- For this town's namesake, see Brackenleaf (Tree).
Brackenleaf is a town located in the region of Grahtwood, Valenwood. It is built around an ancient tree. The Brackenleaf's Briars are also based in the town.
- A Silken Garb – The Vestige rescues Firaelion from The Scuttle Pit.
- Brackenleaf's Briars – The Vestige is invited to join the Brackenleaf's Briars, a local organization.
- Bosmer Insight – The Vestige goes on a spirit journey, and learns the ways of the forest.
- Brackenleaf's Briar
- Caentholrin
- Eringor
- Gaerthir (wolf)
- Gelthedh
- Gelthiras
- Glaras (leader)
- Hednor (snake)
- Lereluin
- Mendil (quest – A Silken Garb)
- Miliril (tiger)
- Mongon