Bloodgrass is a plant indigenous to the planes of Oblivion (especially those governed by Mehrunes Dagon). However, they can be found rooted in Nirn just outside any open Oblivion Gates. Unlike Harrada and Spiddal Sticks, Blood Grass is a harmless plant.
Physical properties[]
The plant stands at about 2–3 feet tall, and appears as a dark-red grass splattered with blood. The plant behaves like a very persistent weed, and can continue to survive in Nirn even when the gates it grows around are sealed. After being harvested, the plant will grow back a few days later.
- Commonly found in and around Oblivion gates.
- There are eight bloodgrass plants found in Frostcrag Spire.
- The Main Ingredient, in the Imperial City Market District.
- Julienne Fanis, in the Arcane University.
- Claudette Perrick, in the The Gilded Carafe.
- Vampire Cure — two samples of Bloodgrass are required to complete this quest.