Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Main article: Books (Online)
For other uses, see Books.

The following is a list of all books that appear in The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind.

Books and letters[]

Title Author Collection Locations
A Guide to Dwemer Mega-Structures Vorinara Kleeve Vvardenfell Volumes
A Guide to Liturgical Vestments High Ordinator Vermethys Vvardenfell Volumes
A One-Time Offer Avus Notes and Memos
A Petition for the Mighty Nix-Ox Kylia Thando Vvardenfell Volumes
A Tale of Baar Dau Amili Drals, Pedagogue Vvardenfell Volumes
Adventurers Wanted! Anonymous [?]
An "Invitation" to Discovery Vvardenfell Volumes
Ancestral Tombs of Vvardenfell Librarian Bradyn Lore and Culture
Ancestral Tombs of the Thirty Revered Families Librarian Bradyn Vvardenfell Volumes
Archcanon Tarvus Interview Adjuvant Drumara Letters and Missives
Arowende's Diary Page 23 Arowende Diaries and Logs
Arowende's Diary Page 26 Arowende Diaries and Logs
Ascendant Champion's New Orders The Ascendant Champion The Impresario's Catalogue
  • Sword's Rest Isle
Ascendant Champion's Orders The Ascendant Champion [?]
  • Ascendant Order Hideout
Ascendant Order Note [?]
Ashlander Tribes and Customs Ulran Releth Vvardenfell Volumes
Assassin's Orders Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Ballad of Dranoth Hleran Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Bandit's Letter Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Barilzar's Hirelings Barilzar Vvardenfell Volumes
Black Snails Shipping Notice Captain Nisimal Mysteries and Clues
Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Afternoon Almalexia Vvardenfell Volumes
Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Evening Almalexia Vvardenfell Volumes
Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Morning Almalexia Vvardenfell Volumes
Blood-Soaked Letter Elasarha Vvardenfell Volumes
Bloody Note (Online) Foreman Nox Mysteries and Clues
Bothamul's Orders Bothamul Letters and Missives
Brave Little Scrib Song Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Buoyant Armigers: Swords of Vivec Tarvus Vvardenfell Volumes
Captain's Note Captain Svadstar Mysteries and Clues
Chodala's Writings Chodala Vvardenfell Volumes
Cogitation Log 1322331455212478 Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Come to Vvardenfell! Arturian Letters and Missives
Council Meeting Summons High Councilor Meriath Vvardenfell Volumes
Dark Elves, Dark Hearts Bakozog gro-Shakh Vvardenfell Volumes
Devotee Journal Maeli Sasamsi Vvardenfell Volumes
Diary Page Anonymous [?]
Discarded Journal Anonymous Personal Journals
Divayth Fyr's Notes Divayth Fyr Vvardenfell Volumes
Diviner's Journal Anonymous N/A
Drovos Research Notes 1 Drovos Vvardenfell Volumes
Drovos Research Notes 2 Drovos Vvardenfell Volumes
Drovos Research Notes 3 Drovos Vvardenfell Volumes
Drunken Aphorisms Midar Nelvilo Vvardenfell Volumes
Egg Mines and You! Kylia Thando Vvardenfell Volumes
Excavation Orders Anonymous N/A
Ferhara's Warclaws (Note) Captain Brivan Vvardenfell Volumes
Firuth's Writ Master Firuth None
Firuth's Writ of Endorsement Master Firuth Vvardenfell Volumes
For Glory! Anonymous Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Freshly-Penned Note Savarak Fels Mysteries and Clues
Gavros's Journal Gavros Vvardenfell Volumes
Gavros's Research Notes Gavros Vvardenfell Volumes
Good Travels! Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Guardian's Decree Anonymous N/A
HERE LIES KE'VAL Anonymous Hearts and Flowers
Halinjirr's Notes Halinjirr Vvardenfell Volumes
Hlaalu Construction Syndic Manaran Renim Vvardenfell Volumes
Hlaalu Letter Avlela Vvardenfell Volumes
Hlaalu Letter of Complaint Tirnur Nalyn, House Hlaalu Deputy Trade Viceroy Vvardenfell Volumes
Honorable Writs of Execution Enar Dren Vvardenfell Volumes
Honored Ancestors Anonymous Mysteries and Clues
House Redoran Advisory Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
House Redoran Orders Captain Brivan Vvardenfell Volumes
House Redoran Proclamation Anonymous Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
House Redoran Registry Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
How to Use the Tonal Inverter Barilzar Vvardenfell Volumes
Incarnate Aduri's Scroll Incarnate Aduri Vvardenfell Volumes
Incarnate Danaat's Scroll Incarnate Danaat Vvardenfell Volumes
Incarnate Ranso's Scroll Incarnate Ranso Vvardenfell Volumes
Instructions for Lothnarth Nelos Otheri Vvardenfell Volumes
Investigator Vale in Vvardenfell Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Journal of a Fallen Officer Falura Uveleth Vvardenfell Volumes
Kwama Breeding Research Notes (Flora) Anonymous Research Notes
Letter from Lady Arabelle Lady Arabelle Davaux [?]
  • Purchase from Crown Store
Letter to Councilor Dolvara High Councilor Meriath Vvardenfell Volumes
Letter to Eraven Therana Vvardenfell Volumes
Letter to Kharekh gra-Bagrat Marshal Hlaren Vvardenfell Volumes
Letter to Marshal Hlaren Mistress Rilasi Dren Vvardenfell Volumes
Letter to Master Rethan Foreman Nox Vvardenfell Volumes
Letter to Mertis J Vvardenfell Volumes
Letter to Savarak Nerandas Mysteries and Clues
Lord Vivec's Questions Vivec Words of the Poets
Magister's Writ Magister Therana Vvardenfell Volumes
Magister Otheri's Research Journal Nelos Otheri Vvardenfell Volumes
Mean Old Torchbug Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Meeting with Chodala Scribe Dakin Vvardenfell Volumes
Menaldinion's Advert Menaldinion Vvardenfell Volumes
Miner's Scrawled Note Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Miner's Warning Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Mistress Dratha's Journal Mistress Dratha Vvardenfell Volumes
Molag Mar Tax Records Anonymous Houses, Shops, and Trade
My Dearest Love Neeti-Ma Hearts and Flowers
My Golden Child Anonymous Mysteries and Clues
Narsis Dren and the Cursed Coffin Narsis Dren Vvardenfell Volumes
Nevena's Diary Nevena Nirith Diaries and Logs
Nix-Hounds: A Manual for New Owners Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Notice to All Research Assistants Anonymous Notes and Memos
Oath-Bound: An Outlander's Rise Vol. 1 Hassayd the Red Vvardenfell Volumes
Ode to Ethrandora Brelan Neloren Vvardenfell Volumes
Omaren Trial Transcript Nilvyn Omaren Vvardenfell Volumes
On Extending Existence Barilzar Vvardenfell Volumes
On Moving Ebonheart Archcanon Tarvus Vvardenfell Volumes
On the Clockwork City Barilzar Vvardenfell Volumes
Ongoing Journal of Galur Rithari Galur Rithari Vvardenfell Volumes
Ordinator Edict: Mandate Seven Inquisitor Nivos Uveran Vvardenfell Volumes
Ordinator Edict: Mandate Sixteen Inquisitor Nivos Uveran Vvardenfell Volumes
Ordinator Edict: Mandate Thirty-Four Inquisitor Nivos Uveran Vvardenfell Volumes
Ordinator Edict: Mandate Twenty-One Inquisitor Nivos Uveran Vvardenfell Volumes
Ordinator Edict: Mandate Twenty-Seven Inquisitor Nivos Uveran Vvardenfell Volumes
Ordinators: A Comprehensive Guide Tarvus, Archcanon of Vivec Vvardenfell Volumes
Pact Pamphlet: Congratulations! Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Page from Sun-in-Shadow's Journal Sun-in-Shadow Personal Journals
Pierced Note Veya Releth Vvardenfell Volumes
Prisoner's Testimony The Vestige Vvardenfell Volumes
Proven Moon Sugar Fertilization Techniques Anonymous Research Notes
Quarantine Notice Foreman Nox N/A
Recommended Methods of Moon Sugar Cultivation Anonymous Research Notes
Red Exile Instructions Chodala Vvardenfell Volumes
Red Mountain's Might Anrunn Frozen-Cove Vvardenfell Volumes
Red Mountain Drinking Song Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Report from Captain Brivan Captain Brivan Vvardenfell Volumes
Ridena's Letter to Drovos Ridena Devani Vvardenfell Volumes
Ritual of Appeasement Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Ruddy Man Rhyme Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Sadrith Mora Tax Records Anonymous Houses, Shops, and Trade
Scribbled Note (Online) Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Seythen's Journal Page Seythen Rendo Vvardenfell Volumes
Shrine Scavenging Journal Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Shrine of Daring Anonymous N/A
Shrine of Father of Mysteries Anonymous N/A
Shrine of Generosity Anonymous N/A
Shrine of Mother Morrowind Anonymous N/A
Shrine of Warrior-Poet Anonymous N/A
Silt-Strider Station Anonymous Handbills, Posters, and Decrees
Silt Strider Caravaner's Log Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Six are the Walking Ways Anonymous [?]
Skin Blights by Any Other Name Ravosa Ildram Vvardenfell Volumes
Slave Testimony from Arano Plantation Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Snorfin's Notes: Arkngthunch-Sturdumz Snorfin Vvardenfell Volumes
Songs of Vvardenfell Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Sun-in-Shadow's To Do List Sun-in-Shadow Mysteries and Clues
Teas and Tisanes for Aches and Pains Tilenra Sildreth Vvardenfell Volumes
Tel Fyr, Additional Specifications Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Telvanni Journal Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Telvanni Memo Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
Testament of Dandera Helas Priest Dandera Helas [?]
Testimonials on Baar Dau Minerva Calo, Associate Chronicler Vvardenfell Volumes
Testimonials on Mushroom Towers Minerva Calo, Associate Chronicler Vvardenfell Volumes
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 1 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 10 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 11 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • On a boat outside Master Kharekh's Residence between Vivec City and Suran.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 12 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • Just southeast of Ahemmusa Camp along the cliff's edge at an abandoned campsite.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 13 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 14 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 15 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • In the middle of Ald Carac, on a cart full of archery targets.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 16 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 17 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • Inside Athram's House (trespassing) in Tel Mora on the upstairs table.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 18 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 19 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • Inside Vedran's House (trespassing) in Tel Aruhn just inside the door sitting on a chair.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 2 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 20 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • On the eastern side of Shashpilamat near a dead body and a cart.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 21 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • Inside the fishing lodge east of Vassir-Didanat Mine sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 22 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 23 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 24 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 25 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 26 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 27 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • On top of the eastern stairs just outside the Tel Galen playerhome.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 28 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 29 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 3 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 30 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 31 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 32 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 33 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 34 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • Just east of Pulk on a bench next to a metal arch-shaped sitting area.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 35 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 36 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 37 Vivec Vvardenfell Volumes
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 4 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 5 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 6 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 7 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 8 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
  • Inside the Gathering House in Vos on a small table near the entrance.
The 36 Lessons: Sermon 9 Vivec Vivec's 36 Lessons
The Archcanon's Journal Archcanon Tarvus Vvardenfell Volumes
The Art of Kwama Egg Cooking Belami Llevarso Dungeon Lore
The Cliff-Strider Song Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes
The Flames of the Fetcherfly Zabia-ko Vvardenfell Volumes
The Grave of Skar Anrunn Frozen-Cove Vvardenfell Volumes
The Heart of Lorkhan, My Final Prize Artisan Lenarmen Vvardenfell Volumes
The Library of Andule Anonymous Lore and Culture
The Lure of the Camonna Tong Vorar Vendu, One-Time Camonna Tong Vvardenfell Volumes
The Nycotic Cult Ordinator Alurua of the Order of Doctrine and Ordination Vvardenfell Volumes
The Song of the Word Anonymous [?]
The Source of the Formula Gavros Vvardenfell Volumes
The Truth in Sequence: Volume 1 Deldrise Morvayn, Fourth Tourbillon of the Mainspring Ever-Wound Vvardenfell Volumes
The Truth in Sequence: Volume 2 Deldrise Morvayn, Fourth Tourbillon of the Mainspring Ever-Wound Vvardenfell Volumes
The Truth in Sequence: Volume 3 Deldrise Morvayn, Fourth Tourbillon of the Mainspring Ever-Wound Vvardenfell Volumes
The Truth in Sequence: Volume 4 Deldrise Morvayn, Fourth Tourbillon of the Mainspring Ever-Wound Vvardenfell Volumes
The Truth in Sequence: Volume 5 Deldrise Morvayn, Fourth Tourbillon of the Mainspring Ever-Wound Vvardenfell Volumes
The Truth in Sequence: Volume 6 Deldrise Morvayn, Fourth Tourbillon of the Mainspring Ever-Wound Vvardenfell Volumes
The Vile Truth of Barbas Pelagius Habor Vvardenfell Volumes
The Vvardvark Experiment Magister Varkenel, Telvanni Mage Vvardenfell Volumes
The Waiting Door Canon Nileno Nirith Vvardenfell Volumes
The Worth of Glass Raleth Heladren Vvardenfell Volumes
Understanding House Dres Solamar Dres, Grand Historian for the House Vvardenfell Volumes
Understanding House Hlaalu Hlaandu Hlaalu,
Grand Historian for the House
Vvardenfell Volumes
Understanding House Indoril Andor Indoril, Grand Historian for the House Vvardenfell Volumes
Understanding House Redoran Remoran Redoran, Grand Historian for the House Vvardenfell Volumes
Understanding the Living Gods Rigurt the Brash Vvardenfell Volumes
Unfinished Report Governor Omellian Mysteries and Clues
Varieties of Faith: The Dark Elves Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College Stonefalls Lore
Very Old Note Anonymous Mysteries and Clues
Volrina's Notes Volrina Quarra Vvardenfell Volumes
Vos Tax Records Anonymous Houses, Shops, and Trade
Vvardenfell Flora and Fauna Tilenra Sildreth Vvardenfell Volumes
Wakener's Sermon Wakener Maras Daedric Cults
Warning to Miners Foreman Nox Vvardenfell Volumes
Who are the Wardens? Lady Cinnabar of Taneth Skill Books
Wise-woman's Journal Page Anonymous Vvardenfell Volumes