Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls

For other uses, see Bolvyn Venim.
"Unless you have some important business to discuss, outlander, I suggest that you leave."
―Bolvyn Venim[src]

Bolvyn Venim is a Dunmer. He was a Councilor and Archmaster of House Redoran. Bolvyn is very suspicious of anyone who is an outlander. He is killed by the Nerevarine during his quest to become the Hortator of House Redoran.


He wears Dunmer handcrafted Ebony Armor, nearly a full set excluding the helm, and fights with a daedric Dai-Katana. He wears an Exquisite shirt, and a matching ring, pants, shoes and belt. He is wed to Dilvene Venim, also residing in his manor, but it seems she is not quite fond of him. He is rumored to have an affair with a wife of another Councilor.


Redoran Hortator[]


Rescue Varvur Sarethi[]


Challenge Bolvyn Venim[]



"Unless you have some important business to discuss, outlander, I suggest that you leave."

Background "I am Bolvyn Venim, the Archmaster of Great House Redoran."
Show: Redoran Hortator

"Unless you have some important business to discuss, outlander, I suggest that you leave."

Redoran councilors "Even if you get the councilors on your side, I will veto them. I would rather die than see House Redoran dishonored by an outlander."
Redoran Hortator "A Hortator is a war leader and champion chosen by a Great House council. Why?"
Ask how a Hortator is chosen. "Only the Redoran councilors can choose a Hortator for House Redoran, and it must be unanimous. The duties are defined by ancient custom, but, in essence, a Hortator is a House champion, and must be both skilled in combat and known for his courage and honor."
choose a Hortator "There is no need to name a Hortator, and if there were such a need, I would not shame House Redoran by naming an outlander our Hortator."
Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator. "You are an fool. An ignorant, ill-mannered, outlander fool. I'd rather make a monkey Hortator. As long as I am head of this House, you will never be Hortator."

If approached again after aiding Athyn Sarethi:

"I have not changed my mind about you, outlander."

Redoran Hortator "A Hortator is a war leader and champion chosen by a Great House council. Why?"
Ask how a Hortator is chosen. "Only the Redoran councilors can choose a Hortator for House Redoran, and it must be unanimous. The duties are defined by ancient custom, but, in essence, a Hortator is a House champion, and must be both skilled in combat and known for his courage and honor."
Tell your story and ask to be confirmed as Hortator. "Are you trying to manipulate me? Do you take me for a fool? Do you think I can be so easily won over? You are a fraud. Cunning, for an outlander, but a complete fraud. No, you will never be Hortator. I will not permit it."

After convincing the other councilors:

"So you have the support of all the other councilors for the title of Redoran Hortator."

Redoran Hortator "You have played tricks with the other Councilros, but they will not work on me. This has gone far enough. If you are not a coward, as well as a fraud, I will put a stop to your ambitions at the Arena in Vivec. I will meet you there if you dare face me in a duel to the death."

After convincing the other councilors:

"Meet me in the Arena in Vivec. There we will fight a duel to the death."

Show: Mages Guild Monopoly

"Unless you have some important business to discuss, outlander, I suggest that you leave."

Mages Guild monopoly "I would never support such a law."
appeal to fairness "No, this law is undeniably fair. Your Telvanni lies do not sway me."


  • "You will never be the Archmaster of House Redoran. Meet me at the Arena in Vivec where I shall prove my right to rule in a duel to the death."

