- For other uses, see Books.
The following are books, notes, journals, and other written works contained in the Bloodmoon expansion pack. This includes four skill books, although one is not found in-game and is only obtainable on the PC by using the console.
Name | Author | Notes | Item ID |
A Blood-Stained Note | E. | Found with a secret stash of equipment near Thirsk. | sc_bloodynote_s |
Airship Captain's Journal | Roberto Jodoin | Commander of the Beauchamp Expedition's journal. | bk_Airship_Captains_Journal |
Bloody Note | Antoinette | A thief's note found at Frossel. | sc_frosselnote |
Bloody Note | Jacques | A thief's note found at Fjell. Increases Security skill when read. | sc_fjellnote |
Colony Status Report | Falco Galenus | A report of recent happenings at the Raven Rock mine. | bk_colonyreport |
Custom Fur Armor Price List | Brynjolfr | Lists prices for cold-resistant light armor available at Thirsk. | sc_fur_armor |
EEC Stock Certificate | Carnius Magius | Stock in the East Empire Company's Raven Rock mine. | bk_BM_Stockcert |
Erna's Note to Brandr | Erna the Quiet | A note from Erna to her lover. | sc_Erna |
Erna's Note to Erna | Erna the Quiet | Vital information cut from the game: Erna needs forks. | sc_Erna01 |
Fall of the Snow Prince | Lokheim | A historical account of the Battle of the Moesring. | bk_snowprince |
Jeleen's Sad Farewell | Jeleen | A priest's suicide note. | sc_jeleen |
Journal of Fryssa | Fryssa | A brief diatribe concerning the creation of Whitewalker. | bk_fryssajournal |
Letter from Rigmor to Risi | Rigmor Halfhand | A note revealing an intimate affair. | bk_BMtrial_unique |
Locations of the Stones | Korst Wind-Eye | A map of Solstheim's six Standing Stones. | bk_BM_StoneMap |
Note from a Glenmoril Witch | Agnes of Glenmoril | Notes concerning a cure for lycanthropy. | sc_witchnote |
Note from Carnius | Carnius Magius | A missive instructing the betrayal of a collaborator. | bk_carniusnote |
Odd Rumor | Helena | Mentions a possible sign that witches have come to Solstheim. | sc_rumornote_bm |
Old, Wet Note | Heinlen the Heavy | Reveals the location the Snow Prince's armor. | sc_fjaldingnote |
Pirate Captain's Note | Not specified | A cryptic poem that provides hints concerning the location of a hidden treasure. | sc_piratetreasure |
Rogue Necromancer's Journal | Rogue Necromancer | The journal of a necromancer seeking the Mantle of Woe. | bk_necrojournal |
Settler's Journal | Not specified | An account of an attempted settlement of the Legge cave. | bk_leggejournal |
Sovngarde, a Reexamination | Bereditte Jastal | Speculation regarding Sovngarde. | bk_Sovngarde |
Tattered Note | Carnius Magius | Evidence of a violent hoax. | bk_colony_Toralf |
Thauraver's Orders | K. | A note ordering the execution of escaped slaves. Increases Security skill when read. | sc_sjobalnote |
The Song of Grandfather Frost | Not specified | Cut content. Increases Alchemy skill when read. | sc_GrandfatherFrost |
The Song of Uncle Sweetshare | Not specified | Increases Alchemy skill when read. | sc_unclesweetshare |
The Story of Aevar Stone-Singer | Not specified | A traditional Skaal fable involving a quest to recover the Gifts of the All-Maker. | bk_BM_Aevar |
Thirsk, a History | Bereditte Jastal | Information concerning the history and chieftains of Thirsk. | bk_ThirskHistory |
Thirsk, a History -- Revised | Bereditte Jastal | An updated edition, including a recent attack by The Udyrfrykte. | bk_ThirskHistory_revised_f bk_ThirskHistory_revised_m |