Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
For other uses, see Beverages.

Although technically any potion is a drink, beverages like Flin and Shein are more specifically recreational drinks one can enjoy at a local tavern in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal and The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon. Some drinks have the drain and some ability but are balanced by some benefit to another, generally the trade-off is a poor one.


  • Damage – Lowers health, fatigue, magicka, attribute, or skill. Can only be restored with a Restore effect, spell, or potion
  • Drain – Temporarily and gradually lowers health, fatigue, magicka, attribute, or skill for a duration of time.
  • Resist – Reduces shock, frost, fire, magicka, or normal-weapon damage, or reduces chance of being poisoned, paralyzed, or diseased. Shield is similar to resist.
  • Restore – Returns health, fatigue, magicka, attribute, or skill back to normal level
  • Fortify – Similar to Restore, but can increase the skill in question beyond the normal level

List of beverages[]

Beverage Sources Effects Gold WeightIcon
Ancient Dagoth Brandy Creeper
Dagoth Endus
Damage Intelligence 20 pts for 60 secs
Damage Willpower 20 pts for 60 secs
1500 0.5
Cyrodilic Brandy Homes, wine cellars Fortify Attribute: Willpower 20 pts for 60 secs on Self
Fortify Attribute: Endurance 20 pts for 60 secs on Self
79 0.50
Flin Fortify Attribute: Willpower 20 points for 60 seconds
Fortify Strength 20 points for 60 seconds
100 1.00
Greef Fortify Strength 20 points for 60 seconds
Drain Agility 20 points for 60 seconds
30 5.00
Mazte Fortify Strength 20 points for 60 seconds
Drain Willpower 20 points for 60 seconds
Drain Intelligence 20 points for 60 seconds
10 5.00
Nord Mead BM Solstheim, Thirsk Drain Agility
Fortify Strength
80 1.00
Shein Fortify Endurance 10 points for 60 seconds
Drain Intelligence 10 points for 60 seconds
10 3.0
Skooma Creeper Fortify Speed 20 points for 60 seconds

Fortify Strength 20 points for 60 seconds
Drain Agility 20 points for 60 seconds
Drain Intelligence 20 points for 60 seconds

500 1.00
Sujamma Fortify Strength 50 points for 60 seconds
Drain Intelligence 50 points for 60 seconds
30 3.00
Vintage Brandy Balmora, high-class homes Fortify Strength 30 points for 360 seconds
Drain Agility 30 points for 360 seconds
500 1.0

See also[]
