Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Baron Moves-Like-a-Smoking Plume is a Dremora serving Fa-Nuit-Hen. He is returned to him after the Maelstrom Arena is successfully completed.


Maelstrom Arena[]



Fa-Nuit-Hen: And now, it's time for my Barons to return to me! Fa-Nuit-Hen: Stand back, I haven't done this in a quite some time. I'd hate to turn you inside-out. Fa-Nuit-Hen: Baron Who Moves Like a Smoking Plume, I summon you! Return to me! Fa-Nuit-Hen: Approach me, my baron! Let me get a good look at you! Fa-Nuit-Hen: You look splendid, simply splendid. Baron Moves-Like-a-Smoking Plume: It is good to be with you again, my prince. Fa-Nuit-Hen: And you! Your assistance has been most satisfactory. I won't forget it. Or, anyway, my tutor won't forget it.


"Greetings champion. Thank you for returning me to my prince."

What exactly are you? "I am a master of martial knowledge, a sage of combat. I am a piece of my prince, and a reflection of his glory, just as the glory of my conquests will be reflected in him."
What does your name mean? "It is not a name, it's a title, awarded to me for my achievements in mastering the ways of battle of the Deadlands. The secrets of Dagon's warriors are no secret to me."

