Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Not to be confused with Balzag gro-Grumush.

Chief Bazrag gro-Fharun is the Orcish chief of Clan Fharun, residing in Fharun Stronghold. He is a devout worshiper of Malacath, and was once a close friend of King Kurog.[1]


In his youth, Bazrag was known as "Bazrag the Butcher,"[2] and was a close friend of Kurog gro-Bagrakh.[1] He accompanied him, Bumnog, and Bizra during their travels throughout Tamriel.[2] They joined a mercenary group known as Gaspard's Stalkers sometime prior to 2E 566.[3] Bazrag later became the chief of Clan Fharun and married Ulsha.


Invitation to Orsinium[]

While on patrol, Bazrog and his soldiers saw a supply caravan being ambushed by the Winterborn. However, before they could reach the wagons, supplies and Orsimer peasants were already gone.

After the Vestige helps with the rescue of the remaining survivors and finds the note To Warlord Ice-Heart, Bazrag can be found halfway to Orsinium, standing with Eveli Sharp-Arrow and Talviah Aliaria.

For King and Glory[]

Bazrag will be at King Kurog's exchange with the opposing clan chiefs.

To Save a Chief[]

Save Chief Bazrag from the Vosh Rakh occupying Fharun Stronghold.

The Anger of a King[]

Speak to Bazrag at The Greedy Gut.

The King's Gambit[]

Eveli and Bazrag must be rescued from the jail in Scarp Keep.

Blood on a King's Hands[]

Bazrag and Eveli will accompany the Vestige on the Path to the Moot. After Kurog is defeated, Bazrag will stay behind to mourn him.

Long Live the King[]

Attend King Kurog's funeral and Bazrag's crowning as the new king of Orsinium. After the funeral, Bazrag will be found inside Scarp Keep and is then-on known as King Bazrag.

Prisoner of Fate[]

King Bazrag is found arguing with Leramil the Wise and Fa-Nuit-Hen.


Show: Invitation to Orsinium

"You're the outsider who leaped into the bear's den to fight the Winterborn? Ulsha and the Wood Elf mentioned you. Surprised you didn't end up all bruised and bloody like the rest of those fools. This is our home, not an amusement for your pleasure!"

I saved your people. "And I appreciate that. Doesn't change the fact that I despise that you're here, though, sticking your nose in our business."
I was invited …. "Ah, yes, the king's invitation. And what a royal bag of snakes that is! Look, you have my thanks for saving those people. And, as much as I hate it, I owe you a favor. But right now I need to determine where they took the stolen supplies."
Maybe this note will help you find the supplies. "Let me see that. We've been betrayed! And for gold, no less! By Malacath, I'll make sure someone pays for this. Look, I need to protect the next caravan to come through the Merchant's Gate. If you truly want to help Wrothgar, then you will help me."
What do you want me to do? "This note indicated that the traitor has interest in the city. I want you to track down this traitor and find our stolen shipments. The fastest way to get on my good side—and on Kurog's—is to expose the traitor and recover our supplies."
I'll go to Orsinium and see what I can learn. "I suggest you start your search in the inn. Gold and dark dealings often go hand in hand with drinking and celebrating. Don't disappoint me. I hate putting my trust in outsiders. Do everyone a favor and prove me wrong."
What are you the chief of? "I'm the chief of the Fharun clan, one of the oldest and strongest clans in all of Wrothgar. Kurog makes it sound like tradition is a bad thing, but by Malacath's broken tooth, traditions is the lifeblood of Orc culture. It's who we are!"
That's why you're giving me so much grief? "You're a long way from home and sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. That's a good way to get it cut off, at least in my stronghold. Still, Malacath would call me a fool if I turned down help when it was freely offered."
Why would someone betray the Orc clans? "Unfortunately, not even Orcs are immune to greed. War provides too many opportunities for those willing to trade in lives and suffering. Gold! It turns brother against brother. We were better off when we bartered for everything we needed."
What should I look for in the city? "Look for anything that would link this traitor to the note you found. Someone with a lot of gold to spend would be a good start. Then there are the Khajiiti traders that were mentioned. How many of the car-people could there be in Orsinium?"
Show: For King and Glory

"I may be grateful for the help you provided me earlier, but you aren't one of us. For your own good, stay out of this. Kurog will be the death of you, mark my words."

Show: To Save a Chief

"So Kurog's pet shows up again. Are you here to make sure I'm still a prisoner, or has he sent you to cut my throat? Come on, what are you waiting for? Just kill me and get it over with! Or don't you have the guts for that kind of work?"

You're the chief who got captured? "Kurog sent you to kill the captured chief, but he didn't tell you it was me? Ha! How typical! Well, the damn cultists couldn't kill me, the prison escapees couldn't kill me, and neither can you!"
High Priestess Solgra sent me, not Kurog. "The Trinimac priestess? She's just like the idiots who attacked my stronghold and threw me down here. They released my prisoners and made a game out of letting them torture us. But the joke's on them. I'm still alive!"
Why should I rescue you after what you did at the Orsinium temple? "What are you talking about? After I left Orsinium, I returned here just in time to watch the Vosh Rakh overwhelm my stronghold. I've been a prisoner in my own dungeon ever since! Definitely didn't have time to do anything at the temple."
The fanatics kept shouting your name as they attacked. "That's nice. I have adoring admirers. But I had nothing to do with them or the temple. Now do you want to chat or do you want to get out of here? My arm's hurt, so climbing up the well is right out. We need to find another exit."
Sounds like you've got a suggestion. "I do, indeed. But the prison defenses are still active. That's going to make getting out of here a bit tricky. Lucky for you, I'm here."
All right, let's go find the exit. "First we need to get to the Chamber of Scorn, where we keep the dangerous prisoners."

If spoken to again:

"The Chamber of Scorn is defended by a mechanism that releases poison gas. We can deal with that, but the solution is rather complex. I employed the best engineers gold could buy, after all. I'll explain what we need to do once we get inside."

Why does Fharun Stronghold have a prison? "What? You think Malacath's Code only allows for death or exile? Sometimes you want individuals to pay for their crimes, but you also want to keep them around, just in case. Besides, running a prison turned out to be a lucrative business."
Lucrative? How so? "Any clan that wants us to take in an undesirable pays us gold for the privilege. And, as I'm sure you noticed, we have a lot of undesirables down here. But we can discuss this in more detail later, after we get out of here."

Bazrag and the Vestige then enter the Chamber of Scorn:

"Damn grates! I forgot about them. Blast that engineer and his damn grates! So, just so you know, if we don't do this exactly right, we're both going to die. No pressure or anything, but I wanted you to know what we're dealing with here."

What do we need to do? "I need to turn the manual override switches in the correct order to open the gate to the next chamber. But this is the Chamber of Scorn. It was designed to hold our most dangerous inmates, so it won't be that simple."
It never is. What else is going to happen? "As soon as I start the process, poison will begin filling the room and those cell doors are going to swing open. I'll try to be quick, but with an injured arm, I can only work so fast. Just keep the prisoners away from me and stay out of the gas."
An engineer gave an elixir to drink. Said it would help with the poison. "You met Frilan? Ha, I knew they couldn't kill that damn Breton. The man is a genius! Glad you took his advice. That potion might save your life. You still need to keep the prisoners off my arse so I can open the gate though."
I'm ready when you are.

At the spike room:

"Welcome to the spike room. I'd brag about the craftsmanship if we weren't trapped down here. See those valves on the wall? I need you to turn all three of them. Just watch out for the spikes."

I just need to turn the three valves? "Well, not exactly. Those expensive engineers I hired built in override timers on the locks. If you don't close the valves fast enough, the trap resets. We built it to hamper escape attempts, remember? It's not supposed to be easy."
Turn the valves quickly. Anything else? "Just watch out for those spikes. They're reinforced metal sharpened to razor points. And they might be coated with poison. Depends on when the last maintenance tasks were performed. Get skewered by a couple of those spikes and it's so long horker!"
Your engineer mentioned a fourth valve that disables the reset mechanism? "Clever bastard! That must be the valve near the exit gate. If I'd known, I would have had it removed. Circumvention measures can lead to a breakdown of the entire prison system! But as long as it's there, we might as well take advantage of it."

If spoken to again before traversing the spike traps:

"As soon as you turn that valve, that timer for the lock reset is going to start. Keep that in your head. There's a pattern, though. It changes daily, but if [sic] [Do not change this to if you. This missing word is how it officially appears.] take your time and watch carefully, you should be able to figure out the current pattern."

If spoken to after solving the spike trap:

"That wasn't so bad. We're almost out of here. I guess once we get outside, my fate will be in your hands. At least I won't be trapped in my own prison any more."

After exiting the prison:

"I refuse to leave one prison just to enter another. If you plan to take me to Kurog, forget about it. I'd rather die here, with my clan, then have to see Kurog's gloating face again."

I'm not taking you to Kurog. "Damn right you're not! Make a move and I'll cut you. Just a flick of my wrist and your guts will decorate the floor. Now tell me why Solgra sent you. What kind of game is Kurog playing this time?"
Your arm ….? "My arm is fine! But I couldn't get out of the prison on my own, so killing you down there wasn't an option. Now I'll ask again. Why are you here? Why did Solgra send you to help me?"
She didn't want the Vosh Rakh to kill you in Trinimac's name. "Now I understand! Kurog wants to save face. Can't have a rival chief die at the hands of fanatics who worship the same god as our so-called king. Now I see where Kurog's priorities lie."
Isn't he trying to unite your people? You could help him. "Me? Help Kurog? Where was our so-called king when my clan was at the mercy of the Vosh Rakh? Where was he when my people were dying or being forced to join this cult against their will?"
Is that why you attacked the temple? "How many times do I have to tell you? I had nothing to do with that! You want to know the truth? Find Ulsha. I sent her away during the attack. She's camped outside Fharun. She'll tell you everything you need to know."

If spoken to again after Eveli makes him lower his weapon:

"Something isn't right in all this. I hope you can see that. In any case, just kill me or let me go, because I'm not letting you turn me over to Kurog."

If spoken to again after speaking to Eveli:

"You saved my life, so I'll go along with this nonsense. For now. Just find Ulsha. She'll prove I had nothing to do with the attack on the temple. But if this is a trick, there's nowhere in Oblivion where you'll be able to hide from my wrath."

Show: The Anger of a King
If spoken to before speaking with Solgra:

"Who would have thought that Solgra would help me? After all I said about her? Well, I was wrong. Even if she does worship a false god, she still cares about the people. I can respect that."

If spoken to before speaking with Eveli:

"The Vosh Rakh practically bragged about their plan as they tossed me in that cell. They said it was going to be big and bold and really show the world what Trinimac is all about. They didn't tell me any details, but I think it involves the moot."

If spoken to after speaking with Eveli:

"I have a feeling that the Wood Elf isn't the only one around here who's been lied to. Hurry back. I don't think we have a lot of time before the Vosh Rakh make their move."

Show: The King's Gambit
In the secret room in The Greedy Gut, if the Vestige chose to kill Talviah Aliaria during "The Anger of a King":

"Thanks to the timely arrival of the Wood Elf, we were ready for those Vosh Rakh bastards. You should have seen their expressions when we started cutting them down to size. It was glorious! So, are there more of these tuskless wonders out there?"

Not too many, at least not at the moment. "As you can see, we've been rather busy ourselves, so I haven't had a chance to get the entire story out of Eveli. Tell me, what else did you learn at Paragon's Remembrance?"
Alga leads the Vosh Rakh, but they're going to blame Solgra for everything that's happening. "By the sacred tusk, the forge-mother? The Vosh Rakh answer to Alga? That's … well, come to think of it, that makes a certain amount of sense. The cowards blame the high priestess and then get to smell like sunshine on a cloudy day."
Where is the High Priestess? "Solgra doesn't have a bounty on her head—at least not yet. She went back to the temple. Business as usual, and all that. What a mess Kurog has made. He thinks we're the traitors, but his mother is running a cult right under his nose."
What do you think we should do now? "As much as it galls me to help him, Kurog needs to be warned. He's in as much danger as the clan chiefs, especially if Alga plans to usurp her son. You go talk to Kurog. I'll send Eveli to protect Solgra."

Upon regaining consciousness:

"What in Malacath's name did they do to you? You had more holes in you than a block of echatere cheese after a skeever attack! I tended to your wounds as best I could, but I'm kind of surprised you woke up at all."

What happened? "Not sure. I slipped inside before Kurog locked down the keep. Found you lying on the floor and dragged you back here before all the Vosh Rakh showed up. I thought they were Orsimer soldiers at first, but those are definitely the cultists up there."
Where are Kurog and the chiefs? "They headed for the moot. It's going to start soon. Kurog and the chiefs don't realize what they're walking into. It's going to be a blood bath!"
Kurog's in on the plan. Where are they holding the moot? "I knew it, the tuskless bastard! He plans to kill the chiefs and unite the clans over the corpses of our people. Despicable! They're holding the moot in the mountains overlooking the city. A path beyond the throne room leads right to it."
Then we should get moving. "You go ahead. Just watch yourself. Those Vosh Rakh maniacs aren't going to stand aside and let you march in there. I'll go gather some other allies in the city. If you run into problems, meet me outside the keep and we'll figure something else out."
Before I go, can I ask you something? "Before Kurog started all this, I honestly never gave it a lot of thought. It certainly goes against all our most-cherished traditions. I have to admit, there are advantages to a united Orc nation. But not this way. Not this way."
Do you think Kurog planned this from the beginning? "Who can say? I want to believe that Kurog started out with the best intentions. He thought the death of Ice-Heart would unite us under his banner. But the clan chiefs, they're a stubborn lot."
So he turned to this plan in desperation? "I assume that he and Alga had it in mind, just in case. I can't help wonder if this is my fault, though. I should have talked to Kurog, listened to what he had to say. Instead, I turned away. I refused to hear him out. And now look where we are."
Why are Kurog and Alga so determined to get rid of you? "I have a reputation. Most of the chiefs and their clans respect me. That makes me a threat to Kurog's plans. By discrediting me, Alga and her son give the people someone to hate. Then they can remove me from the field of battle without consequence."
Are the Orcs really that fickle? "People believe whatever's right in front of them. By throwing me in my own prison and making sure no one could talk to me, Kurog could direct the story to his own purposes. The fanatics shouted my name, and that's all the people heard."
Is a united Orsimer really that bad of an idea? "ome of Kurog's ideas have merit, I'll give him that. But the cost he's willing to bear to see his plans through to fruition? Murder. A city built on fresh graves. And the madness doesn't end there."
It doesn't? "No, it doesn't. With a united nation at his beck and call, Kurog assembles an army. And then he points that army at our supposed enemies. Suddenly it's the Orsimer against the world, for good or ill."
Would Kurog really be that bold? "You've seen our so-called king in action. You know him as well as anyone. Perhaps better. What do you think? His pride will eventually be his downfall—and the downfall of his newly formed Orc nation."

In Scarp Keep, if the Vestige did not kill Talviah during "The Anger of a King":

"We have to stop meeting like this. Maybe next time I could rescue you, what do you say? What in Malacath's name is Kurog up to, I wonder? This is brash, even for him."

Kurog is working with the Vosh Rakh. "You better not be pulling my tusk, outsider. I've known Kurog for a long time. We may disagree on certain issues, but he's always had the best interests of our people in mind. This makes no sense!"
He's using the moot as a trap. He's going to eliminate the clan chiefs who oppose him. "Then there isn't any time to waste. Give me the key and head for the throne room. There's a passage in there that will lead you directly to the moot. I'll get Eveli to safety and try to gather some additional help."
Additional help? "There are still some people here in the city that I can count on. Now do whatever you have to and get to the moot. If you run into any problems, find me outside the keep and we'll figure something out."
"Get moving! The throne room is upstairs, remember? Once Eveli and I get out of here, we'll try to rally some additional help. You can find us outside if you run into any problems." (New greeting.)

Outside the keep, if the Vestige did not kill Talviah:

"I had a feeling I'd find you here. Kurog sealed the route to the moot, didn't he? Damn it! Most of my contacts have gone deep into hiding and we're no closer to saving the chiefs than we were when I scraped you off the floor of the keep!"

I found this note in the throne room. "Let me see that …. You can get to the moot through the temple? I had no idea that path even existed! But they sent soldiers after Solgra. That's bad. We need a new plan and we need it now."
Any ideas? "You go ahead to the temple and check on the high priestess. Eveli and I have one more place where we can look for some help. If we're successful, it might make the path to the moot slightly less complicated."
Just be careful. The soldiers and guards are still looking for the both of you. "I'm well aware of that! I'm counting on the start of the moot to keep them distracted, but we won't take any unnecessary chances. We need Solgra alive to tell her side of the story. Then we can get to the moot and save the chiefs"
I'll try to make this quick then. "You've done more for me and my people than I could have ever expected. I appreciate that. It shows you have honor. Now get to the temple and make sure the high priestess is all right. We need her alive!"

If the Vestige did kill Talviah:

"I had a feeling I'd find you here. Kurog sealed the route to the moot, didn't he? Damn it! Most of my contacts have gone deep into hiding and we're no closer to saving the chiefs than we were when I scraped you up off the floor of the keep!"

I found this note in the throne room. "Let me see that …. You can get to the moot through the temple? I had no idea that path existed. But they sent soldiers? I hope Eveli can handle things until we get there."
To the temple then? "You go ahead and check on the Wood Elf. I'll meet you there. I have one more place where I can look for some help. If I'm successful, it might make the path to the moot slightly less complicated."
Just be careful. The soldiers and guards are still looking for you. "I'm well aware of that! I'm counting on the start of the moot to keep them distracted, but I won't take any unnecessary chances. Besides, I was supposed to be dead by now."
Weren't we all. "You've done more for me and my people than I could have ever expected. Thank you. Now get to the temple and make sure Eveli and the high priestess are all right."
Show: Blood on a King's Hands

"The temple, besieged by weapon-wielding fanatics twice in the same season. It's insane! Kurog has set this avalanche in motion. Now it's up to us to try to stop it."

I'll do what I can. "I know you will. I've seen you in action! I have a feeling that the fate of Wrothgar depends on what we do next. Our actions, whether we succeed or fail, will determine the future of Orsinium and the Orc people."
Do you really think everything comes down to this? "How could it not? The temple, the moot. those are the fires that will test our mettle. We'll either come out stronger or be consumed in the flames. Now go help Solgra!"
I'll go to the temple and help the high priestess.

If spoken to again:

"No matter what, you need to get to Solgra before Kurog's soldiers do. She might be our only way to get inside the moot."

At the Temple of Ire, if Solgra got killed::

"Her death was quick, if that makes you feel any better. What in Malacath's name happened out there?"

Kurog sent soldiers. Put out the word that she was the leader of the Vosh Rakh. I couldn't save her. "Solgra didn't deserve this fate. As much as I disagreed with her, she was a good person. A caring person. Kurog has gone too far this time. He has to be stopped."
We talked about the tunnels before she died. "Did Solgra know about the tunnels beneath the temple? Was she able to tell you how we can reach the moot before more people die?"
Solgra gave me a key to the library. She thought the tunnels would be accessible through there. "This isn't going to be like swimming in mud with the Argonians. We're talking about defying the king! At best, we'll be branded as king-slayers. At worst, we'll be dead. This isn't your fight. Not really. Are you still ready to go through with this?"
Let me think about this for a moment. "Of course. Even a snow bear pauses to consider the elk before delivering the killing blow. Just remember what Kurog plans to do to the clan chiefs, to our friends. Even to you. Time isn't on our side, so don't take too long to make up your mind."
Kurog betrayed us all. I'm ready to end this. "Then we take the fight to Kurog and Alga. If they refuse to give up their mad plans, then we fight on until one side or the other has been defeated. Kurog's reign ends today! So swears Bazrag of Clan Fharun! So swears Bazrag of the Orsimer!"

At the Temple of Ire, if Eveli got hurt:

"Are you as mad about what happened as I am? We need to use that outrage to bring Kurog down. If we can get to the moot, he's going to throw everything he has at us to slow us down."

Solgra gave me the key to the library. "I've heard about the tunnels under the city. Kurog left the ancient pathways in place and just built the new structures on top. I suppose if the passage is clear, we can reach the moot using that route."
She suggested that might be some kind of secret passage. "Then let's go investigate the library! We'll turn over every floor board and bookcase until we find something."
Anything else before we head out? "This isn't going to be like swimming in mud with the Argonians. We're talking about defying the king! At best, we'll be branded as king-slayers. At worst, we'll be dead. This isn't your fight. Not really. Are you still ready to go through with this?"
Let me think about this for a moment. "Of course. Even a snow bear pauses to consider the elk before delivering the killing blow. Just remember what Kurog plans to do to the clan chiefs, to our friends. Even to you. Time isn't on our side, so don't take too long to make up your mind."
Kurog betrayed us all. I'm ready to end this. "Then we take the fight to Kurog and Alga. If they refuse to give up their mad plans, then we fight on until one side or the other has been defeated. Kurog's reign ends today! So swears Bazrag of Clan Fharun! So swears Bazrag of the Orsimer!"

Chief Bazrag: "[?]" Priest Uugus: "[?]" Chief Bazrag: "[?]" Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "[?]"

If spoken to before heading to the temple library:

"The final battle approaches like the wind before a storm. We either stop Kurog now or we die trying. Strike true and strike often, my friend. And make every strike count!"

At the temple libary:

Chief Bazrag: "[?]" Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "[?]"

"You'd think that temple priests would be neater. These manuscripts are all over the place. Start searching. We've got to find a way into the tunnels."

Any idea where I should start looking? "Look everywhere! It'll probably be something odd or out of place, like those switches over there. But this is a library. Maybe one of these dusty old tomes can help. There's bound to be a book that talks about the construction of the temple in here."

After opening the secret tunnel:

Chief Bazrag: "[?]" Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "[?]"

"Be on your guard. Kurog's soldiers are everywhere."

After entering the underground tunnels:


After the fight with King Kurog:

"You fought valiantly, bravely. Maybe the best display of martial skill I've ever seen. I just wish we weren't forced to become king slayers. Kurog and his mother are dead, but look at the price he made us pay."

What price? "The murdered chiefs. But they're just the tip of Malacath's tusk. More Orcs will die as they fight to take control of their clans, all the while ignoring the approach of winter and the coming starvation. I've seen enough death for two lifetimes."
Are you saying we should have left Kurog in power? "No. Kurog went from good intentions to madness faster than a horker swallows a bucket of fish. Killing him was the right thing to do. In the end, he left us no choice."
So why does Kurog's death seem to bother you? "How could it not? Once, Kurog was like a brother to me. He was a great Orc, a visionary. Before his mother corrupted him. Ah, but I've become as gloomy as a drunken Dark Elf on a rainy day. Must be because Kurog won, despite everything we did."
What do you mean? "Please, enough talk. I want to be alone for awhile. Think about what happened here and what has to happen next. Meet me back at the keep. We'll continue this discussion then and you'll get the explanation you desire."

If spoken to again:

"I need a few moments to remember the Kurog I once called 'Blade-Brother.' To wash away thoughts of the chief-slayer and his hagraven of a mother. We'll talk more back at the keep."

In Scarp Keep:

"Ah, you're just in time. We finished clearing out the Vosh Rakh and the remaining chiefs are waiting for me to address them. But, word of Kurog's death is spreading through the city like wildfire. I don't know how the people will react to the news."

Are the Vosh Rakh really defeated? "Not completely. I'm sure there are still pockets of deluded cultists hiding throughout the countryside. We'll deal with them eventually. Right now, I need to figure out what to do with the clans that lost their chiefs. And with this damnable city."
What did you mean when you said Kurog had won? "Kurog dreamed of a united Orsimer nation. Of all Orc clans standing shoulder to shoulder as equals with the other races. Despite everything that happened, I think he's going to get his wish."
I'm still not sure what you mean by that. How did Kurog win? "It will all become clear in time. Right now, I need to talk to the chiefs. Figure out how we're going to stabilize the clans without the need for more death and destruction. If you're up to it, I have one more favor to ask of you."
What do you need me to do? "You came to Wrothgar to help Kurog unite our people and rebuild this great city. Despite how we got here, you accomplished everything the king asked of you. Now I have a request, if you're willing to provide one more service to the Orcs."
Show: Long Live the King
At the start of the quest:

"This last favor is of a more personal nature. I want to give Kurog a proper funeral, to honor him for the warrior and leader he was and not the crazed despot he turned out to be."

You really want to pay tribute to Kurog? "I do. Kurog was my friend once. And he was a great Orc before his ambition got the better of him. Besides, the people need to know the whole truth, the good as well as the bad. A traditional Orc requiem is just what we need to get past this."
What do you need me to do? "Take these notes and deliver them. Everyone should be somewhere in the city. Make them listen to you. Get them to attend Kurog's funeral. Meanwhile, I'll make sure everything is prepared for the ceremony."
I'll deliver the letters. "On your way back, after you've delivered the letters, stop by the King's Cornerclub. Speak to the barkeep and get a bottle of Kurog's favorite ale. It's foul stuff, but he loved it. We'll use it to drink to his memory at the service."
Are you happy with the rebuilt Orsinium? "Happy? What an odd question. To tell you the truth, I never thought I'd live to see the city rise again. But I've been wrong before. You're a good example of that. If you're asking if I'm proud of what Kurog created, then yes, I guess I am."
Are you worried that without a king the city might make a tempting target? "The thought has crossed my mind. At least under Kurog, as part of the Daggerfall Covenant, we were considered strong. We had allies. That's something I need to think about. I used to dismiss Kurog and his deals with our enemies. Now I'm not so sure."
Are you thinking of withdrawing from the alliance? "Emeric's agreement was with Kurog, not the clan chiefs. We need to discuss our options and make a decision, hopefully before the next siege camp sets up outside our walls."
Who am I delivering the letters to? "Mostly to people you know. People who helped to stop Kurog and the Vosh Rakh. There are also a few friends of mine. We trained together long ago, but they recently returned to Wrothgar. I want them to see what happened here."
How will I recognize these friends of yours? "There's Bizra, who rarely removes her war paint. She'll tell you to tusk off, but give her the letter anyway. The other one, he's a unique character. Has a code of honor all his own. If Bizra's here, he won't be far from her side."
Why hold a special funeral for a king who tried to murder you? "The chiefs and I discussed this. We think it's better to remember Kurog for who he was rather than vilify him as a tyrant. We honor the Orc I knew as a friend, not the one I fought with as a rival and an enemy."
I didn't think that you and Kurog ever liked each other. "We fought side-by-side long ago. When he left Wrothgar to become a mercenary, I went with him. It was a glorious time! But I had responsibilities to return to. When next I saw my friend, he was making his own challenge to become chief of his clan."
Then how did Kurog become king? "Kurog struck a deal with High King Emeric. Agreed to support the Breton ruler in Ranser's War in exchange for the return of Wrothgar. That's when he declared himself king. Some of us were furious with him, but his actions saved countless lives."

At Kurog's funeral:

"Thank you for gathering everyone. It's important that they're all here to see what happens next."

What does happen next? "We proceed with the funeral. The ceremony is as much about Kurog and the others as it is about the future of the city. Of the Orsimer people. Everyone will want to be here for this."
It sounds like you've come to a decision. "Don't worry. I'm not planning anything as audacious as Kurog. Everyone in the city has a choice to make, but it will be peaceful. Nothing will be forced upon them. No more harm will come to the Orsimer. You have my word on that."
Remember that you said that. Too many people died because of this. (If Talviah Aliaria was not sacrificed during "The Anger of a King") "I can't forget, even if I wanted to. But we need to move forward. Now please, we should begin the ceremony. There will be things I ask you to do during the requiem. Listen to what I say and act accordingly."
There's been too much pain and suffering. Make sure you keep that promise. (If Talviah Aliaria was sacrificed during "The Anger of a King) "We need to stop dwelling on things we can't control. We need to move forward. Now please, we should begin the ceremony. There will be things I ask you to do during the requiem. Listen to what I say and act accordingly."

After Kurog's funeral:

"Your courage and resilience in the face of adversity do you honor, my friend. If not for you, the clan chiefs and I wouldn't be standing here. And I certainly wouldn't be king. Hmm, so this is all your fault, isn't it?"

Don't you enjoy being king? "I haven't been king long enough to form an opinion. I hope the crown isn't as heavy as Kurog made it look. You have a place here with the people of Orsinium, but as much as I'd like you to stay, I know there are others out there who need your help."
What if I don't want to go? "Stay as long as you want, but as king I declare that your service to Orsinium has come to an end. If anyone else in Wrothgar still needs your help, then by all means you should provide it."
What's next for you and Orsinium? "I need to continue to meet with the clan chiefs and reach out to other influential Orcs in the city. We have a government to forge and alliances to foster. There's a lot of work, but I think I finally understand what Kurog was trying to do."
I wish you well, King Bazrag. "And I you. Take this. It belonged to Kurog, but you earned it. I hope I can do as much for my people as you did for Orsinium. I will do my best to live up to the faith that you and the clan chiefs have seen in me."

"You've done everything I could ever have asked of you, my friend, but your service has come to an end. The king of the Orsimer thanks you for your help and orders you to get on with your life." (New greeting.)

Show: After "Long Live the King"

"Your name will never be forgotten by the Orsimer. We will talk of your deeds for generations to come! Now, we'll find a way for the clans to work together. To fulfill Kurog's original dream of a united and strong people. Orsinium will stand forever!"

What about the Vosh Rakh? Are they still a threat? "There's enough of the fanatics left to be a pain in my side, but we have ways of seperating the bad from the good. It might take a while, but we'll put an end to the Vosh Rakh before too long."
How do you feel about this king thing? "Never wanted to be a king. Still don't, really. But this is the best way to keep the clans from fighting or starving to death once winter sets in. I'll wear the crown for as long as I have to. Set my people on the right path."
What's going to happen to Kurog's body? "Orcs usually burn the bodies of chiefs and heroes. Mix the ashes into swords and shields. But for Kurog? I think I'll have the seat of the throne recast. That way, he'll always be a pain in my arse. Help remind me what I should and shouldn't do."
I wanted to say goodbye. "Orcs have no concept of goodbye. We just come and go as we please. But you're always welcome in Orsinium, my friend. I'll be here, cleaning up the mess that Kurog left us with. Just try not to get killed without me, all right?"
I'll do my best. "Good! I knew you would. I wish you safe travels. I'll try not to get too jealous while I'm stuck here being a royal bureaucrat and you're out there being a hero."


Show: Invitation to Orsinium

Chief Bazrag: "The clan peasants? Are they on their way to Orsinium?" Ulsha: "The soldiers escorted them and the wounded outsiders. They should be safe enough." Chief Bazrag: "Safe enough isn't good enough. Go after them. I'll continue to look for the Winterborn and the missing supplies."

Show: For King and Glory

Upon entering the throne room:

Chief Bazrag: "We didn't come for a sermon, priestess. I'm just here to see Kurog." High Priestess Solgra: "I meant no offense, Chief Bazrag. I only seek to spread Trinimac's good words." Chief Targak: "Again with these Trinimac lies! Let me show you what Malacath thinks of your stupid words!" Forge-Mother Alga: "Your anger is uncalled for, clan chiefs. Please excuse us, Solgra. I see our champion has returned." Chief Bazrag: "You? They pulled you into their madness? How … disappointing."

After speaking with Forge-Mother Alga:

King Kurog: "Excellent! Everyone's here! The time has come. Swear allegiance to me. Orsinium will prosper once the clans unite under my rule." Chief Bazrag: "This again, Kurog? Why should we submit to you this time?" King Kurog: "Behold! I wield the blade of Ice-Heart! With the help of outsiders, I have vanquished our greatest foe and retrieved the stolen supplies! The chiefs could not stop the Winterborn! Only I have accomplished that!" Chief Bazrag: "You ask much, Kurog. To turn away from Malacath? To abandon our most cherished customs?" King Kurog: "Bazrag, my old friend, your outdated ideas will be the death of me." Chief Targak: "Don't tempt us, Kurog! Our traditions won't bend to the will of an idiot chief who decides to call himself kin—" <King Kurog kills Chief Targak> King Kurog: "Idiot? Chief? I am your king! You would all do well to remember that! Now get out of my sight." Chief Bazrag: "You embark upon a dangerous path, Kurog. We won't forget this."

Show: To Save a Chief

When Chief Bazrag threatens the Vestige:

Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Chief Bazrag, lower your weapon. Please. I don't want to loose this arrow, but I will if you don't stand down." Chief Bazrag: "Damn it, Wood Elf! Fine. But you might as well put that arrow in my heart, because I won't let you turn me over to Kurog."

After Eveli agrees to take Bazrag to Solgra:

Chief Bazrag: "You can put the bow down, Elf. I'll go with you as long as you promise not to turn me over to Kurog." Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Sorry, no. I'm keeping the bow. But I promise not to take you to Kurog." Chief Bazrag: "Fine. Just watch where you're pointing that thing."

Show: The Anger of a King

Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "We can't just walk into the Vosh Rakh base. That's suicide!" High Priestess Solgra: "We have to find out what the Vosh Rakh have planned. If we wait for them to strike, it will be too late." Chief Bazrag: "Whatever they're planning, it's going to happen soon. They just about told me as much when they threw me into my own prison!" High Priestess Solgra: "Maybe we should have left you in there. For all we know, you deserve to be in prison!" Chief Bazrag: "Listen to me, Elf. I didn't attack anyone. I left Orsinium and they ambushed me." High Priestess Solgra: "I sent you to rescue the chief, Eveli. I wouldn't have done that if I believed he was guilty." Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "You lied to us, high priestess! You knew who you were sending us to rescue the entire time! This feels like one giant trap and we walked right into it." High Priestess Solgra: "Ah, you found us. I'm sorry that Eveli is upset, but I did what had to be done. Please, let's talk."

Show: Blood on a King's Hands

In the temple, when Eveli is hurt:

Chief Bazrag: "This wasn't suppose to happen. I should have never sent her here by herself." High Priestess Solgra: "Eveli saved me. I plan to return the favor." Chief Bazrag: "Kurog won't get away with this, little one. We'll stop him." Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Kick him in his tusks … for me …." High Priestess Solgra: "Rest now, Eveli. You need your sleep." Chief Bazrag: "I need to speak to you for a moment. This way."

In the tunnels, if Eveli came along:

King Kurog: "Silence, chiefs! Your constant bickering has plagued our people for long enough!" Chief Bazrag: "Kurog's belittling the chiefs. They won't stand for that." King Kurog: "You isolate yourselves in your own strongholds, perpetuating our selfish nature. We must change who and what we are!" Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Kurog's got a point. We're still going to kill the bastard, right." King Kurog: "I tried to appeal to you as equals, but you refused to listen. I grow tired of arguing with you." Forge-Mother Alga: "The king cares for our people and all you do is break his heart." Chief Bazrag: "Wonderful. The murderous king and his lunatic mother. This will be interesting.
We're getting close. Be ready for anything." Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Sounds like the time I walked in on an Imga courting ritual!" King Kurog: "The choice is simple. Kneel before me as your king and ruler of the united Orsimer nation―or die!" Chief Bazrag: "We need to move faster. Kurog's about to start slaughtering the chiefs!
Once we get inside, find Kurog and take him down. We need to save as many chiefs as we can.

When confronting King Kurog, if Eveli came along:

Chief Bazrag: "There's still time if we move fast. We need to open this gate." Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "There's no lever. They must have shut it from the other side." Chief Bazrag: "Stand aside and let me work! Get ready to pull those people out of there!" King Kurog: "You leave me no choice. I'll unite the clans over your dead bodies!" Forge-Mother Alga: "But don't worry. Trinimac is waiting for you on the other side." King Kurog: "Archers, eliminate the clan chiefs!" Chief Ramash: "We've been betrayed! Defend yourselves!" King Kurog: "And now the last guest has arrived. I'm going to make you pay for your disloyalty." Chief Bazrag: "Clan chiefs, over here! Arrgh! Hurry, this gate is ... heavier than it looks." Eveli-Sharp Arrow: "I'll go back and help Chief Bazrag. Don't get yourself killed without me!" King Kurog: "As impressive as always, but it doesn't matter. My soldiers are already moving to block the tunnels.
But even impressive criminals must pay for their crimes. I'm going to deal with you―personally!
Bow before the king of the Orsimer!"

In the tunnels, if Eveli got injured:

King Kurog: "Silence, chiefs! Your constant bickering has plagued our people for long enough!" Chief Bazrag: "Kurog's belittling the chiefs. They won't stand for that." King Kurog: "You isolate yourselves in your own strongholds, perpetuating our selfish nature. We must change who and what we are!" King Kurog: "I tried to appeal to you as equals, but you refused to listen. I grow tired of arguing with you." Forge-Mother Alga: "The king cares for our people and all you do is break his heart." Chief Bazrag: "Wonderful. The murderous king and his lunatic mother. This will be interesting.
We're getting close. Be ready for anything." King Kurog: "The choice is simple. Kneel before me as your king and ruler of the united Orsimer nation―or die!" Chief Bazrag: "We need to move faster. Kurog's about to start slaughtering the chiefs!
Once we get inside, find Kurog and take him down. We need to save as many chiefs as we can.

When confronting King Kurog, if Eveli got injured:

Chief Bazrag: "There's still time if we move fast. We need to open this gate. Stand aside and let me work! Get ready to pull those people out of there!" King Kurog: "You leave me no choice. I'll unite the clans over your dead bodies!" Forge-Mother Alga: "But don't worry. Trinimac is waiting for you on the other side." King Kurog: "Archers, eliminate the clan chiefs!" Chief Ramash: "We've been betrayed! Defend yourselves!" King Kurog: "And now the last guest has arrived. I'm going to make you pay for your disloyalty." Chief Bazrag: "Clan chiefs, over here! Arrgh! Hurry, this gate is ... heavier than it looks." King Kurog: "As impressive as always, but it doesn't matter. My soldiers are already moving to block the tunnels.
But even impressive criminals must pay for their crimes. I'm going to deal with you―personally!
Bow before the king of the Orsimer!"

Show: Long Live the King

Before the funeral:

Chief Bazrag: "Old friends, I'm glad to see you. This … is very important to me." Bumnog: "I'm just sorry I missed all the action. It looks like you could've used another hand or two." Bizra: "Bumnog and hands. I think it's an obsession."

At the start of the funeral, if Eveli got injured:

Chief Bazrag: "I believe we're ready to begin." Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Hope you weren't planning to start without me, chief." Chief Bazrag: "Eveli, it's good to see you here. Everyone, in fact. Thank you all for coming. Kurog's intentions were good, but his actions were not. Let's set aside the actions and reexamine his intentions. Even a good Orc can fall prey to ill-conceived notions. We need to bury the past with the king and look to the future. Outsider, step forward. Your help has been invaluable and I want you to be a part of this. Please, light the first torch."

After Kurog's funeral, if Eveli did not get injured:

Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Thanks for the offer, but I … I can't. Not after everything that's happened." King Bazrag: "I understand. Thank you for everything you've done, little Elf. I shall miss you."

Show: Prisoner of Fate

Leramil the Wise: "Thank you for bringing the Echonir. We will need this relic." King Bazrag: "Speaking of relics, thieves stole an old staff from the Oathsworn Pit. I want to know why." Fa-Nuit-Hen: "Indeed. How did my unwelcome guests find their way to Bedlam Veil? I am … curious." King Bazrag: "Good Orcs died, little prince. I'm not curious. I'm angry."


Invitation to Orsinium
  • "Where did you take our supplies? I'll kill a Winterborn every second until you tell me what I want to know!" – After speaking with Ulsha
To Save a Chief
  • "Is that the best you can do? My hearth-mother hits harder than that—and she's dead!" – When approaching his cell
  • "You again? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you liked me." – Upon slaying his attackers
  • "First we need to get through the Chamber of Scorn, where we keep the most dangerous prisoners. Chamber's protected by poison gas. If we run into trouble, you'll have to deal with it, what with my injured arm and all." – After talking to him
  • "Damn gates! I forgot about them. Blasted engineers always making upgrades …." – Upon entering the Chamber of Scorn
  • "Once I turn this lever, there's no stopping, so get ready." – After speaking with him in the Chamber of Scorn
  • "Turning the first lever … now!" – When turning the first lever
  • "One down. I'll get the next one. Just keep those prisoners away from me!" – After the first wave of prisoners
  • "Good job! But things are about to get more complicated." – After the second wave of prisoners
  • "One more lever to go!" – After the third wave of prisoners
  • "All right, that's done. Let's keep moving." – After the final wave of prisoners
  • "You figured it out. Not bad. Just a little farther and we'll be out of here." – After disarming the
  • "Finally! It's good to breathe free air again. Just … give me a moment … to compose myself." – Upon leaving the prison
The King's Gambit
  • "This is the best Kurog has to send against us? Pitiful!" – In the inn's secret room
  • "It's about time you woke up. Took you long enough." – When the Vestige regains consciousness
Blood on a King's Hands
  • "Look at this mess! We'll never find anything in here! Look around and see if you can find something that looks like a hidden passage." – In the library
  • "Well, I'll be a puny Dark Elf! You found it! I guess we're climbing down that hole." – Upon finding the hidden passage
  • "That gate doesn't appear to be locked. Go on. I'm right behind you." – Upon entering the secret passage
  • "May your path to the Ashen Forge be lit with the braziers of courage, my one-time blade-brother." – Upon slaying King Kurog
Long Live the King
  • "Today tests our resolve. We have lost friends, allies. And the one responsible for all this, we've gathered to honor him. Some of you question the wisdom of that, but we need to see the Orsimer in a new light. We need to respect and honor each other. That starts today! Even a good Orc can fall prey to ill-conceived notions. We need to bury the past with the king and look to the future. Outsider, step forward. Your help has been invaluable and I want you to be a part of this. Please, light the first torch." – At te start of the funeral, if Eveli Sharp-Arrow did not get injured
  • "We ignite these fires to remember Kurog's true goal―unity for the Orsimer people. Instead, we have clans without chiefs, a city without a king. We will support these people, guide them. We must look to tomorrow. Outsider, light the second torch. It will burn away the past and guide us to the future." – After igniting the first torch
  • "Remember the Kurog who was. Strong, confident. A king who cared about his people. We will carry on that legacy, offering help but never forcing it upon anyone. Much to my regret, the clan chiefs have asked me to take on the mantle of king of the Orsimer. To this request, I have cautiously agreed. We cannot be seen as weak and leaderless to the rest of the world. I shall uphold Kurog's dream but I will avoid his ambition. We shall stand together as the new Orsinium! Say your farewells, then return to the keep. We must put this darkness behind us and celebrate a new day!" – After igniting the second torch



  • After the main questline for Orsinium is completed, a vision of Bazrag will appear instead of Kurog during Shadow of Sancre Tor.
  • Bazrag is voiced by Neil Kaplan.[4]



King of Orsinium
Kurog gro-Bagrakh 2E 582 - 2E ??? Gortwog gro-Nagorm