Bernt the Brittle is a Nord in The Elder Scrolls Online found at The Everfull Flagon in Coldharbour.
Innkeeper of the Everfull Flagon, Bernt the Brittle was tricked by a servant of Molag Bal named Thane Fellrig. The Dremora cursed the building and its occupants; pulling the building into Coldharbour and preventing its patrons from leaving.
Special Blend[]
Cure a group of nords of their addiction to a cursed blend of mead.
Special Blend[]
When first antering the Everfull Flagon:
"A new face! That's a rare occurrence. Welcome to the Everfull Flagon, friend."
- Did you know Gamirth? I found his body and a love letter he wrote. "The Everfull Flagon has the finest mead! Don't drink the mead. Gamirth is dead? He was my daughter, Nelhilda's, mate. Her true love. I suspect the contents of that letter will break her heart—if she's sober."
- What did you say about the mead? "You must try our Special Blend. Do you like to celebrate? Everyone here is always celebrating something! Nelhilda and Gamirth were working to find a way to end this madness. Go upstairs and talk to Nelhilda. She has a plan."
- I'll talk to Nelhilda. "Yes, indeed. Everything is fine here at the Flagon. Plenty of mead, plenty of happy Nords!"
- Can I ask some more questions? "Can you have another mead? Of course you can! Very well, ask what you will. But be quick about it. We don't want to attract any undue attention."
- Why are you talking like that? "I'm trying not to arouse any suspicion. The Thane is always watching, listening. We must put on a good show. The celebrating has been going on for a long, long time. Who would've thought that an endless supply of mead could become such a curse?"
- Does anyone ever leave the tavern? "The mead's in here, so no, not many. Besides, those creatures out there aren't very friendly. And some of them were once our friends and neighbors. One day, though, Gamirth had had enough. Even his love for my daughter couldn't keep him here."
- I'm not sure I understand what's going on here. "Haven't you ever seen the results of a Daedric bargain before? Now, please. Go upstairs and talk to my daughter, Nelhilda. She has a plan to save us all. And with your help, maybe this time it will even succeed."
- Can I ask some more questions? "Can you have another mead? Of course you can! Very well, ask what you will. But be quick about it. We don't want to attract any undue attention."
- I'll talk to Nelhilda. "Yes, indeed. Everything is fine here at the Flagon. Plenty of mead, plenty of happy Nords!"
- What did you say about the mead? "You must try our Special Blend. Do you like to celebrate? Everyone here is always celebrating something! Nelhilda and Gamirth were working to find a way to end this madness. Go upstairs and talk to Nelhilda. She has a plan."
After putting Nelhilda's potion in the mead:
"My Nelhilda would thank you if she could. Oh, this is all my fault! I was just trying to save my failing business. Now look at us. These people used to respect me. I used to help them."
- What happened? "I made a bargain, but I was tricked. I realized too late that the mage who promised to help me was likely a Daedric Prince! After that, the Flagon slipped into Coldharbour and we've been trapped here ever since."
- Your daughter is trying to end the enchantment. "It used to be me that people turned to for help. When Hautt showed promise, I bought him a lute. When Hridi won a contest, I gave her dueling daggers. Nelhilda has gotten things rolling with your help. I want to help her, help my friends."
- What do you want me to do? "Hautt and Hridi were admired in our village. If the enchantment is wearing off, they'll help me rally the others. It would help if Hautt had his lute and Hridi had her silver daggers. We can continue what Nelhilda has begun."
- I'll see what I can do.
- What do you want me to do? "Hautt and Hridi were admired in our village. If the enchantment is wearing off, they'll help me rally the others. It would help if Hautt had his lute and Hridi had her silver daggers. We can continue what Nelhilda has begun."
- Your daughter is trying to end the enchantment. "It used to be me that people turned to for help. When Hautt showed promise, I bought him a lute. When Hridi won a contest, I gave her dueling daggers. Nelhilda has gotten things rolling with your help. I want to help her, help my friends."
After the villagers start resisting the Thane:
"Did you see? The villagers. They're starting to remember. The Thane threatened my daughter and I actually stood up to him. Of course, he knocked me down, but still. We're returning to our old selves!"
- I found the lute and the dueling daggers. "I'll return these to Hridi and Hautt. Ask them to help keep people's spirits up. During my confrontation with the Thane, he said he holds our souls. He laughed at me. Said how amusing it was to see me agonize over my friends as they waste away."
- Where would he keep your souls? "I think he keeps the souls nearby. He always comes and goes as he pleases. If you could destroy the Thane, our souls might return to us. Then we could leave this place. I think his lair is in one of the nice houses near the old well."
- I'll take care of the Thane. [?]
- Can I ask a few questions? "Of course, my friend. I'll answer whatever I can."
- Do you know who the Thane is? "I realize now that he's likely the Daedric Prince who offered me this deal. Or maybe his minion. Yes, that seems more likely. You must believe me. I thought this was between him and me. I never meant to hurt my friends in order to save the Flagon."
- Will you tell the villagers how this happened? "I'm not sure. I've kept this secret for so long, watching my friends waste away and give up hope. They'd hate me for what I've done. And rightfully so. And Nelhilda. She would never forgive me."
- What happens after you get your souls back? "I've heard whispers of a nearby city. They say it's a safe haven. I'll try to convince everyone to travel there with me. Even if we can't return to our world, I would feel better knowing that Nelhilda and the others were safe."
- Where would he keep your souls? "I think he keeps the souls nearby. He always comes and goes as he pleases. If you could destroy the Thane, our souls might return to us. Then we could leave this place. I think his lair is in one of the nice houses near the old well."
After killing the thane:
"I don't know what you did, but something has changed! Everyone can feel it."
- I defeated the Thane and freed your souls. "Then the curse is broken at last."
- Shouldn't you tell the villagers what really happened? "They'll hate me if they find out I caused the curse. We've lost so much. I need to make amends, but what would the truth bring us except more pain? My Nelhilda mourns for her beloved Gamirth. I need to find a way to help her."
- Doesn't your daughter deserve the truth? "Maybe you're right. Nelhilda struggled to find the enchantment, and she lost her beloved Gamirth. She deserves my honesty. I hope she can forgive me."
- Shouldn't you tell the villagers what really happened? "They'll hate me if they find out I caused the curse. We've lost so much. I need to make amends, but what would the truth bring us except more pain? My Nelhilda mourns for her beloved Gamirth. I need to find a way to help her."
Special Blend[]
After the Vestige tells Bernt to confess:
Bernt the Brittle: "Nelhilda, please come here." Nelhilda: "What is it, father?" Bernt the Brittle: "I need to get this off my chest. I made the deal that doomed us. I made the bargain with the Daedric Prince." Nelhilda: "Father! Why would you do such a thing? I lost my love to this cursed place because you weren't selling enough mead?" "How can I ever forgive you for this? I never want to see you again!" Bernt the Brittle: "Nelhilda was the only thing that kept me sane in this dread place. What will I do now?" "I beg of you, daughter. Try to forgive me. What I did was a foolish mistake. I never imagined anyone else would be at risk." Nelhilda: "I don't know what to do. I'm so angry at him … and yet … my father is all I have left."
After finishing the quest, if the Vestige convinced Nelhilda to forgive Bernt:
Nelhilda: "I think I can forgive you, father, though it may take time. For now, it's best if we leave this place." Bernt the Brittle: "Oh, my dear girl. I will do everything in my power to make this up to you and to the others." Nelhilda: "Listen, everyone! We're going to the Hollow City! Join us! We're Nords and we can handle whatever Coldharbour throws our way!" "Come, father. We need to make plans to travel to the Hollow City."
- "Talk to Hautt and Hridi. Perhaps they remember where they hid the lute and daggers." – After telling you to go help Hautt Silvertongue and Hridi Daggerhand