and you'll shrink down and get drawn inside. I understand that some of Sotha Sil's first entry methods had intended effects, but now it's perfectly safe."
But why is the Clockwork City inside a globe? "Where else would you put it? Besides, once we get inside, it's much bigger than it looks. My former master said that working in miniature enhanced his precision. And it made it much more convenient to hide away and store. Now in you go!"

"The shrinking sensation takes a bit to get used to. If you begin to feel ill, please make sure to point all your orifices away from my general direction."

"Vivec's energy, it flows through Sunna'rah! That's how Barbas is able to circumvent the city's defenses! But why is he waiting over there? I'll never understand what motivates these Daedra."

Did we really shrink into a miniature city?

"I disabled most of the defenses in this section, but Sotha Sil installed numerous safeguards. I advise caution, just in case. Barbas is ahead of us, but I know many paths through the city. We're just like the fox that chased the hound!"

But can we really catch up to Barbas?


Divine Inquiries
  • "A good start. Keep going!" – During his experiment
  • "Coorect! So far, so good!" – During his experiment
  • "Like clockwork, you are!" – During his experiment
  • "Close! Very close! One more to go!" – During his experiment
  • "Yes! I love it when the gears align!" – Upon concluding the experiment
Divine Intervention
  • "Is someone up there? I could use some help down here!" – Upon entering his tower
  • "Hurry, please! I have a natural aversion to Daedra!" – In his basement
  • "Sounds like the danger is past. Wipe your feet and come inside." – Upon slaying the daedra

