Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

"Prove you know your way around a forge and I'll certify you. But you have to commit. I can only train one discipline at a time."

Blacksmith Certification is a quest available to be initiated from Millenith in a Fighters Guild Hall around first zones in Tamriel.


If I can prove I know my way around a forge, Millenith will certify me as a blacksmith.

Quick walkthrough[]

  • Talk to Millenith
  • Acquire Iron Ore: 0/10
  • Talk to Millenith
  • Acquire Iron Ingots: 0/2
  • Talk to Millenith
  • Craft Iron Dagger: 0/1
  • Deconstruct a Blacksmithing Item
  • Talk to Millenith


Millenith can be found at the Fighters Guild chapters in either of the Alliances' First Cities, along with in Orsinium, Vivec City, and Alinor.

Millenith Dialogue Screen

Millenith, a crafting certificator.

"Let me know if you have some time. I can train and certify you in something else!"

Tell me about blacksmith certification. "Prove you know your way around a forge and I'll certify you. But you have to commit. I can only train one discipline at a time."
I want to be certified as a blacksmith. "I want you to craft a simple iron dagger. First you'll mine some iron ore, then refine the ore into iron ingots. You'll use those ingots to make the dagger."
You'll certify me if I make an iron dagger? "Yes. You have to prove you know your way around a blacksmithing station. Those are the rules. For now, bring me an armload of iron ore. Once you're back, you'll refine them into iron ingots."
Tell me where to find the iron ore. "There's a place outside of town which should still have some iron ore veins. Head there and mine it for yourself. Bring me ten solid chunks of iron ore. If those veins are played out, you'll need to find iron ore on your own."
I'll return with the ore.
I already have enough iron ore. (If the Vestige already has ten iron ores.) "Bring the iron ore to a blacksmithing station. If you have enough, you can refine them into iron ingots. Really put your back into it! When you have iron ingots, return to me."
Actually, I have some iron ingots as well. What should I do next? (If the Vestige already has iron ingots.) "Go to the blacksmithing station and craft an iron dagger. Nothing fancy―you shouldn't need more than two iron ingots. Oh, and you'll need a style material. You can purchase them from any blacksmith, or scavenge them yourself if you're thrifty."
I'll go make that dagger, then.

Millenith will ask the Vestige to craft an Iron Dagger by first mining Iron Ore and then refining it into Iron Ingots. Ore can be found outside of the city.

Once they retrieve the right materials, they will need to make Iron Ingots with the Ore they retrieved. She then tells them to craft the Iron Dagger using their respective style material (e.g. Adamantine for Altmer or Corundum for Nords). Once they've crafted their dagger, Millenith will then ask them to deconstruct it or some other Blacksmithing item. Deconstructing can level up one's Blacksmithing Skill. Once said task has been completed, the player will receive the certification.


Millenith, at a smithy.

"You're back! I take it you found enough ore?"

This should be enough iron ore. "Refining ore into ingots is a good way to build your muscles. Well, in one arm. Best to switch every now and then. Otherwise, you'll be lopsided."
I have iron ingots. What needs to be done now? "Go to the blacksmithing station and craft an iron dagger. Nothing fancy―you shouldn't need more than two iron ingots. Oh, and you'll need a style material. You can purchase them from any blacksmith, or scavenge them yourself if you're thrifty."
What is a style material? "Every race has a traditional material they work into their weapons and armor. For example, the Imperial style material is nickel. I should know―every day in the legion camps, I worked a pile of it."
What style material do I need? ""The Dark Elf style material is obsidian. Try that and see." (If the Vestige is Dunmer.)"
How do I learn other racial styles? "You can learn how to craft with another race's style material by studying racial motif books. They're quite rare, mostly held by collectors, so watch for them in your travels."

After crafting an iron dagger:

"Craft an iron dagger. You'll need some iron ingots and a style material. You can buy those from any blacksmith if you can't find them yourself."

I have it right here. "The trick is the style material... but I'm sure you know that."
I figured it out. What more would you have me do? "Next is deconstruction. You learn a lot when you break something into parts, even more so when it's someone else's work. Go deconstruct your dagger―or anything else, really. As long as you do it at a blacksmithing station."
How is deconstruction useful to me? "You'll regain some components, of course―but the real trick is to deconstruct another crafter's work. You can learn far more by disassembling someone else's material than your own."
What is deconstruction? "It's a fancy way to say 'take something apart.' The term originally came from Altmer poetry critiques. High Elves consider their physical crafts to be forms of poetry, so it stuck. 'You can't know what a sword is; only what it's not,' and so forth."

"Bring the iron dagger you made to a crafting station and deconstruct it. Return to me when you're done. You can deconstruct something else if you want―I just need to know you understand the concept."

After deconstructing the item:

"You certainly know your way around a forge. You're a blacksmith, and let none tell you otherwise."

I'm ready to be certified as a blacksmith. "Of course! I'll get you certified right away so you can fulfill blacksmith crafting writs immediately."



Journal Entry
I should speak with her and find out what she wants me to do.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
Millenith wants me to return with iron ore. I should search the area she mentioned. If I don't find enough iron ore, I should search near rocky areas.

Alternatively, I could ask a friend for help or purchase some from a guild store.

  • Objective: Acquire Iron Ore: 0/10
  • Hint: Search for Iron Ore
  • Objective Talk to Millenith
  • Hint: Search Rocky Areas for Ore If You Run Out
Millenith asked me to return with iron ingots. I can refine iron ore into iron ingots at a blacksmithing station.

Alternatively, I could ask a friend for help or purchase some from a guild store.

  • Objective: Acquire Iron Ingots: 0/2
  • Hint: A Blacksmithing Station Can Refine Iron Ore.
I should speak with Millenith and let her know I have enough iron ingots.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
I need to craft and deliver a simple iron dagger to Millenith. I must bring two iron ingots and one racial (Player character's race.) style material to a blacksmithing station before I can create it.

If I can't find a racial (Player character's race.) style material, I can purchase one from any blacksmith.

  • Objective: Craft Iron Dagger: 0/1
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
  • Hint: Blacksmiths Sell the Racial (Player character's race.) Style Material
I should speak with Millenith and let her know I created an iron dagger.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
I need to deconstruct the iron dagger I made for Millenith. I can do so at a blacksmithing station.

Millenith said I could deconstruct something else if I wanted to keep the dagger.

  • Objective: Deconstruct a Blacksmithing Item
Millenith is satisfied with my skill as a blacksmith. I should speak with her to become certified. Once certified, I will be able to fulfill blacksmithing crafting writs.
  • Objective: Talk to Millenith
  • Quest complete


  • If the Vestige's Blacksmithing skill line is level 10 or higher, Millenith will simply grant them the certification without requiring a demonstration of their skill.
  • The objectives to acquire Iron Ore and Ingots will be skipped if the Vestige already has enough in their inventory and bank storage.