Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

Berel Sala is a Dunmer Ordinator and member of the Tribunal Temple, who resides in the Vivec, Temple Canton inside the Justice Offices. He is Grandmaster and chief of Ordinators on Vvardenfell.[1]


Control the Ordinators[]

Put an end to Berel Sala's high usage of the Ordinators.


Control the Ordinators

control the Ordinators "What do you want us to do, Nerevarine (Player name)? Shall we lie down like dogs in the street and let the heretics and Dagoth Ur's creatures trample over us?"

Our enemy is Dagoth Ur and the Four Corners, not the Hlaalu. "Perhaps. Perhaps I would listen to you if I had any respect for you. Saryoni was a far greater man, and he would never place these impossible restrictions on us. Leave me."
Nevermind. "I see that you still have some reason about you. Leave me now, as I am quite busy."



  1. Dialogue with Elam Andas